Dismantling bath - solve the task with ease!


Dismantling bath - solve the task with ease!

The people often say that the repair is worse than the fire. It is almost impossible to finish. There is always something that needs to be lifted, to hell, to complete, etc. However, this approach is rarely applicable to the bathroom. If without repair in residential rooms or even in the kitchen you can still somehow do, then without a toilet and bath you are unlikely to live for a long time.

If you have a major overhaul of the bathroom, one of the most pressing problems will be disassembling the bath. The fact is that even if you do not plan to buy a new bath, and you are only going to make a repair in the room (lay a new tile, change plumbing, pipes, etc.), you will need to fully free the room from any foreign objects, including And from the bath.

Preparatory stage

Find out who is obliged to engage in the utilization of large cargo under the contract with your management company. The fact is that Any large garbage and building waste You do not have the right to throw in a common container with household waste . To utilize such a garbage in the courtyard of the house, an additional container can be installed, which the decision is made at the General Meeting. Your management company can provide you with such a private order on a paid basis. If none of the listed options are unavailable, the garbage you will have to be independently exported to the place specifically for these purposes, most likely, beyond the city.

Extend all items from the bathroom: washing machine, hinged cabinets and shelf, mirrors, sink, toilet - in a word, everything is cleaned.

Dismantling bath - solve the task with ease!

Remove the old mixers - if you started overhaul, it makes sense to change the entire plumbing at once. Moreover, the service life of the mixers and so in most cases of the underworner.

Start, whether the bath will be in the door or they will also need to remove from the loops or even dismantle the entire door frame. Even if the bath in dimensions fit into the passages, it is necessary to consider that the bath can still have legs that can easily damage the doors. In most cases, it is easier to remove the door with the loops for a while than buying a new one. If you categorically do not want to do this, try to protect the door coating from damage using any soft tissue or film.

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Dismantling bath - solve the task with ease!

In such conditions, pay the dismantling service and exporting the bathroom is sometimes much easier than to do it on your own.

Required tools

If you still accepted the decision to dismantle the bath yourself, you will need to stock:
  • adjustable key and a set of wrench keys;
  • screwdrivers;
  • passports;
  • chisel;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • sledgehammer;
  • scrap;
  • Bulgarian;
  • protective glasses and respirator;
  • big piece of fabric;
  • silicone sealant;
  • new rubber gaskets for plumbing;
  • packages for construction garbage;
  • An additional pair of hands is to engage in such a serious thing alone may not be just hard, but even is attempting.

Safety of work

When disassembled the bath, as in any other responsible business, it is important to comply with security techniques:

  1. Disconnect the water supply. Do not forget that water is supplied not only to the sink and bath, but also to the drain barrel of the toilet. Therefore, it is best to immediately cover the shut-off crane, located on the way to the drain barrel.
  2. Seat sewage sewer holes. For example, close them with any waterproof film by attaching it to the tape to the floor or wall.
  3. If you also plan to replace part of the sewer pipe with the replacement of the bathroom, Give new pipes in order in order: they must be clean, approach each other in diameter, the ends of metal-plastic pipes must be cleaned.
  4. Choose suitable clothing. Since you have to work with heavy tools, such as scrap and sledgehammer, it will be better if you just in case protect your body with dense pants and shirt. This will soften the blow, if something goes wrong.
  5. Take advantage of goggles and respirator - When working with a sledgehammer, especially if enamel, large and sharp pieces of construction garbage can damage your eyes or get into the respiratory organs.

Dismantling bath - solve the task with ease!

If you are on the replacement of an old bath you chose a jacuzzi, we advise you to read our article on the installation of a hot tub.

Dismantling bath on legs

Many old baths, especially cast-iron baths of Soviet times, were manufactured on legs. Because of the big humidity in the bathroom, the legs over time and tear them from the bath it is becoming increasingly harder. If the legs of the bath are stubbornly refuse to unscrew, you have two options - either leave them at the same place and try to bring them a bath with them, or sprinkle them with a grinder. In each individual case, you need to look at the situation, whether they should be left or better to cut.

