The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.


The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

The whole consists of small things, and the appearance of the bathroom is from minor, at first glance, the details of the interior. And sometimes such annoying trifles, as looking out from under the bath, water pipes or a bucket with a mop, are able to completely spoil the impression and reduce all your efforts to guide "chic and shine" in the bathroom.

The solution to this problem can be such a useful thing as the screen under the bath. If you attach the efforts and show some fantasy, it will not only hide from prying eyes everything is necessary, but also become an independent element of the interior of the bathroom.

Types of screens

The screen under the bath can be bought in any construction store. The design of them is two species - solid and sliding But the material for the manufacture is used different.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

To date, the screens from the following materials are most often found:

  • From drywall
  • from puzzle plates
  • from ceramic tile
  • Mirror
  • From plexiglas
  • From acryla
  • from PVC panels
  • from MDF.


The solid screen under the bath is the easiest and most obvious solution. It is usually facing the same tile as the entire bathroom, thanks to which such a screen fits perfectly into the bathroom interior.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

The lack of a solid screen is that it does not provide any access to plumbing pipes, nor the ability to store various tools and household chemicals under the bathroom. If you need repair or replacement of plumbing, then such a screen will have to make out.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.


The sliding screen is much more practical than solid, though, perhaps, it looks not so aesthetic.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

From drywall

Plasterboard - the most affordable material for making the screen under the bath. It is inexpensive, light and hide from it the necessary design will not be difficult. Solid screens are made from drywall, which are then planted with a tile.

The screen of plasterboard do it yourself

Make and install such a screen can be independently.

The plasterboard screen is installed on a frame from a bar, so first it is necessary to build it. To do this, you will need a 4x4 cm beam, fasteners and a metal corner.

To begin with, spend all the necessary measurements and apply markup on the walls and on the floor, then draw lines parallel to the resulting markup, but with a displacement inside a 2.5 cm bath

Then divide the timber on the rail. You will need:

  • Four rails connecting the corners of the bath with floor
  • Two rails equal to the inner line on the width of the bath minus 0.8 cm
  • Two rails equal to the inner line on the length of the bath minus 1.2 cm
  • If the bath is too long, it is better to prepare two or three rails that will serve additional supports.

Stages of bath manufacturing stages:

  1. Position the vertical rails on the external corners of the bath In accordance with the markup and secure horizontal rails between them from above and below. You will need to make two such structures for the narrow sides of the bath and one - for wide.
  2. In those rails that will be coherent with the wall, drill two holes in advance and attach them to the wall. With screws, secure all parts of the design with each other. So that the frame was more stable, you can attach the lower rails to the floor.
  3. After the frame will be ready, you can proceed to the manufacture of the screen itself from the plasterboard. You will need a sheet of moisture-resistant drywall, a special metal latch and mounted loops.
  4. After conducting the necessary measurements, cut the desired details from the drywall, Leaving the width of 0.56 cm in the width. Then you will need to provide a door that will provide access to the "insides" of the bath. The door can be in short or in the long part of the screen, depending on the location of the bath. Deciding with the place, ride a hole in the desired detail and install the door using the loop and the latch.
  5. After that, fasten the plates from drywall on the frame with screws. Do not forget to check the sustainability of the entire design.

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The screen of plasterboard is ready!

The method of manufacturing the screen described above is only suitable for standard rectangular baths.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

Curvilinear screen

If you are a happy winner of a rounded bath, then you will have to install a special, curvilinear screen.

For the curvilinear screen will also need a framework. It is assembled from a special profile for plasterboard. Such a profile can take any shape, you just need to make the necessary cuts on it.

  1. Prepare two such profiles that repeat the contours of the bath - for the top and for the bottom of the frame - and fasten them with the help of self-tapping screws, retreating from the bathing of the bath. The distance equal to the thickness of the plasterboard sheet (if the frame is supposed to be separated by tiles, then add a thickness of the tile and glue here).
  2. Next, attach vertical rails in the corners of the bath.
  3. After the frame will be ready, moisten the sheets of plasterboard with water and, gradually giving it the right form, fasten the framework.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

Screen from Puzzle Plates

Puzzle plates are building blocks that are connected between themselves on the principle of a slot joint.

Screen under the bath do it yourself

Before you begin building a puzzle screen, process the installation site of the primer.

Using a plumb, apply markup to the floor, retreating 0.5 cm towards the bath. After that, you can start posting the screen from the plates. Plates are connected to each other with the help of grooves and ridges, and the binding solution is constructed between them (it may be tiled adhesive or gypsum plaster).

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

It looks like this screen is not very aesthetically, therefore it is better to perform a facing tile on top - it was under it that we did a half-meter indent at the initial installation phase.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

From ceramic tile

Screens lined with ceramic tiles? You can see in the bathrooms quite often. This is the most affordable way to ennoble space under the bathroom, give it a neat and beautiful view.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

Ceramic tiles usually finish the screens under the bath, made of drywall or puzzle plates. The laying of ceramic tiles is very simple.

Putting the tile from the upper left corner. Each tile lubricate tiled glue or apply several drops of liquid nails on it. With special crossbars, align the gaps between the tiles. If the door is provided, you can put the tile and on it. At the end of work, process seams by grouting.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

Sliding screen

The sliding screen under the bath allows you to solve problems associated with the storage of different necessary and not very things that remain from repair, household chemicals, buckets, basins and many other things. In addition, it allows at any time and without more effort to repair the bath, as, in order to gain access to the pipes, you will not need to dismantle anything. For particularly chopped owners, the sliding screen will also become a real find, as you wash the floor under the bathroom and the accumulated garbage with it is easy and simple.

