How to Clean Paul from Old Paint: Remove Wooden, Remove and Clean, Remove in Apartment, Parquet Removal


How to Clean Paul from Old Paint: Remove Wooden, Remove and Clean, Remove in Apartment, Parquet Removal

Before cleaning the floor covering, it is necessary to learn from what material it will make a set of options for how to carry out the effective purification of the floor covering from the old paint. The main things consider: mechanical, chemical and thermal. As a rule, to clean the wooden floor from the old paint, use the first two ways, but the thermal does not give up its positions and is also popular, and with its help, cleansing is carried out more efficiently. Specialists recommend immediately contacting masters, but if you wish, you can save and independently remove paint, if you prepare the necessary tools and materials.

How to remove the old paint from the wooden floor with a chemical way

The removal of old paint from the wooden floor should be carried out: neatly, stages and most carefully. All this is required in order to remove the paint and at the same time not to damage the coating.

How to Clean Paul from Old Paint: Remove Wooden, Remove and Clean, Remove in Apartment, Parquet Removal

Application on the wooden floor is carried out by means of a brush, and in some cases several layers may be required, each of which is applied with a difference of 30 minutes

The compositions that are used in this method are created on the basis of substances such as:

  • Solvent;
  • Acid;
  • Eat alkali.

It is very important to comply with the safety technique, which is protective gloves, a thorough study of the instructions for working with compositions. The paint can be dissolved entirely or softened, after which the surface is clean, and the residues are washed off by the White Spirit.

Instruction: How to tear up old paint with floor in thermal

To contempt or in other words, remove the paint from the floor in the apartment can be in a thermal method in which: the coating is softened, you can remove the paint with a conventional metal spatula, it is permissible to use any equipment that can heat the floor coating.

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Removal is carried out only after high-quality heating, for which it will fit:

  • Construction hairdryer;
  • Blowtorch;
  • Gas-burner.

How to Clean Paul from Old Paint: Remove Wooden, Remove and Clean, Remove in Apartment, Parquet Removal

It is strictly forbidden to use a thermal way to remove paint from wooden floor in a closed room where bad ventilation, as there is a selection of toxic vapors that can cause poisoning

The method is very effective and with it, you can prepare a coating for a new staining as quickly as possible and without additional costs. Unfortunately, there are a number of minuses and restrictions with which you should read before work.

It is impossible to use such a method for a plastic surface, since they are melted when heated, toxins are isolated, and the coating can be deformed.

This method is considered completely useless if you need to eliminate the old paint from the floor on which the plaster or from a concrete coating. Thermal processing is the most optimal option for the floor of a wooden type, as it is possible to clean up quickly and efficiently.

Recommendations: How to remove paint from parquet

Parquet - coating: gorgeous, expensive and beautiful. What to do if the parquet was painted or by chance the paint blur? It is worth using a mechanical processing for which you need to use a special tool, and both manual views and electric. The electric tool is considered the most appropriate, since there is an option to achieve excellent success by making sex cleaning with your own hands.

There is no effort too much to handle even the area too large. Hand tools are used in cases where it is necessary to spend a hard-to-reach space and work on a limited area, or remove the paint that began to peel and swell.

To such tools can be attributed:

  • Scraper;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Brush;
  • Putty knife.

How to Clean Paul from Old Paint: Remove Wooden, Remove and Clean, Remove in Apartment, Parquet Removal

Professionals enjoy special plane grinding machines, at the expense of which you can clear the floor of the large area from paint

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If we talk about the electric tool, then it is permissible to use a grinding machine or a grinder with a special nozzle. Some experts use a drill with a certain nozzle in the form of a metal brush.

There is a method of mechanical sandblasting. It is that a jet consisting of water and small abrasive particles are directed to the floor covering.

High pressure, it is possible to remove not only the old paint from the parquet, but also rust from the metal surface. Among the advantages can be noted that it is not necessary to carry out additional training of the floor before processing. Also, this method allows to clean the hard-to-reach places for the minimum amount of time and without special strengths. The mechanical method is used in the case when there is no complete removal of paint coatings, and the partial processing of the canvas is needed.

How to remove paint from concrete floor

Concrete floor is not always covered by other materials, as it: painted, decorated in various ways, can be cleaned from paint if desired. Most often, special washes and solvents are used to clean the concrete floor. Clearing tools can not be simply pouring into the canvas, as adherence is required not only instructions, but also safety equipment.

If the paint is not too old, then it is quite possible to simply drop it with a rag moistened in the solvent if the floor section is small.

First you need to heat the coating of water for a day. Next, the concrete is necessarily wiping with aggressive detergents, so that the paint acquire porosity, and then you need to apply a coat solvent. Washing will gradually soften paint, which will allow removing much faster and easier. Cashier from paint and solvent is removed by a scraper or a rigid brush. The method is suitable only for fresh paint, as the old dye needs heavier artillery and other methods.

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How to Clean Paul from Old Paint: Remove Wooden, Remove and Clean, Remove in Apartment, Parquet Removal

Paint with concrete with a wide nozzle with a wide nozzle

It is possible to clean the concrete gender by means of a construction dryer, and this is much easier to make it much easier than using a solvent or coal. That is why the method is in great demand among many masters. It is permissible to use it for any kind of paintwork, including epoxy resins and waterproof varnish, but will need a lot of time, patience and forces.

The removal process occurs in stages:

  1. Painted concrete is exposed to a jet of hot air.
  2. Through contact with heat starts to throw paint.
  3. Next, you can remove the coating with a spatula or scrapers.
  4. It is advisable to clean the cleaning partially, since the paint after the swelling can stick again, or in other words dry.
  5. Removal is not too fast, but very effective.

Secrets: how to clean the floor from old paint (video)

Cleansing the coating from old paint should be carried out only by technology and the use of protective agents to eliminate harm to health and respiratory tract. It is possible to remove the paint from any canvas if not violating the recommendations of specialists.

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