Tree simulator: water-based colors, white with their own hands, photo oil and bleached oak, toning


Tree simulator: water-based colors, white with their own hands, photo oil and bleached oak, toning

There is a wide variety of vehicles for wood, differing in color and composition The tree will always be popular, because it is a beautiful and environmentally friendly material. However, like all the natural elements of the decor, the boards are afraid of moisture, and are a favorite habitat of insects, fungi, mold and other microorganisms. In order to increase the service life of things made of wood species, various protective equipment and antiseptics are used. Today we will talk about such a wonderful substance as a verse, with its help you can not only solve some problems associated with the premature damage to the wooden materials, but also give our products an unusual and noble appearance.

What is a wood veil

A tree is a durable and durable material that is subject to the influence of adverse environmental factors, therefore, to protect products from it from possible damage, they must be treated with special means. In the construction market, you can find a huge number of different antiseptics, varnishes and other impregnation, changing the color and some properties of wood, the most popular and inexpensive goods are Morilka. Some people think that simulators are used only to change the color of the subject, but this wonderful drug has other properties.

Tree simulator: water-based colors, white with their own hands, photo oil and bleached oak, toning

Select the color of the wood for wood, depending on the interior design

The properties of the veneer can vary depending on their composition. However, even if you make such a tint with your own hands, it will still have some protective properties.

Properties of Morilok:

  1. If you want to change not only the color of the tree, but also to highlight it with the texture, then the veil - just what you need. It does not paint completely drawing, like paint, but gives all the product a nice shade.
  2. Woodwood will protect furniture from insects and rotting, while retaining the texture and drawing of wood.
  3. The simulator is a protective agent that increases the duration of the service of wooden items and stands several times cheaper varnishes and paints. In addition, due to its water consistency, it penetrates deeper into the wood structure.
  4. With the help of the veil, it can be done so that even inexpensive pine, painted with colored beyce, will look like a noble and strong oak and an exotic red tree.
  5. Morilka toning can clarify wood. This technique is particularly often used before painting wooden products.
  6. The impregnation of the verse will strengthen the structure of the tree and give it a light moisture protection property.

Not all verses have the above qualities. To understand what kind of verse you need, you need to read its composition, and see what the instructions for use says. By the way, you can handle Beans not only one-piece wooden boards, but also chipboard, objects from plywood or parquet and other wooden crafts.

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Water-based wood veil and alcoholic bents

Morlogs on a water basis are the most eco-friendly baisses. They do not have a sharp unpleasant odor and easy to use.

Such a means can be sold as dry, or a ready-made mixture. Such dyes are most popular due to the low price and the possibility of their use, both internal and external work.

Tree simulator: water-based colors, white with their own hands, photo oil and bleached oak, toning

Water-based wood medelide is capable of significantly improve the appearance of a wooden coating.

The main characteristics of the aquatic vehicle:

  1. Morleeons on water-based colors are very diverse. With their help, you can create a very interesting overflowing effect.
  2. You can use water beans without fear of your health. Even at the highest temperatures, such funds do not allocate harmful evaporation.
  3. If you decide to the experiment, and you wonder: "What kind of vehicle to choose that it can be laundered?" - That Water Beyz is what you need. Such a toning agent can be easily washed with water, so it is impossible to paint the floor.
  4. Tinting a wooden surface with this means, makes it a more noticeable texture. Unfortunately, the product becomes more sensitive to moisture, so it will need to be lacquered.

Tinnate such impregnating the smallest species of trees is extremely undesirable because they can catch ugly stains. For such products it is better to use alcohol impregnations.

How much does the alcohol impregnation dry? Almost a few seconds! This property is simultaneously an advantage and disadvantage. Thanks to it, you can cover with alcoholic beyca with a sports rifle, and to use it in a few minutes, but you can only starve the paintopult, otherwise the surface of the product will cover with unpleasant divorces and stains, even lacquer will not help correct the situation. Alcohol impregnation of alcohol and dyes.

Told treatment with such impregnation will make it more resistant to ultraviolet and high humidity. However, due to the unpleasant smell of such a means, working with it is possible only in the open space.

Benefits of simulators on oil base and wax and acrylic beans

Morid on an oil base has a large range of colors and shades. It costs more than aquatic beans, but she has more useful properties. Such a drug can be used not only to change the color of the product, but also to underline its texture.

Processing wood with an oil-based material is easily and convenient, it is applied with a thin layer and does not raise the fibers of the product. Also, such a toning does not fade under the influence of sunlight, gives the resistance tree to the temperature drops and protects it from moisture. You can remove the spots of the oil baker using a solvent White Spirita, it can also be a little brightened with a painted tree. It differs from similar in the properties of the compositions in that it does not need varnish for its fixing. For disadvantages of petrolers, oil belongs: long drying of tinting and its toxicity.

Tree simulator: water-based colors, white with their own hands, photo oil and bleached oak, toning

Can be applied on an oil base using a conventional brush

It is very important to find the versa of the responsible and conscientious manufacturer. Sudi, according to reviews, the most popular firms are Vartan, Latent, Novbythim and Herlack.

Acrylic and wax vertices are very simple in applying, they fall into a homogeneous layer and do not leave spots and divorces. However, due to the rapid dryness of such beans, it is necessary to work with them very quickly.

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Wax vehicle is used to protect the tree from moisture. It can handle parquet. Such Bez is unstable to mechanical damage, so to extend its service life, it is better to use varnish.

Acrylic, it is a rustic, the stool perfectly emphasizes the texture of the tree. With it, you can get a variety of shades, so this drug is so popular. The tree scratched with such Bez will still need to operate with several layers of varnish.