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Install such a screen can be very quickly. There are a large selection of models for standard sizes baths, and the height of the sliding screen can be adjusted independently.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

Most often, sliding screens under the bath make from plastic panels, but other options are found.

From plexiglas

The sliding screen under the bath from organic glass, or plexiglass is a beautiful and modern solution. This material is great for the bathroom. The only minus it is insufficient strength, but this minus is more than the advantages of the material.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

The screen from the plexiglass is easy to leave, resistant to moisture and durable. In addition, this material has a huge variety of colors and textures. You can choose the screen, based on the color gamut of your bathroom. It can be matte, transparent and even mirror.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.


The mirror is the necessary element of the interior of any bathroom. In addition to its direct purpose, it can visually increase the space, as well as provide an additional game of light . Mirrored elements in the bathroom can be placed in the most unexpected places, for example, under the bathroom.

The screen under the bath made from the real mirror is the thing is fragile and impractical, so manufacturers offer screens from plexiglass with mirror spraying.

The mirror screen will definitely be the highlight of the interior of your bath and will not deliver any hassle, as it is made of durable moisture-proof material, which is also very easy to wash.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.


Acrylic baths are often sold along with the screen. Screens that are included with the bathroom are usually made of plastic panels with acrylic coating. Such screens are manufactured under a certain bath model, so a universal acrylic screen that can be installed under any bath, find enough.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

Screens from acrylic are very lungs, inexpensive, look neat and serve for a long time. But this screen can only be installed under an acrylic bath, since it has a specific fastening mechanism.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

From PVC panels

PVC panels as a screen under the bath will help to become an independent element of the interior of your bathroom. You can choose a color and drawing from the store available or come up with your own design.

Colored screens from PVC panels look unusually, and even open-close them very simple. In addition, if not to expose it to a strong mechanical effect, such a screen can serve not one dozen years.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

From MDF.

Imitating natural wood pattern, screens under the bath from MDF about Totnno fit into the interior of the classic bathroom, or in a bathroom in the style of country or eco . A wide variety of colors allows you to easily pick up the screen under the color of furniture in the bathroom. There are a large selection of screens from MDF of various designs - solid and sliding. Despite the low cost, the screen from the MDF looks expensive and noble.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

When buying such a screen, it should be considered that the sales models are only suitable for standard forms and sizes. In addition, MDF is a non-fatty material, so after three or four years of operation, the screen will swell and deform. Therefore, buy a screen from MDF, which will be specially treated with moisture protection.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

Screen form

The screen under the bath can be made yourself, to buy in the store or entrust it to the manufacture of a professional master. All these options have their pros and cons and, in any case, first you will have to decide on the form of the future screen.

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Screens under the bath can be three types:

  1. In the form of a deaf wall - it does not imply any open niches, it completely covers the space under the bathroom.
  2. With the floor notch at the floor level - the recess will give you the opportunity to get up close to the bath. So it will be much more convenient to wash the bath and bathe children in it.
  3. Tilted at an angle - also allows you to get closer to the bath and, moreover, protects the floor in the bathroom from water splashing.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

Where to buy or order a screen for the bathroom

So, you already know exactly which screen want to install under the bath. You are determined with design, material, shape and even with color. The point is left behind the small - acquisition of the screen itself.

You can buy a screen in the store. In the construction hypermarkets there is a huge number of screen models under the bath. There you can talk to professional consultants, compare prices, and also right on the spot to determine the quality and strength of the selected model (no one forbids goods in construction stores). The disadvantage of this method is that you risk overpaying, so sellers often "screw" prices.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

You can also make the screen under the bath yourself. So you will suffer less cash costs and can make a design that most meets your ideas about convenience and beauty. True, buying the necessary materials, and the screen making process will make you spend a lot of time and strength.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

And finally, you can order a screen under the bath in the online store. The advantage of this method is that you can make a purchase without leaving home, and order delivery at a convenient time for you. In addition, you will be able to save some amount of money, as you usually make purchases on the Internet much more profitable than in stores. The minus is, when choosing a screen, you can only focus on the description and photos of the product, without having the opportunity to touch the goods yourself and evaluate its quality.

Ceramic tiles usually finish the screens under the bath, made of drywall or puzzle plates. The laying of ceramic tiles is very simple.

Putting the tile from the upper left corner. Each tile lubricate tiled glue or apply several drops of liquid nails on it. With special crossbars, align the gaps between the tiles. If the door is provided, you can put the tile and on it. At the end of work, process seams by grouting.

You can avoid unpleasant surprises by studying all the characteristics of the screen in the construction store and ordering it via the Internet. Then you will be sure as the selected product.

Useful advice

Special containers with multiple storage compartments can help organize the order under the bathroom. In such boxes it is convenient to store various household supplies. In business stores, you can find even containers on wheels that you can move under the bathroom without the slightest effort.

The screen under the bath is a stylish and effective solution.

Household chemistry, brushes and sponges can be stored in closed shelves attached to one of the sections of the sliding screen from the inner side. So everything you need for cleaning in the bathroom will always be at hand.

We advise you to read our article on how to make a bath screen with your own hands.

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