5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer


With the onset of spring, each of us wants to find a place where you can relax from the bustle of a noisy city. And without leaving home. The loggia can become an excellent option for relaxation. The main thing is to correctly distribute the space of the loggia and set up to your taste. The article will summarize how to do it.

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

Tip # 1. Throw old things

To begin the training of the loggia by the summer follows from "rash" - getting rid of unnecessary things that have accumulated during the winter season. For example, from unnecessary boxes, cans, old flower pots, broken furniture, boxes, children's skeins, etc.

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

It is not worth throwing out everything mindlessly: if there are really necessary objects among the rubble, you should think about the place for storage.

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

Often, when disassembling, the feeling appears that things will ever be suitable. What to do in this case? There are several options:

  1. Take things to the cottage or remove into the garage. If there is neither one or the other, contact your friends. Surely they have a place for a pair of small boxes.
  2. Sports inventory (snowboards, skis) can be stored for a small amount.
  3. Rent a special cell in stock.

Tip! Small home things will help accommodate compact wall lockers.

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

Tip # 2. Make Wet Cleaning

After the loggia has become spacious after getting rid of the rubble, make a wet cleaning. First, commemorate the corners to get rid of the dust from the dust accumulated.

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Rinse window glass, walls, flooring. With the help of a vacuum cleaner, clean from dust and dirt hard-to-reach surfaces. The glass should be washed twice: first with soap solution, then wash off the foam with clean water, dry the rag, and then treated with a special solution.

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

In order to wash the windows from the outside, use a sponge on a long handle.

This will help make the air on the loggia cleaner and raise the mood.

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

Tip # 3. Create a green corner

Summer is the right time to decorate the loggia with flowers, be it houseplants or cut flowers in vases.

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

Flowers are ideal for lovers of nature. Among the hot concrete plants on the loggia, delivered in special pots, stands or baskets, please the eyes. However, you carefully look after the choice of plants for growing and, if necessary, burn the flowers from excess sunlight with the help of light curtains. Examples of plants names that can be grown on loggias: veciatts, calendula, nasturtium.

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

Tip № 4. We draw a place to work in silence and rest

If there is enough space on the loggia, then in the summer it will turn out a great workplace. In addition, it will be possible to get out of the apartment on the air, if the summer night will overtake insomnia. To create a workplace, it is enough to purchase a table and a light chairs. The wicker furniture is perfect, it weighs little and easily folds. Install the shelves for important trifles.

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

Are you planning to read paper books? Try to buy a table lamp and install it so that the light falls on the left. If you do not need a bright light, then the original decision will hang on the loggia of the New Year's garland with a bulb of the same color.

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

If the loggia catastrophically lacks the place, then the release of the interior in oriental style will serve. Remove the furniture completely, and on the floor lay the soft carpet with large pillows.

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

TIP number 5. add comfort

Preparing the loggia for the summer season, think about the curtains. In the hot period, the bright sun will interfere with and tiring.

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5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

For a small loggia, curtains made of light fabrics of non-labor tones are suitable, and the blinds will help adjust the lighting.

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

We equip the loggia and balcony: 90 fresh ideas (1 video)

Loggia preparation for the summer (14 photos)

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

5 Soviets for the preparation of the loggia by the summer

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