Corner photo wallpaper for two walls


Features style

Despite the fact that wallpapers, in most cases, are provided for sticking to one of the walls of the room, they can also be used in the corner. With a proper approach, the angular photo wallpapers on two walls can be used very effectively. Of course, not for each plot, this location will be successful. However, then a distortion that appears when sticking to any photo in such a place can be represented in such a way that it will be able to turn out from an explicit minus a clear plus and even become a special "highlight" of the room.

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

An interesting feature is that angular photo wallpapers on the wall (photos of many options of which are presented in the galleries of this article), is that such solutions can be used not only for internal, but also for external corners. If we talk about external angles, then using the photo wallpaper in these places of the room, it is possible to seem to visually "smooth out" them, and create a visual illusion that the angle is rather one of the parts of the wall, and not something that acts from her. At the same time, it should be understood that the optimal shades to solve the problems of this type are nonryar, calm and neutral tones.

Attention! The use of this designer reception helps at least partly disguise some disadvantages of the indoor space.

By the way, especially relevant to the use of angular photo wallpapers can become in those corners that are not direct (90 degrees), but sharp or vice versa, stupid. Nevertheless, you need to remember about the fact that in such places it is desirable to use wallpaper with some drawings, and not with straight lines. The fact is that in such cases they will only exacerbate the situation by exposing obvious disadvantages if you can say that "Phase". Therefore, it is better to abandon the strips, both vertical and horizontal, as well as contrasting images. The best solution will be the choice in favor of something neutral, visually smoothing protruding angles.

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By the way, in such cases, photographs with different colors will be able to become an excellent option. For better familiarization with them, you can see the ideas of designing wallpapers with roses, as well as daisies and tulips.

Features of registration

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

In order for the angular wallpapers into two walls to look harmoniously and well coped with the basic functions, it is necessary to be carried out at least, the basic rules of design. How to be in such cases? What you need to know to correctly pick up the wallpaper in the corner of the room? In fact, there are several solutions, tips and recommendations. Let's look at the most popular of them:

  1. As noted by a little earlier, the use of floral motifs can be an interesting solution.
  2. For direct angles equal to 90 degrees, you can use contrast pictures or images in which dark tones are combined with light.
  3. If we are talking about a small room with dark walls or insufficient amount of natural sunlight, it is desirable to use as vivid variants of photo wallpaper for corners as possible. Any designer who is engaged not only by the interiors is well known that light and bright colors have such a feature as a visual expansion. Dark shades, on the contrary, visually narrow.
  4. Well, finally, about the same thing can be said about the possibility of visual change in the height of the walls of the room. If, as it is customary to say, the ceiling is low enough, it is best to glue the photo wallpaper with something high. It may be a skyscraper, tower, lonely standing tree or something like that. And on the contrary, if you need to create the illusion of a wider space in a small and narrow room, it is desirable to use plots in which the main emphasis is placed in the direction "Washir". It can be: a wide sea bay, field, sprawling shrubs and other similar images.

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Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

This is all about what is desirable in such places of plots, images and choice of color scheme. If we say about what is better not to use in such places, then the following points should be noted:

  1. A little higher was noted possible benefit from the use of contrast when choosing a color scheme. On the one hand, this is true. Nevertheless, you can not remake with it, since such an image can look not attractive and harmonious, but a little naive and ridiculous.
  2. Also avoid sticking photo wallpaper with portraits.
  3. It is important to take into account the height on which objects are pasted. It is necessary that they look natural, locating at the level of your eyes, and not too low or high.


Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

If we talk about how similar wallpapers can be manufactured from what material, it should be noted that the main varieties are not so much. And, as a rule, they coincide with the materials that are used in the production of ordinary roll wallpaper. So, here are their brief list:

  • Wall mural from Vinyl. In fact, the vinyl canvas are a fairly well-known trend on the wallpaper market. They possess a significant number of advantages, among which - durability, the ability to carry out wet cleaning, as well as an attractive appearance. Among the minuses are poor air passability. As for their composition, the vinyl is only an external, decorative layer. The basis in such cases is performed from phlizelin or paper.
  • If we talk about phlizelin wallpapers, then you need to say that this is a great option at a bargain price. At the same time, you should understand that Flizelin acts exclusively as the basis for the vinyl or paper outer layer.
  • Paper wallpapers are widely known for their ecology. In addition, they are easiest to beat them with their own hands (just follow the instructions from the manufacturer). At the same time, the disadvantage is a small service life and the absence of a wet cleaning.

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This is the main information that would like to bring about the corner photographic for the interior. We hope that it will help you when repairing or designing the internal space of your room.

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

Corner photo wallpaper for two walls

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