Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis


Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

By purchasing a bath, I want her for a long time for a long time to serve her owner and satisfied all his desires and needs. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the choice of this interior interior of the bathroom, and first of all to take into account the material from which the bathroom itself is made. Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Compare their characteristics and help you choose the one that is suitable for you.

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Comparative analysis

For your convenience, we have prepared a comparative table and conducted marketing research. With user ratings for each criterion, you can find in our table. We hope that this information will help you decide on the choice of bath.
Cast ironSteelAcrylic
Weightfrom 60 kg to 180 kgfrom 20 kg to 60 kgfrom 24 kg to 51 kg
StrengthVery durable and durable. Resistant to rust formation. Manufacturers give a guarantee up to 25 years.For strength and durability inferior to cast-iron baths. High-quality baths have the thickness of the steel from 3.5 mm. The German manufacturer of Kaldewei provides warranty on steel baths up to 35 years.Bath strength depends on the quality of the acrylic and the reinforcing layer. The more reinforcement layers - the stronger the bath. The most durable and durable - baths from the kvaril. Warranty period for coniferous baths up to 10 years.
Quality of coatingThe coating can be separated during mechanical exposure. White enamel is characterized by white and glitter. Enamel can be enriched with silver ions.Enamel can get off when mechanically exposed.High-quality acrylic coating does not shine. It can be both smooth and rough anti-slip.
The possibility of repairing the coatingEnamel can be restored, but the service life of the new coating will be about 5 years.Enamel can be restored, but the service life of the new coating will be about 5 years.Acrylic coating can be easily restored, the service life of the new bathing will be up to 15 years.
Sound absorbing properties when filling with waterAlmost silentHigh noise. Most manufacturers offer noise absorbing pads.Beckshamna
Thermal conductivityIt has thermal inertia - the bath slowly heats up, and the water in it lasts a long time.It has high heat transfer. It is quickly heated, and the water in it quickly cools.Low thermal conductivity. Water in such a bath is very slowly cooled. Withstand temperatures up to 60 degrees.
Variety of shapesNo variety of forms are not distinguished. Basically rectangular baths are produced.Various design baths and forms are available.The largest variety of forms. The material allows designers to create the most unusual baths.
Color solutionsSmall selection of colors. Basically produced white baths.Small selection of colors. Basically produced white baths.Baths can be different colors and shades. The color of acrylic baths is resistant to abrasion. It is possible to manufacture baths with graphic pattern of various color combinations.
InstallationCarrying the bath to one person is not under power. Because of the greater weight, participation in the installation work, at least three people. The bathroom is solid and during operation does not "walk" and does not depart from the walls. Does not require additional structures.Possible self-mounting bath. The bath is not stable and requires additional structures for installation (foundation or special strapping).Installation process can be done yourself. The bath is installed on special designs and requires good fixation. The coniferous baths are more stable, they can be installed without additional fasteners and strapping.
CareCoating is resistant to the effects of chemical detergents. It is desirable not to apply abrasive agents and rigid sponges.Coating is resistant to the effects of chemical detergents. It is desirable not to apply abrasive agents and rigid sponges.Requires careful care. Sensitive to the effects of aggressive household chemicals, abrasives and rigid sponges. At a temperature of about 100 degrees, the acrylic coating may be deformed.
Costfrom 7000 rublesfrom 2800 rublesfrom 4300 rubles

Each type of baths can be complemented by a hydromassage system. How to choose a jacuzzi with hydromassage, read in another article.

More information about the characteristics

Consider in more detail each of these types of baths.

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Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Cast iron

Cast iron baths were in Trend many years ago, but with the development of technologies, the interest in them did not fall, and they are still in demand among the population.

The bath, made of cast iron, is undoubtedly the product is durable and durable. Perhaps these two criteria are not better characterized by a cast-iron bath. Another positive moment is thermal conductivity. Cast iron is a material that is heated long, but also a long cooling. So be sure that hot water in such a bath will not cool for a long time. To cool down to the temperature of your bathroom, you need such a bath for about one and a half hours. During this time you will have time to soak in fluffy foam and fully relax.

