[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone


The fireplace is a symbol of luxury, comfort and a homely hearth. Most recently, it was possible to equip it only in homes and putting a lot of effort. Today to put the fireplace in any room, including in the apartment. For this make a false construction from building materials. The most popular of them are plasterboard. It has a lot of advantages:

  1. Affordable price;
  2. Low weight;
  3. Fast and easy installation;
  4. Suitable for use in any room;
  5. The ability to separate any decorative material.

The fireplace fireplace is not to be cleaned from Nagara.

Preparatory work

To create a fireplace of plasterboard, the following tools will be needed:

  1. Profile;
  2. Self-tapping screw;
  3. Roulette;
  4. Stationery knife;
  5. Pencil;
  6. Putty;
  7. Corners;
  8. Finishing material.

Build a fireplace can not have experience with building materials. The main thing to show patience, perfection and attentiveness.

The first thing is drawn up the drawing of the structure with the designation of each part.

The drawing can be made independently or found on the Internet and make its own adjustments to it if necessary.

In most cases, the fireplace is located at one of the walls, so its surface must be prepared. For this, it is aligned. If necessary, you consider the old finishing material and apply new.

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

Construction of the fireplace

As soon as the surface is prepared, it is time to mount the frame of the fireplace from metal products. Start it is better to do from the wall, securing the profile of the dowels. Next, the frame is set - the first is installed internal, and then external. During work, it is important to use the level so that the design is smooth.

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

To enhance the design, the main profile is amplified at a distance of 20-30 cm. This will strengthen the design. This is especially important if it is decorated with heavy finishing materials or used as a stand.

When the frame will be installed, the plasterboard is mounted to it, pre-cut on the set size. Cut is conveniently equipped with a stationery knife or an electric bike. Plasterboard is attached with special self-draws so that the caps are flush, 20 cm at a distance.

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[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

The inner part of the fireplace is a portal, heated with heat-resistant materials if it is used to ignite in it candles.

Surface is putty. If necessary, the procedure is repeated. The internal angles are spun with the use of painting mesh so that the putty is well held at the transition site. Metal corners are attached to the outer angles, if you need to make them clear. At the end, the surface is impassing and ground.

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone


Important final stage - applying a decorative layer. Its selection depends on the style of the room and the colors prevailing in it. The most common options for facing the fireplace are considered:

  1. Decorative stone - classic finishing option. In this case, artificial material is used, as it has a low weight and is presented in a wide range;
  2. Wallpapers - You can pick up the wallpaper of suitable colors and drawing and save them the fireplace. From the inside, it is better not to do, since the wallpaper can cause fire;
  3. Texture plaster - from it make a brickwork imitation, which is also suitable for the interior of the classic style;
  4. Painting - the monophonic color of the fireplace with the image of plant motifs will complement the style of Provence or Country;
  5. Tile is a conservative and practical finish option. It will endure any temperature, the main thing is to properly strengthen the design;
  6. The stucco is a gentle and luxurious option, give luxury interior.

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

You can insert biocamine into the portal, stick a pattern with a flame or put the lamps for the entourage. If the finish allows you to light real candles and admire their flame.

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

The fireplace will complement any interior, the main thing to choose his place and the right finish option.

Fireplace from drywall do it yourself (1 video)

Fireplace from plasterboard (14 photos)

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

Minolta Digital Camera.

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

[Savings] Gypsum Carton Fireplace: Luxury Available to everyone

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