Colors of Morilok for Tree

Tree simulats differ not only in composition, they are of different colors and shades. The dark mixture is most often used, it gives products a more noble view. With the help of such verses, ordinary larch and maple can turn into an oak board.

Modern Beans can give the tree the most unusual shade. However, to this day, the most popular is the gamma of natural woody colors.

Tree simulator: water-based colors, white with their own hands, photo oil and bleached oak, toning

Before choosing a color of the wood for wood, it is worth examining designers recommendations

The most popular color gamut veils:

  • Oak;
  • Teak;
  • Pine;
  • Birch;
  • Bleached nut;
  • Plum; the Red tree;
  • Olive;
  • Rosewood;
  • Beech.

There are a lot of such examples. It is noteworthy that the names of one shade of different firms can be very different. Choosing the color of Baits, first of all, pay attention not to the color palette, which is printed on the package, and samples applied to birch boilers.

It is also important to take into account that the intensity of the color of the veil depends on the tree of the tree to which it is applied. Give a dark shade of the product if the wood from which it is made light, it will be more difficult than to darken an oak object. The non-aqueous veil will not be able to clean the pine board quite well, if it is not previously desalted, but the beans on a water basis are generally unsuitable for resinous woody.

White Morishing for Tree

To give furniture white color, it is not necessary to paint it. For such a work, the clarifying veil is suitable, which will not only make the product lighter, but also emphasize its structure.

The wood simulator is designed not only to give the product a lighter shade, but also to protect it from the unfavorable conditions of the surrounding world. It is very important to take into account, considering different types of such a fund as what you will apply it. If there is a risk that moisture will be shedding on the surface of the elevated item, then it is best to use wax, oil and acrylic drugs, but if your handicraft is in a dry and ventilated place, the aqueous baker will fit.

Tree simulator: water-based colors, white with their own hands, photo oil and bleached oak, toning

With the help of white verse, you can visually expand the room, applying it to the flooring or on the walls of the tree

With the help of white vehicle, it is possible to achieve a very interesting effect and make a compiled coating. It is first necessary to paint the white-colored vessel on a water basis, after it dries, the item must be treated with a rigid brush. In the resulting pores on wood, the wax or oil bayes of dark color is rubbed.

Using a water mill, do not forget about the protective layer. The scratched product needs to be treated with wax or oil.

Bright beans do not always have a bright expressed color. There is a colorless veil, which is applied solely to protect the tree from unfavorable natural factors.

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How to make a sample with your own hands

It is not necessary to buy a ready-made veil. Mixing dyes, such as coffee, a few drops of iodine or chips of black cortex, and some chemical elements, it can be done at home. The homemade veil is not only effective, it is also natural.

Several recommendations, how to make a verse yourself:

  1. In the glasses of water, tapping a glass of larch bark. It is possible to cover products from birch to the resulting means, it will give them a beautiful reddish tint.
  2. Split dried walnut shell into powder and tailor for ten minutes. The resulting decoction must be mixed with soda. Cover with a solution with light wood, and it will acquire a brown shade. If you want to change the color of the product, you can handle it with vinegar or potassium bichromate. In the first case, the shade will be gray, and in the second red.
  3. Custard tea or coffee can be treated with different shades. The intensity of colors depends on the fortress of welding.
  4. Magnantic solution you paint the product into a cherry color.
  5. Red shade can be achieved by showing rusty nails in vinegar for several days. The black simulator is obtained by adding oak leaves or walnut to acetic solution.

Tree simulator: water-based colors, white with their own hands, photo oil and bleached oak, toning

To properly make a veil with your own hands, you need to preview the training video

Self-simulators do quite often. They are turned on eco-friendly and harmless. Unfortunately, they all have a property to fade, so to save the color of the product, on top of the beats you need to apply a layer of varnish.

Tinting of the wood by Morilka: Step-by-step instructions

In order for the product to look neat and beautiful, it is necessary to cover it with a mourn. With poorly applying Baitsa, he can faded after a few weeks, also, without observing the technology of the sea, you risk getting the surface covered with divorces.

How to properly cover the vessels:

  1. First of all, you need to remove the layer of old paint from the surface of the product. You can do this using sandpaper.
  2. Next, the surface is dengulated with alcohol, White with spirit or gasoline. If the product is made of resinous trees, it is despicable.
  3. The veil is heated and applied with a thin layer on the surface of the product. The top of the subject is processed first. The layers are applied from above, one to another until the desired shade is reached.

After the simulator dries, the product must be covered with several layers of varnish. Before applying a new layer, dried varnish is treated with fine-grained sandpaper.

Tree simulator (video)

Morilka is a great way to replace one color of the tree to another. Such means are of different species, they can have different compositions and colors. Use the simplifier correctly, and your award will be a beautiful product.

Details: Colors of vehicles for wood (photo examples)

Tree simulator: water-based colors, white with their own hands, photo oil and bleached oak, toning

Tree simulator: water-based colors, white with their own hands, photo oil and bleached oak, toning

Tree simulator: water-based colors, white with their own hands, photo oil and bleached oak, toning

Tree simulator: water-based colors, white with their own hands, photo oil and bleached oak, toning

Tree simulator: water-based colors, white with their own hands, photo oil and bleached oak, toning

Tree simulator: water-based colors, white with their own hands, photo oil and bleached oak, toning

Tree simulator: water-based colors, white with their own hands, photo oil and bleached oak, toning

Tree simulator: water-based colors, white with their own hands, photo oil and bleached oak, toning

Tree simulator: water-based colors, white with their own hands, photo oil and bleached oak, toning

Tree simulator: water-based colors, white with their own hands, photo oil and bleached oak, toning

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