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Cast iron - the material soundproofing. Chucking water, be calm: your family does not interfere with the sound of the water.

The most important minus of the cast iron bath is its weight. It is very heavy, with a length of one and a half meters, weighs a hundred kilograms. Therefore, if your apartment is not on the first floor, then the delivery and installation of the product will cause the corresponding difficulties. But weight is not only a flaw, there is an advantage in it. Already, if you installed your cast-iron bath, where they wanted, then be sure - she will not move anywhere. The stability of the product is guaranteed. Therefore, it is convenient to put such a bath to the wall. It will not be left for her.

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Cast iron bath needs very careful care, Since its covering layer, and this is a waterproof enamel, it is possible to damage with inaccurative cleaning or operation. It is possible to restore it yourself, but due to complex repair technologies, it is better to refer to specialists.

Cast iron baths will not please you with a variety of their species and forms. Unfortunately, they won't call them original. The overseas manufacturer, of course, makes some interesting moments in design. For example, beautiful legs with gold trim or extra handles and armrests that provide security. The legs can be adjusted and the height of the bath is installed in accordance with your own desires. Note that such baths weigh are less than the domestic manufacturer.

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Cast-iron bath can be equipped with hydromassage. With light and air bubbles, she will take its owner just to the top of bliss. If you care for the cast-iron bathroom, then such a product will delight you about 50 years.

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Corner baths can be found from any material, but they are made from the cast iron very rarely.

Enonale coating innovation

Many years have passed since the first cast iron bath was made. Modern technologies allow you to improve the quality and appearance and, of course, the cast-iron bath of our time will not compare with the created long time.

As before, the cast iron first fill the desired form. Next, the surface is aligned, polished and made smooth. All uneven places are removed. Here on this perfectly flat base and apply a coating of enamel. Enamel is one of the most important parameters that determine the quality of the product. In order for such a product to light up its owner, not one ten years, the manufacturer adds various impurities - barium, cobalt. The bath is obtained very beautiful: snow-white and shiny.

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Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Why are baths of a domestic manufacturer heavier imported? Just the Russian baths layer cast iron thicker. In foreign manufacturers, on the contrary: the cast-iron layer is less, and the enamel coating is thicker. Manufacturers enrich enamel silver ions. It is no secret that silver has antibacterial and disinfectant properties. Therefore, its use in such a sphere is simply indispensable. Such a bath is not just beautiful, but also good for health.

Another component of the enamel is a titanium salt. It provides smoothness and makes such a more wear-resistant bath. In the sale you can find pig-iron baths, in which the lacquer coating consists of three layers. Such a bath resembles a bath made from acrylic.

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

We advise you to read our article on how to choose a cast-iron bath.


Acrylic baths are the result of scientific and technological progress. They are younger than cast iron baths, but already have their own fans. Such a product is not very difficult, so it is convenient to install it, move. Yes, and with the delivery of problems there are no special problems. Apparent at first glance fragility, deceptive. Acrylic bath is quite durable and reliable. Such a bath has a flat brilliant surface, which over time does not lose its original color. Bath made of acrylic lasts warmth. In half an hour, the temperature of the water in it will become below just one degree.

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Another plus is noise insulation. Water is absorbed almost silently. Acrylic bath is easy to operate and leaving. It is enough to wipe it with a sponge using the usual detergent. Strong chemical and abrasive drugs are categorically prohibited. They can harm the acrylic surface.

Scratches that may appear in the course of careless operation of the acrylic bath can be eliminated by using a polyroli or liquid acrylic if the scratch is very deep.

About the pros, minuses, acrylic bath manufacturers, read another article.

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Wash in the acrylic bath of your four-way pets is not recommended. It can scratch the bath surface.

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Acrylic baths are affected by their variety of forms. Since the material is quite plastic, the manufacturer offers round, oval, corner baths. Therefore, their use can be a beautiful and unusual addition of the bathroom, and in some cases become a bold design solution.

