Laying of the parquet board: how to put it with your own hands, technology and video, how to put a parquet for glue, the installation is correct


Laying of the parquet board: how to put it with your own hands, technology and video, how to put a parquet for glue, the installation is correct

Stopping a parquet board is recommended after a thorough study of the theoretical part of the process. Parquet boards are not a new material. However, it is still considered one of the most beautiful and noble, types of floor finish. And not in vain, because the parquet board lined by patterns looks much exquisite and more beautiful than such as linoleum or tile. Since the price of this material is high enough, it is necessary to approach its installation with special accuracy. Of course, you can invite a parplertic professional, which in a short time it will put a parquet board on the floor, but its services are very expensive. We suggest you familiarize yourself with all possible ways of self-installing parquet.

Choose materials before putting parquet

The floor in the apartment is of great importance. It is not only the main element of the interior, but also performs the function of the surface on which heavy furniture is standing. Therefore, it is important that the floor looks attractive, and at the same time he has high strength and wear resistance.

One of the most best materials is parquet. Such gender not only has an excellent appearance, but also has excellent technological characteristics.

Laying of the parquet board: how to put it with your own hands, technology and video, how to put a parquet for glue, the installation is correct

Choose a parquet board follows from the size of the room, its design and financial capabilities

The price of the parquet board is high enough, because the real wood is used for its production. Unfortunately, unscrupulous manufacturers are often for the sake of profits make not high quality and sometimes even dangerous to health goods. Therefore, choose materials needed with special care.

A parquet board should consist of three layers. The first, it is facial, the layer is usually produced from expensive wood, the most noble materials are oak and a red tree. On top of the facial layer, several layers of varnish or special oil are applied. The second layer consists of short pine plates, for cheaper options, moisture-resistant plywood can be used. The last layer is a two-millimeter fir layer.

If you are going to lay parquet boards on a concrete, then the thickness of one element may vary from 10-15 mm. Laying the parquet board to lags, requires the thickness of the material about 2.5 cm.

Also, the device of parquet floor elements may differ in the number of lamellae. Boards can be single-graded or multi-band. It depends on how many elements of wood consists of the top layer.

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Basic floor preparation: Laying parquet board with their own hands

Parquet is, though durable material, but very capricious in the installation. The uneven floor base can lead to deformation and cracking of the boards, so it is so important to carry out the finish finish exclusively on the perfectly level basis.

Laying of the parquet board: how to put it with your own hands, technology and video, how to put a parquet for glue, the installation is correct

Before laying parquet board, the floor should be carefully cleaned from garbage and dust

How to prepare concrete floor to install parquet with your own hands:

  1. The first thing concrete is checked for the presence of irregularities, all protruding parts are knocked down with a metal spatula, and all the depressions are embarrassed by the cement composition. All dust and dirt from the surface is removed.
  2. If after that the difference still remains quite large (more than 3 mm per square meter. M), then the tie of the floor will need to be re-made. It is convenient to use self-leveling bulk sex.
  3. Further on the purified floor it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier film, while it should go on the walls by 5 cm.
  4. Now it is necessary to put the flooring. It can consist of a plug foamed polyurethane or any other substances. Such a setup performs heat-insulating functions, and also hides the shallow defects of the base and protects the parquet from concrete dust.

If you are placing the parquet on the wooden floor, then you may have some difficulties. If the floor is not in perfect condition, and some boards asked and crackdown, you will have to disassemble some boards to the lag, and replace them with new ones. Scripping or uneven, but a whole floor, you can strengthen using Phaneur.

Now that you know how to prepare the floor to install a parquet board, you can go directly to the study of the laying technology.

Laying parquet boards on glue

There are different ways to install a parquet board. Each of them is applied to a separate case. And they all have their advantages and disadvantages.

Professionals can lay out incredibly beautiful patterns from the parquet of the parquet. This technique requires greater experience and excellent fantasy, so newcomers make drawings from the parquet will not be able.

Laying of the parquet board: how to put it with your own hands, technology and video, how to put a parquet for glue, the installation is correct

Glue for a parquet board can be bought on the Internet or in any construction store

The most difficult, but very reliable carpet installation technology assumes a glue method. In this case, you can put the boards directly onto the concrete, without pre-flooring the film and the cork layer. The floor for the use of such a method should be perfectly smooth.

Installation of parquet boards with adhesive method:

  1. To glue well, the boards with the base must be applied to a concrete thick layer of high-quality primer.
  2. Now you need to put boards on the floor. At the same time, you can independently lay out some kind of not very complex pattern.
  3. Now you need to make glue. You can use the instruction that is on the package.
  4. The gluing of the first board begins with the corner of the room, which is from the opposite side of the wall. The first element is lubricated with glue and stacked angle along the wall. Installation in this way implies the gap between the wall and the floor from 0.6 to 1 cm. In this clearance, wedges are inserted.
  5. The second board must be glued to the first. They are knocked with each other with a wooden plank and rubber hammer.
  6. The last board in the row, most likely, will have to cut. The last and penultimate board glue the most difficult among themselves.
  7. The residue from the last plan of the previous series is used as the first board of the next. Print boards to each other, it is necessary to quickly so that the glue does not have time to dry.
  8. After the entire parquet is laid, the wedges are removed. And the joints and seams are closed with a crumb of cork of cork oak or a sealant on an acrylic basis

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To put parquet boards with adhesive way is quite possible. The main thing is to accurately fulfill all the rules and be extremely attentive.

