Ready living room design ideas with fireplace and TV


Properly designed living room design with a fireplace and a TV is becoming increasingly relevant, since these items, at first glance, completely incompatible, are encountered in its interior more and more.

Ready living room design ideas with fireplace and TV

Such elements of the living room as a TV and a fireplace will provide comfort and comfort for each family member.

Heat and comfort for the whole family

The living room is the center of the house. Here are resting after a working day, take guests, celebrate family holidays. That is why the living room design is so thoroughly thought out, because everyone should feel comfortable and cozy in it.

Special, no comparable atmosphere is able to create a fireplace - a symbol of a homely focus in the modern world. A real wood fireplace can be installed only in a private house. To install it, you will need to perform many conditions and requirements.

Ready living room design ideas with fireplace and TV

Electric fireplace compact, safe and beautiful.

Thanks to modern developments, such pleasure as a fireplace in the interior can afford and apartment owners in high-rise buildings. These are electrical models. They are safe, very beautiful, easy to handle and care. In addition, a huge variety of models and sizes makes it possible to choose a model for any interior design.

Electrocamine is a hearth with a decorative framing or portal. For their design, various materials, imitating stone, brick, marble, wood are used. The portal can become an excellent stand for various cute little things, which will complement the design of the living room: family photos, figurines, caskets, candlesticks.

Most often, the interior design of the living room with a fireplace is developed in a classic style. This means that light colors, stucco, massive wooden furniture are used in the design.

Modern models of fireplaces are ideal for premises decorated in country style or ecostel. Especially for the living room combined with the kitchen. The design of this room is able to recreate the fresh and calm atmosphere of the country house. When interior design, natural natural colors and textures should be used: all shades of gray and brown, milk, natural green. These colors must be taken as the basis in the "natural" interior.

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Even more will be reminded the country house wooden beams on the ceiling, located above the kitchen. Decorative bars, imitating beams, perfectly separate the kitchen area from the living room. Such a rustic style special decor: knitted mats, chairs, with coarse fabric covers, green plants.

Two in one place

Ready living room design ideas with fireplace and TV

Fireplace and TV should be the same size.

When going to settle the TV and a fireplace in one room, the first to start to start - it is correct to choose their sizes. They should be the same as possible. If you do not adhere to this rule, it will be quite difficult to create one of them a decent composition in the interior. The subject of the larger will constantly attract all the attention. If at the development stage was not planned to specifically highlight one of them, then they should be equivalent.

Because of the acute shortage of free space in a regular apartment, a fireplace cannot be equipped in a separate room or highlight a whole wall under it. One of the best solutions in such a situation will be the placement of the TV and the fireplace in the same plane. In such an interior, the fireplace will play a major role. Therefore, you should not install the TV so that it overlapping the fire. The best solution in this situation will be the location at which the surface of the fireplace will be merged with the TV screen. Then everything will look stylish and harmonious and every detail will be able to play the role assigned to her.

A recreation area can be organized around this composition: comfortable chairs and sofas, beautiful lamps, as well as small tables for tea drinking. You can install the sides of the fireplace small butchers with different necessary trifles: books, drinks. However, it is worth remembering that all items must be at the distance of an elongated hand so that if necessary, something to take did not have to leave the cozy chair.

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Ready living room design ideas with fireplace and TV

The main thing when combining the fireplace and the TV set them in the correct location relative to each other.

So that the fireplace and TV peacefully "got along" in the interior, there are many interesting ideas. They can be located on one wall horizontally or diagonally relative to each other. You can arrange an angular recreation area. In this case, they can be installed at close range, but on different walls. It is such a design that allows you to more rationally organize space. Opposite one of the items a sofa can be installed, and next to another is a small table with comfortable chairs.

As for the style in the design of the interior of the living room, then the main thing is not to overdo it.

The TV and fireplace themselves are bright and large details, so the rest of the design should be developed in a more restrained manner.

The interior should not be overloaded with a large number of decor details so that nothing distract attention from the main characters.

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