How to wash parquet: flooring at home, cleaning agent, how to clean the natural tree


How to wash parquet: flooring at home, cleaning agent, how to clean the natural tree

In order for the parquet floor to be always beautiful, you need to learn how to properly carpachel-park flooring, laid at home and in any other rooms, requires special care, not only because it is expensive material, but also for longer preservation of the proper type and extension of the service life. It's not easy to care for a parquet of a natural tree is not as easy as it may seem at first glance, since not all means and methods can give a positive result and will not harm the coating. If the care is incorrect, this will affect the operating properties of the coating and significantly resort its aesthetics, and therefore it is necessary to be very neat and not desirable to save.

Parquet care

It is worth noting that it is possible to correctly clean the parquet with your own hands.

Like all other floor coverings, the parquet must not be washed, but to carry out wet cleaning, since the washing of ordinary running water is not only not desirable, but can also cause the formation of fungus and similar problems. Cleaning is carried out using a special means, and to be more accurate, then a chemically neutral water-based cleaner is a cliner.

How to wash parquet: flooring at home, cleaning agent, how to clean the natural tree

Parquet should be washed very carefully, since the parquet coating does not tolerate excessive moisture

It allows you to remove contamination as carefully and without harm to the coating, without divorce. It is best to choose the clinary of the same brand as the parquet itself.

Not rarely cleaning is carried out by special means that protect the floor and at the same time care for it. Their feature is that they consist of natural oils and a soft solvent, thanks to which the care is carried out the most gentle and completely harmless. The frequency of polishing depends on how much the place where parquet was laid. In general, it is enough to use a water with oil 2-3 times a month, but it all depends on the composition and recommendations of the liquid producer, since there may be different components components.

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Daily cleaning: how to wash parquet floor

So that the parquet floor fully justified all expectations: pick up a high-quality coating, to carry out the installation, to use a properly selected detergent. Clean the floor, covered with laminate much easier than the one that is decorated by a parquet, as the laminate can be washed and from old spots, for example, the most ordinary dirt, but the parquet board requires daily care.

How to wash parquet: flooring at home, cleaning agent, how to clean the natural tree

Start washing parquet in the figure, so it will avoid unwanted divorces

It is B.:

  • Removing sands;
  • Eliminate small dirt particles;
  • Removing stains.

As it is possible, it is necessary to carry out the polluted portion with a cotton cloth, pre-wetted in a solution of water with the addition of a clinic concentrate. Once in 6-7 days, cleaning is required through mop mop or microfiber mops, also moistened in the clinry. If there are carpets in the room, then they need to regularly exhaust, in order to eliminate the shower of small particles of dirt, sand and small garbage, so as to the floor-covered floor, additionally painted by varnish, did not deform from interaction with such parties. To clean the floor from the mud with a cliner, it is worth first to familiarize yourself with the recommendations from the manufacturer, and properly comply with the proportion, otherwise it is possible that you can simply not achieve the desired effect or disrupt the aesthetics of the canvas.

How to care for parquet with varnish

Parquet lacquered floor is: luxurious, expensive and beautiful. So that he actually meets such criteria, it is necessary to monitor it very carefully and just grate it to be not enough. Although the old one, at least a new parquet flooring should be processed by special polyrollas. Initially, it is processed 2 weeks after the fresh layer of varnish is applied, and repeatedly after 4 months.

Polyrol can be:

  • Matte;
  • Glossy;
  • Colorless;
  • Colored.

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How to wash parquet: flooring at home, cleaning agent, how to clean the natural tree

Before washing parquet, covered with varnish, it is necessary to carefully clean with a vacuum cleaner

Before applying the polyrolol, it is necessary to clean the surface of the floor from dirt, dust and residues from other agents used to care for the web. It is possible to use a special brush or a wide mop using a special brush or a wide mop, as well as a uniform distribution of the composition throughout the entire perimeter. No matter what size of the room, it must be processed at a time so that there is no discrepancy on the shade.

Again, do not forget about the recommendations from the manufacturer, as it is mainly necessary to dilute the composition in a certain proportion.

Polyrol should be applied and left to completely dry, and you can use the floor only in a few hours so that the surface of the parquet is completely dried. It is strictly forbidden to apply the second layer if the first only started to push, in this case it is better to wait for a complete drying and a little later to re-process.

Parquet care at home

Some believe that the humidity of the air indoors plays a big role and it affects how many times a week you need to process the floor.

In fact, it all depends on:

  • Pateuries of the room;
  • Proceeding;
  • Quality of the composition of the composition.

It is necessary to regularly carry out general cleaning, but it is advisable to implement it as necessary. For example, if resistant pollution and stains can be formed to harm coat.

For such cleaning, you can use the most ordinary cliner, but only concentrated.

Important! Cleanlys have their subspecies, and therefore when choosing a means for general cleaning, it is worth paying attention to the mark from the manufacturer. For example, GlutoClean is suitable for eliminating fatty and old spots on the floor, treated with wax.

How to wash parquet: flooring at home, cleaning agent, how to clean the natural tree

To remove complex stains, it is better not to use undergraduate tools, since experiments can turn harm to parquet

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Coswick is manufactured by the manufacture of parquet and the release of related goods. The company's developers are recommended, conducts general cleaning according to a special scheme.


  1. Clean the coating with a vacuum cleaner to eliminate small garbage.
  2. Apply a concentrate with a sprayer pre-prepared on the recommendation on the bubble.
  3. It is categorically impossible to allow the mooring of the parquet.
  4. The following is rubbing the floor with a special mop from microfiber or cotton cloth.
  5. Once the floor is dry, it is treated with a special means of protection, again pre-divorced in the desired concentration.

This sequence is not too complicated, and to hold it, you will not need to contact the specialists. With regard to the choice of composition for cleaning and processing on the manufacturer, this is the personal preference of each and no more, as it may differ: composition, price, method of use, concentration. For example, if you need to remove the stain from ink, resin or at all heels with a parquet of a covered with varnish, it is best to use a proven brand tool Kiilto Parquet Stain Remover.

In order for the floor to maintain its excellent operational properties for a long time, you need to carry out careful cleaning and properly care for the coating. It is very important that the floor is not subject to mechanical damage. When forming serious contaminants, it is worth removing spots from the parquet plank immediately to eliminate their entry into the cloth.

What and how to wash parquet (video)

Parquet, which is processed by varnish, butter or wax, requires a regular coating update by means of a polyrol. Depending on the type of floor canvase, a certain means and method of treating treatment are chosen. Covered with varnish canvases requires separate care. Important! Conduct care for the parquet is quite possible with their own hands, but if there is no special need or desire to independently deal with the coverage, it is better to trust all this by a specialist.

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