Parquet Board Styling Technology Floating Mode

Laying of parquet boards by floating way is considered the simplest. At the same time, you can glue or simply mount the locks on the boards. The biggest advantage of this assembly option is that with its help under the power to collect the floor in just a few hours.

Laying of the parquet board: how to put it with your own hands, technology and video, how to put a parquet for glue, the installation is correct

If you do not have the experience of laying parquet boards by a floating way, it is better to turn to professionals that will make work quickly and efficiently

How to install a parquet floor by floating method:

  1. The procedure for the installation suggests that the ranks are stacked from the longest wall to the left of the right. The number of rows is calculated, and the width of the latter, if it is less than 4 cm, then all the boards of the first row are cut into width.
  2. In the first row of the board fit the lock to the wall, if necessary, the latter board is cut down in length.
  3. From trimming, which remained from the last board of the first row, the second row begins. The boards of the second row under the tilt are inserted into the grooves of the elements of the first row. When connecting the parts should be a click, which will indicate the correctness of your actions.
  4. All rows are put, so one by one. After completing the laying of a parquet board at the place of the junctions between the walls and the floor, the plinth is installed.

In order for two boards better to connect to each other, they can be tied with a rubber hammer. Outdoor flooring from a parquet board is steel quickly and easily, you should not have problems with its installation.

How to lay a parquet board using technical fasteners and glue on lags

It is possible to lower the parquet, not only on the concrete and plywood floor, but also on wooden lags. However, the preparation of such a surface will take longer. Yes, and the process of installing boards on lags is more laborious.

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With this method of laying, it is necessary to especially carefully prepare lags for installation. You can put a parquet board as adhesive and lock. Laying on lags is particularly relevant if you want to equip a warm floor.

Laying of the parquet board: how to put it with your own hands, technology and video, how to put a parquet for glue, the installation is correct

Before laying a parquet board using technical fasteners, it is worth watching a training video and read the recommendations of professionals.

The order of laying parquet boards for lags:

  1. Lags must be inspected for the presence of insects, irregularities and other possible damage.
  2. Lugges are installed with a small step and plywood sheets are attached. You can connect the lags with self-tapping screws.
  3. A substrate is put on the plywood base and parquet boards are installed on it. At the same time, their locks need not just to connect, but glue to each other.

After you place a parquet of a parquet board, you need to install plinths and thresholds. It is desirable that these decor elements coincide in color among themselves, then your interior will look interesting and harmoniously.

Floor care after mounting parquet board

Parquet is not a roofing material of the Runic, it is afraid of moisture and needs mandatory protection. Protection of the floor from adverse environmental factors will help special coatings such as varnish or wax.

Laying of the parquet board: how to put it with your own hands, technology and video, how to put a parquet for glue, the installation is correct

Parquet board can be washed using a conventional rag and water with a special tool.

Lucky form a durable and waterproof layer on the surface. They are on aquatic or synthetic basis. Usually, parquet boards are already covered with such means, but better after laying parquet to handle it one more layer of varnish.

A parquet floor protected by wax is not very resistant to moisture, so it can be washed only with a well-squeezed rag.

Oil and wax protection is not as strong as lacquer, but thanks to her, parquet acquires a unique appearance. In addition, such funds are absolutely safe for health, they are made exclusively from natural substances. To make such treatment it is necessary to apply a small amount of oil on a cloth and wipe the floor to it, then the oil-wax mixture is rubbed into the parquet board. Oil-wax protection must be updated annually.

How to lay a parquet board with your own hands (video)

Parquet board is the most of the most beautiful ways to finish the apartment. Such material is easier to mount than a parquet, but it looks no worse!

Floor design from parquet board (photo in the interior)

Laying of the parquet board: how to put it with your own hands, technology and video, how to put a parquet for glue, the installation is correct

Laying of the parquet board: how to put it with your own hands, technology and video, how to put a parquet for glue, the installation is correct

Laying of the parquet board: how to put it with your own hands, technology and video, how to put a parquet for glue, the installation is correct

Laying of the parquet board: how to put it with your own hands, technology and video, how to put a parquet for glue, the installation is correct

Laying of the parquet board: how to put it with your own hands, technology and video, how to put a parquet for glue, the installation is correct

Laying of the parquet board: how to put it with your own hands, technology and video, how to put a parquet for glue, the installation is correct

Laying of the parquet board: how to put it with your own hands, technology and video, how to put a parquet for glue, the installation is correct

Laying of the parquet board: how to put it with your own hands, technology and video, how to put a parquet for glue, the installation is correct

Laying of the parquet board: how to put it with your own hands, technology and video, how to put a parquet for glue, the installation is correct

Laying of the parquet board: how to put it with your own hands, technology and video, how to put a parquet for glue, the installation is correct

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