Choose the best small bath


Choose the best small bath

Little Bath is just a find for those who have a bathroom area does not allow you to install a bath of standard or larger sizes. It is not necessary to assume that its size will cause inconvenience in terms of use. It's all about the model that will ideally solve the problem of comfort and occupied space. This problem solves all 100% producers who will satisfy the requests of any very arrogant client. They offer such mini-models that are not inferior and sometimes exceed the standard analogues in size.

Choose the best small bath


To begin with, we define in terminology: a bath, what sizes can be attributed to the mini parameter? No more clear sizes are provided, but if you adhere to the standard with a dieline 150-170 cm., 70-75 cm wide, then all that is less than this can be attributed to mini-baths.

Once a non-standard bath found was very problematic. Now such a problem has disappeared. You can purchase an already ready instance or order in your parameters.

Choose the best small bath

Dimensions and forms

Angle mini-bath is one of the most popular models. Agree, if the bathroom area is so small that it simply lacks the place for installation and shower, and the bathtub, the angular mini-bath is the only option. Of course, the position lying for this type of bath is available only to a child. Manufacturers offer mini-baths of various forms: triangular, oval, quadrangular, with rounded edges, etc. There are baths of even the most unusual forms that are already special design developments and are intended for a particular interior.

Choose the best small bath

Bath shape plays an important role in the interior of the bathroom. After all, you can pick up a nasal bath, but long. Then the feeling from swimming in such a bath almost will not differ from the process in a bath of standard sizes. And there will be much less place to take such a bath. Thus, you will save the already limited space. Either use it with a benefit for installation, such as shelves or foam for trifles and bathroom facilities. Many mini-bath manufacturers are designed with the calculation of the maximum comfort so that they can be at least in the half-time position. And if it is a sitting mini-bath, then it should also be comfortable.

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Choose the best small bath

A mini-bath in the form of a bowl is an equally attractive model. In the course of operation, the owner is convinced not only in its economy of occupied space, but also comfort. She is pleased to be deep, so plunge into the sea of ​​foam and relax - this is quite an accessible pleasure that such a bath can deliver. In general, mini-baths usually have the wrong form. Based on this, they can be classified into asymmetric, deep and seats. Experts argue that the most convenient is considered a short and wide bathtub. Such parameters are entirely satisfying the angular bath.

Choose the best small bath

Materials manufacturing and technical equipment

One of the most important parameters, guided by which, you should choose a bath, is the material of manufacture. It depends on how much your mini-bath will be durable and high quality. In the manufacture of baths use various materials.

Based on this, the mini-bath is:

  • cast-iron
  • steel
  • acrylic
  • A acrylic and polymer mixture.

Consider their advantages and disadvantages.

Choose the best small bath

Choose the best small bath

Choose the best small bath

Cast iron

This is a peer of our progenitors. One of the very first materials used for the production of baths is cast iron. Material strong and powerful. In the times of the so-called "stagnation", finding a cast-iron bathtub of unusual forms and sizes was commemorated.

Now the manufacturer offers cast iron baths both all sorts of forms and sizes and colors.

Pros of baths from this material:

  • cool not fast
  • It is installed easily and serves a long time,
  • There are no problems with washing and cleaning.


  • very heavy,
  • expensive.

Choose the best small bath

Choose the best small bath

Choose the best small bath


Steel is a reliable material, but it is difficult to handle in production conditions. In order for the bath to have a proper look, use special enamel, which is applied as an outdoor coating. Only then the steel bath will acquire a beautiful and pleasant appearance.

Steel bath has one drawback: Water pretty quickly cools, which is not very comfortable.

By weight, it is, of course, it is easier three times than the cast iron bath. In this regard, it is easy to establish. Another plus is its cost. For a little money, you acquire practicality and durability, which is important in our days.


The most popular material and those who are engaged in manufacturing, and those who acquire - acrylic. The designers create baths of the most extraordinary shapes and sizes, as acrylic is easy to process.

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Cons Acrylic baths:

  • high cost
  • Liability.

