Glass equipment in the interior


Basic information

Each time the owners of apartments or private houses face the need to remake the inner decoration of the residential premises and make repairs, they face the need to choose from a huge amount of finishing materials for sex, walls and ceiling. In our current article, we will talk about such their species, like glass windows under painting. The interior of the apartment can be significantly transformed if you decide to use this type of wallpapers.

Glass equipment in the interior

Historical facts

Before you start a story about the properties and characteristics of the glasskeepers, let's be distracted by a small historical help. For the first time, the wallpaper of fiberglass for the design of the walls and the ceiling began to appear on the European market in the first half of the twentieth century, and to be more accurate, then at the beginning of the 30s. Approximately 40 years after that, they began to conquer more and more popularity. This meant that from isolated cases of their use, people began to move to a more regular use of fiberglass wallpaper.

As for Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries, then in our market of construction and finishing materials, glass equipment for the interior began to be sold in about the early 90s. And, it should be noted that since that time their popularity is only growing. It becomes possible to largely due to the fact that this material is known for its significant advantages and virtues. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Main characteristics

First of all, a few words about what is this material and how it is manufactured. So, the main feature is that in their production there is a special type of glass, which is stretched and forms the finest threads when heated to high temperatures. It is using such threads, manufacturers and make special fiber.

You should know! Through the use of exclusively natural materials, glass windows are completely safe for human health.

Such environmental safety allows you to safely recommend this material for sticking in children's rooms, bedrooms, living rooms and other spaces of urban apartments and country cottages.

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In addition, fiberglass material has a number of significant advantages:

  • They have a high level of resistance against moisture impact.
  • Do not break and do not deform.
  • Resistance to sharp and fast temperature drops.
  • They are characterized by a high level of fire safety.
  • Counteract the penetration and spread of bacteria and fungus.
  • Possibility of multiple painting.
  • Long service life.

Well, now we move on to a more detailed description of various options, as well as the features of their use in the interior.

Ideas for interior

Let's look at interesting examples of how can be used glass paintings in the interior. It is necessary to take into account the fact that most manufacturers produce products having different surface textures and drawing, the correct choice of which will create a more individual and balanced interior.

In addition, you should not forget that there is an opportunity to combine different colors. Thus, it turns out that the colors are combined according to the same criteria as the usual wallpaper-companyons for the walls. By the way, one of the features of using this material in the interior of the apartments is that it can be glued over old wallpaper. Thanks to the thickness, as well as a fairly noticeable invoice, various kinds of irregularities will be leveled, as well as the seams at the joints of the first layer of the canvas.

How to apply in different rooms


Glass equipment in the interior

Excellent option for the kitchen

Despite the fact that for this premises, the apartment traditionally was made to use such a material as a ceramic tile, one can unequivocally say that the popularity of the use of slaughterhouses in the kitchen is constantly growing. This, by the way, promotes not only a fairly democratic price of the production of a number of manufacturers, but also the excellent characteristics of the material itself.


When choosing wallpaper for the corridor, we are not least guided by the fact that the walls in this room are often often exposed to different kinds of pollution. It is in it that we go from the street, and clothes, as you know, is not always clean, especially after rain, wet snow and other manifestations of bad weather. The same applies to dirty shoes, splashes from which can fall on the surface of the walls.

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As already mentioned, the glass windows are washing. It is resistance to the effects of detergent allows wet cleaning.


One of the most applications of fiberglass wallpapers is their stagnation in the bedroom. As you know, the bedroom premises should predispose to rest and relaxation, since it is largely to provide more favorable conditions for recreation and sleep, which is known to affect the overall health of a person.

The main condition for the use of fiberglass wallpaper for the bedroom is the right choice of their colors, since how correctly the color was chosen, and determines the level of comfort and goodwill, which can provide the interior of the apartment. Therefore, in the case of the bedroom, it is advisable to make a choice in favor of more calm and muted tones, incl. and pastel colors that help rapid falling asleep and creating a relaxing atmosphere.

Living room

As for the selection of glasses for the living room, one of the most important conditions is the creation of their harmonious combination with furniture. As for the interior of the hall, the optimal in this case will be brighter, compared to the bedroom, tone. As additional measures, you can use various decor items that will allow you to make wallpaper more individual and attractive.

Attention! It is also necessary to remember that largely the choice of glass of glasses depends on the size of the room and on the degree of penetration of natural sunlight through the windows.

Use in the bathroom

Despite the fact that the bathroom wallpaper is traditionally considered not the best coating, it is impossible not to note that it is precisely glazing that it is quite suitable for designing the interior of this room. This coating has a number of significant advantages that are deprived of many of its analogues. Due to the diverse advantages mentioned slightly above, the glass walls can be safely recommended for use in difficult conditions characteristic of the bathroom.

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Let's not forget about the aesthetic component. Due to the wide variety of colors, it becomes possible to design the interior of the bathroom in a variety of colors: from dark and strict, bright and romantic.

We recommend to familiarize yourself with the useful video, as well as with the photo examples. After examining them, you will have more ideas about how it is better to use glass windows in the apartment interior. Good repair!

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