File alignment plywood: how to level the lags old, concrete doom and a wooden screed with plywood


File alignment plywood: how to level the lags old, concrete doom and a wooden screed with plywood

Plywood allows you to align the floor curve and hide its damage alignment of the floor plywood makes it possible to ensure the optimal flat surface of the floor covering, it is distinguished by simple installation, affordable cost and suggests long-term use, as it has sufficient strength. The flooring is suitable for subsequent laying of linoleum, tiles and any coating based on fibreboard.

Practical tips: how to align the floor plywood

Moreover, there is a large selection of other modern materials, the plywood sheet remains the most popular.

File alignment plywood: how to level the lags old, concrete doom and a wooden screed with plywood

To align the floor plywood, you need to buy tools: drill, roulette, level and other

For laying the final coating, the preference is most often given to plywood, thanks to its advantages:

  • Uncomplicated installation and duration of operation;
  • Easy processing;
  • Lack of annoying odors;
  • Rapid alignment and a minimum of waste due to the large size of the sheet;
  • The ability to use a moisture-resistant version of plywood for rooms with high humidity;
  • Free mass of plates air mass;
  • Increase the thermal insulation characteristics of the floor, due to the alignment of plywood.

Alignment of the surface by means of lag is the most practical and effective way, but requires knowledge to follow certain techniques. The preparation of the floor is to clarify it from dirt, dust and small particles. Then it is necessary to produce waterproofing with rubberoid or polyethylene film. This is done to minimize unnecessary moisture. In this case, the entire area should be covered. Between the joints requires a flystone at 18-20 cm.

At the same time, it is possible to increase the soundproofability of the coating using materials such as cork, plywood, linoleum. The gasket must be thicker than lag 2 cm.

Wooden bars lags have standard dimensions of 2x4x8 m. They are located transversely by the window of 5 cm from it, near the doors of the BRUSEV width should be up to 6 cm. Between lags and walls leave a distance of 3 cm.

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Lighthouses in the form of screws, with the right location, contribute to the optimal tie of the floor. They are exhibited 29 cm from each other and after 20 cm throughout the entire length.

Next, align the floor with the help of lags that are placed on the columns of different heights - it allows you to adjust the design. After that it is necessary to fix it - bolts to the floor surface and gluing.

The root is performed as follows. On the pillars between the bars of Lag, they put the rigle (transverse bars), between which the gap of 50 cm remains. Next, the emptiness is tightly filled with any suitable insulation, after which roll pergamine or bitumen paper is placed on the lags.

After testing simulation and the substitutes of plywood sheets, the final laying is made with a gap of near the walls in 2 cm. The next stage is the fastener of the sheets using self-tapping screws. It is important that the jokes of plywood are located on the bars of the lag, and the plates were located with a slight displacement.

Effective floor alignment plywood without using lag

Align the floor without applying the lag can be glued. It will suit when the floor is even and is done when the screed is ready and dried. First, establish the existing humidity of the room. To do this, with the help of a wooden bar, you need to press a small piece of cellophane to the floor, wait 3 days and see whether the Spirit is present on the film. If it is dry, you can start work.

File alignment plywood: how to level the lags old, concrete doom and a wooden screed with plywood

Under Phaneur, it is recommended to put a special substrate to improve the soundproofing qualities of the floor

For work, some materials and tools will be required:

  • Perforator;
  • Grinder machine;
  • Fasteners;
  • Glue or bitumen mastic;
  • Roller, brush large size.

Plywood sheets with a size of 125 cm for convenience are collected into four parts, prepare pieces for angles, door openings and wiring and laid with gaps up to 10 mm. Near the walls, the distance should not be less than 15 mm. The intervals make it possible to increase the passage of air, which will improve the condition of the floor and increase its life. When the primary flooring is completed, it will be necessary to fix memorize the laying scheme. Subsequent preparation lies in purification from dust, dirt. Old floor should be projected.

Bituminous mastic, plywood glue, gasoline and solvent mixed for this. A mixture of a large brush or roller is applied. Mounting the plywood layer is carried out immediately after drying.

The required glue is selected to work with plywood. According to the primary scheme, plywood is glued on a layer of glue 2 mm thick. Additionally, sheets are fixed with self-draws or anchor bolts. Fastenings should be three times the thicker of the plywood sheet and are placed 20 cm from each other.

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Alignment ends with sanding floor using emery, you can also use a special device.

Tested method: Plywood for concrete floor without lag

In this way, you can carry out plywood laying immediately to the concrete floor, and do it with your own hands.

For consolidation, you will need a large number of galvanized screws, so that in the process of operation at the finish flooring, rust spots did not perform.

File alignment plywood: how to level the lags old, concrete doom and a wooden screed with plywood

Before putting Paneur to the concrete floor, it needs to be carefully cleansed from garbage and dust

It is also desirable to use a moisture-resistant type of plywood tile. It is necessary to pay attention to the primer - the water repellent composition should be applied. It does not prevent them from handle and laid in the future.

Operating procedure:

  1. The floor is cleaned of garbage and dust, the presence of condensate is checked with a cellophane film;
  2. The tile is applied primer, diluted with solvent, by means of a roller or a wide brush;
  3. Glue is processed by the surface of the sheets using a spatula;
  4. Self-tapping screws are used for the final fixation, dowels can be used instead, the size of the strata thickness.
  5. Next, the floor grinding is carried out using emery paper or grinding equipment, which can cope with the process much faster and better.

You can check the alignment by level, the standard clearance should not exceed 2 mm.

High-quality label under Phaneur on the floor

In order to get a durable doomb, it is necessary to follow the rules for conducting work.

Tools and materials:

  • Saw;
  • Waterpas;
  • Construction roulette;
  • A hammer;
  • Wedges, boards, slats bars;
  • Heat insulation materials.

File alignment plywood: how to level the lags old, concrete doom and a wooden screed with plywood

The distance between the shell boards should be chosen depending on the plywood thickness.

Works begin with cleaning and cleaning. After checking the surface to humidity and, making sure of it, you can begin to lay the bars, between which the interruptions of 80 cm are observed, with the amount of 100x100. Previously need to be treated with mold and insects. Then the bars are aligned with the level, plastic wedges and smooth rail.

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Right through the bars and wedges are made by holes in the floor, where a dowel is clogged and only then the screw. Due to this, the design will be durable and reliable. The cutting board of 25x150 is fastened from above, sticking to the step of 80 cm.

Disease In addition to alignment allows you to make floor warm with various thermal insulation materials.

We do correctly: floor alignment plywood (video)

The floor, according to all the rules, aligned with plywood sheets, as without lag, and with their use, allows you to immediately begin to lay the final flooring. On the plywood, you can place a variety of floor coverings - linoleum, tiles, laminate. Plywood allows you to increase the service life of any sex, including all its types of wood material.

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