The bath from acrylic is very fragile, it can be easily "injured" by some heavy item.

Despite this, she has a lot of benefits:

  • Durability, since the material is wear-resistant.
  • Small weight, which is very convenient when installing it and installation.
  • Well maintains heat (approximately as cast iron)

So, filling such a bath with water, you will long enjoy warmth and comfort. Statistics state that 6 out of 10 buyers prefer an angular bath from acrylic. Especially since it comes to any design.

Choose the best small bath

Choose the best small bath

Choose the best small bath

A mixture of polymer concrete and acrylic

Symbiosis of these two components gives a wide field to implement a wide variety of design solutions. The shape of such baths can resemble a drop, fan, petal and much more. An interesting texture in the form of a natural stone looks attractive and manitis of buyers. But pleasure is expensive.

When choosing a small bath, add a hydromassage.

When they are installed, a whole range of components, ranging from hydraulic pump, system of nozzles and nozzles and ending with a compressor and remote control (electronic or pneumatic), which adjusts the aqueous stream. It is advisable to use cascade mixers. Then water in the bath will be closed much faster.

Choose the best small bath

Choose the best small bath

Choose the best small bath

Tips for choosing

When you choose a bath, pay attention to the following points:

  • Bath size. If your apartment is the most common, let's say so typical, then the bathroom, the size of 150 cm perfectly fit into any room.
  • Carefully inspect your future acquisition so that when installing there is no unpleasant surprises (scratches, chips or any other defects);
  • Be sure to check the work of the legs that adjust the height of the bath;
  • Find out what material is the bath. This is a very important point, as it affects the price, preservation of the temperature of the water, practicality, installation.
  • Pay attention to Safety: Does Handles and Corrugated Baths have a bathtub.

Choose the best small bath


Sitting bath is a very popular model today. It is compact and universal. It may be an angular, and ordinary form. Such a bath often has a seat.

Sizes of seating baths are a variety of. Therefore, everyone can choose for itself exactly what is suitable for its bathroom. Plus these baths also in economical water flow.

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In the cities of our country a very large number of so-called "Khrushchev". For such small-sized apartments, a seating bath will be an excellent solution. The shape of a seating bath can be chosen as the soul wishes.

Manufacturers offer a wide selection. Choosing, do not forget about the tips that we shared with you sections above.

Choose the best small bath

Montage with your own hands

You can install the bath with specialists, but it is also a completely realized task. The first stage of work is the measurements of the corner bath. We use roulette. The angle of the wall, where the bath will be installed, it is necessary to put in order. Walls must be cleaned and lined with putty. It is necessary to adhere to the angle of the wall 90 °, as one of the corners of the mini-bath is also 90 °. These parameters must be observed. Use the carbon for construction.

You can install the bath in two ways:

  • Prepare the basis and on it already put the bath on the legs.
  • Secure the bath itself on the fasteners, and then on the legs.

Next, you should set the bath smoothly using the level. Lay the length from the floor to the bottom of the bath.

Then lay out the foundation for the future bath:

  1. Construct a pedestal of bricks. Its height should be slightly less than the measurements above.
  2. As a binding element, we take cement. About twelve watches it will be needed to dry the basis. We must check if our sewage is flowing. Eliminate the problems if there are available.
  3. If the bath has additional fasteners for adjacent walls, then you will perform holes for them. Without a perforator, do not do here.
  4. The junction of the walls and plumbing in order to avoid leaks need plinth.
  5. The pedestal of bricks can be given aesthetic species, reagreeing it with a facing material. During the installation, do not damage your bath. Be careful!

Choose the best small bath

And in conclusion, some advice on the arrangement of the interior with a mini-bath. Do not use large-sized items in your bathroom. Cabinets and shelves on the walls are transparent. It is stylish, and visually facilitates the interior.

Doors, partitions should also be light and translucent. Do not install a huge and fastened sink. She will not look at the backdrop of a mini-bath. Better, something with strict forms. So do not despair, if you have a bathroom with small sizes. Take advantage of our advice and turn it into a cute and cozy corner.

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