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Dismantling bath - solve the task with ease!

Dismantling of pig-iron baths with integrity preservation

Dismantling the cast-iron bath is the most difficult, as it weighs such a bath very much. In some cases, it will not allow the width of the doorways from the house in some cases.

If they have a sufficient width, you can try to end the bath with the whole, sticking to the following action plan:

  • Make sure that the legs of the bathroom are tightly fixed and will not be twisted when it is transported. If this happens, you can seriously suffer and even get a fracture. Check, if the wedges were not injured, which the legs are attached to the bath itself.
  • It should be started with the dismantling of the siphon. Try to unwind it with the help of an adjustable key. Start from the place where the drain of water from the bathroom is located. If you cannot promote, you will have to resort to the use of hacksaw for metal, grinder or hammer and chisel.
  • Old baths, especially even Soviet times, was made tightly fixed to the walls With the help of a mortar and it is also to deceive the bath with a whole and lay it out with tiles. All this solution will need to be removed using the chisel. The bath should be loosened free from the walls and gender.

Dismantling bath - solve the task with ease!

  • If the bath was inserted into the wall, you must first remove the legs of the bath from this side, put something under the bath, so as not to damage the floor and not to drop the bath to your feet, and then pressing the bathroom on the bathroom - the bath should be disconnected and fall down .
  • Next, you need to push the bath from the wall to such a distance so that one person could fit there. On average, this distance is up to half a meter. To do this, the easiest way to use the montage or scrap.
  • After the bath will be moved away, one person goes into the resulting space and helps from the bottom to turn the bath for 90 degrees. Be careful! Do not let the bath fall or move. In order for the bath to not slip out, work in gloves and after the bath will be able to flip over, bring it with something heavy bottom.
  • From this position, the bath is convenient to deploy to a horizontally position so that it freely passes in the doorway and it was convenient to carry together.

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Dismantling bath - solve the task with ease!

Dismantling of pig-iron baths with a sledgehammer

Dismantling bath - solve the task with ease!

If it is not possible to end the cast-iron bath, we will carry it out of parts:

  1. Remove the siphon and get rid of the construction mixture around the perimeter of the bath, as described above.
  2. Try to push the bath from the wall at least 15 centimeters.
  3. Cover the bath with a damp cloth - it will allow you to protect your body from fragments that can fly from a sledgehammer when working.
  4. It makes no sense to pierce with sledgehamps over the entire surface of the bath - just apply a couple of accurate strong blows. You can use scrap: In this case, you will need to apply one exact punch with a sledgehammer in the place where the draining was previously located. If the bath did not succumb to, you can use the grinder and make small rugs on the sides, and then work a sledgehammer along the bottom of the bath.

How to remove the old steel bath?

The basic principles when dismantling the steel bath remain the same as when dismantling the cast iron, with the only difference, which, first, steel baths are less weighing, secondly, To smash such a bathhouse will not work - if the bath does not pass in the doorway, it will have to saw it.

Instead of a siphon in steel baths, as a rule, a special system of plastic or steel pipes is used, which is also referred to as a bath strapping or a sink-overflow system. Disassemble such a system is much easier than cast iron pipes. First try to promote the system.

Dismantling bath - solve the task with ease!

If this does not work, the steel strapping should be cut with a grinder, and the plastic can be divided by a regular hammer or any other suitable tool.

Dismantling bath - solve the task with ease!

Dismantling acrylic bath

The main advantages of the acrylic bath is its ease (bath mass of about thirty kilograms), and a variety of various forms. Fancy bends of the bath in some cases can significantly simplify the carrying of the bath through the doorways, so acrylic baths rarely have to pre-cut before disposal.

Dismantling bath - solve the task with ease!

Difficulties when dismantling acrylic baths may occur only if any additional equipment is installed on it, such as the hydromassage system. In this case, it is better to refer to the specialists in order not to make the system unsuitable for further use.

Read also our article on the installation of an acrylic bath.

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