Another, no less important advantage of acrylic baths is their hygiene . Acrylic is a material that will slow down the spread of bacteria in a wet bathroom microclimate.

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

New technologies in the production of acrylic

To begin with, we will understand what is the raw material for the manufacture of acrylic baths. Acrylic is a polymer substance, in the essence of the same plastic. In order to make a bath, a sheet of acrylic is needed, from which a bath is blowing in vacuum chambers. The sheet has different thickness, but in general it should not be less than 5 millimeters.

There is a relationship between the thickness of the acrylic sheet and its plasticity. The thick sheet acrylic beats worse. Therefore, the high-quality acrylic bath will not have some complex and intricate forms.

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Made at the first stage of the bath is still far from its final appearance. In essence, it is just a plastic basin that can be easily deformed. Next comes the reinforcement process. Several layers of a special resin are applied to the surface, which, when frozen, retains the shape of the bath. At some plants, this is handmade. The strength and quality of the product depends just on the number of such layers. They can be viewed with a naked eye.

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You can check the quality of the acrylic bath on the principle of testing watermelon on the market, that is, knock. If the sound is deaf, then you can safely acquire such a bath. A ringing sound indicates a thin layer of reinforcement, and this is already a sign of poor quality. The thicker layer, the more expensive the bath. By purchasing a cheap acrylic bath, you are very risking.

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Technologies do not stand still. So now there are already baths made of kvaril (quartz + acrylic). Quartz makes acryl durable, so the reinforcement process simply disappears. Such baths are no longer "blowing", but cast. Pigeon baths are very durable. A heavy item that fell into such a bath will not leave either scratches on it or dents. Of course, such a bath is a bit harder than the usual acrylic, but in comparison with the cast iron, it is easier.

Read more about how to choose a better acrylic bath, read in another article.

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis


Steel bath is a budget option. Steel baths are cheaper than baths from other materials. There are, of course, dear steel baths. In appearance, they are practically no different from cast-iron baths due to enamel coating. And it is possible to determine the material of the manufacture, only knocking on the edge of the product. Such a bath can serve as about 15 years old.

The bath made of steel is very light. Therefore, installation and installation of special difficulties will not cause. In view of the plasticity of the material, manufacturers offer a variety of forms of steel baths. You can choose what the soul will wish.

Read more about how to choose a cast-iron bath, read in another article.

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

The biggest drawback is its thermal conductivity. Water in such a bath cools catastrophically quickly. It will not be able to soak and relax after a difficult day. Otherwise, you will have to constantly add hot water. And this is not economical.

When you gain water in a steel bath, then all the inhabitants of your apartment will know about it. The sound will be ringing loud. Foreign manufacturers try to make this sound muffled and use rubber gaskets. But it is only a little mild the sound from water flowing into it.

When choosing a steel bath, you need to pay attention to the wall thickness. Thin walls can deform, enamel will crack.

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis

Which bath is better: cast iron, steel or acrylic? Comparative analysis


What bath to choose? Decision of this issue, of course, individually. If there are not much money, you will have to buy a steel bath. We will have to put up with a rapid cooling of water and noise with water set. But thanks to different forms, you can pick up a bath, which will be the perfect solution to your bathroom.

The advantages of acrylic in its thermal conductivity and noise insulation. Plus the fact that all scratches can be corrected at home. The restoration process is pretty simple. Any specialized store will offer you such a set for an acceptable price. Acrylic baths can be additionally equipped with hydromassage and turn into a cozy corner for spa procedures. The forms of such baths are as diverse.

The cast iron bath is very heavy. Problems will arise in installation. If you are inappropriately broke off a piece of such a bath, then it will not be possible to give a primordial type of product. Restore the cast iron baths are very difficult, and in some cases it is impossible. But despite this, most importantly - durability. Cooling water in such a bath is slower than in acrylic. Modern manufacturers turn such a bath to real work art by adding exquisite parts. Cast iron bath - Durable product.

In any case, before you buy a bath, it follows it to "try." Many shops allow their buyers to climb into the baths to understand whether the client will be convenient and comfortable in it.

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