How to make glue and glue glass


In the modern world, when the industry develops incredibly quickly and dynamically, the building materials market is also replenished with new and new products that have special specifications. Progress did not bypass and such a branch as the bulk industry. And there is nothing surprising in this, since more and more people choose wallpapers for wall decoration.

How to make glue and glue glass

Gymelomes are pleasant in appearance and durable

The fact is that with the help of wallpaper is the easiest way to create absolutely any original design, and some more of their species have quite useful and necessary technical characteristics whose combination of any other finishing material for the walls. When choosing wallpaper, it is necessary to clearly understand what goals you are haunting when repairing and in accordance with this correctly choose the glue. It depends on the selection of the latter, whether your wallpapers will be wallpapers, and how difficult the pasting process is.

How to make glue and glue glass

One of the best types of glue for glasses

By buying an adhesive substance, you need to carefully read the inscriptions on the rolls of wallpaper and compare them with what is written on a pack with glue.

It is strictly not recommended to use adhesive for other type wallpapers. Especially in cases where you decide to choose heavy wallpaper. For example, glue for glass windows can only be used for this type of wallpaper.

Why it is worth choosing glass walls for wall decoration

Such a modern invention of humanity, like glass windows, has a lot of advantages. At least such wallpaper is not enough, their technical characteristics are worth. The basis of fiberglass wallpaper is a special thread, which is manufactured at a temperature of more than 1200 ° C.

How to make glue and glue glass

Glassworks - Durable and Universal Wall Coating

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Gymelocoes are made in two ways, each of which is pretty in demand and has its advantages.

  1. Predated glass windows. They look like a web, and except decorative perform the function of reinforcement, make walls with smooth and velvety.
  2. Wallpapers that are tank from fiberglass. From the fiberglass threads make a canvas that ultimately looks like ordinary thin wallpaper and sold in rolls.

Gymellagengenic glass walls, they are easily cleaning, both water and chemicals. They are also good because they are made of artificial material, and therefore are not "food" for pathogenic organisms and fungi. Thanks to the static charge, the wallpaper from fiberglass repel dust. And such wallpapers are a very durable coating for the walls, since they can be replicated 10-12 times, and the lines of service reaches 30 years.

What glue glue glass

By choiling to pastize the glazed glasses, it is necessary to take care of the glue for them. The usual glue for paper wallpapers will not suit any way, because for heavier wallpaper, a thick and viscous glue composition is needed. In principle, all the varieties of the wallpaper glue have one base, which was also known to our grandmothers, boiled in the household conditions - starch. True, in the modern factory technique for the production of wallpaper glue, something has changed. For example, no ordinary starch is used, but modified. Special additives are added to it, which prevent drying of glue and accelerate its swelling. And also in its composition it is customary to add fungicides and antiseptics that prevent the occurrence of fungi and mold.

How to make glue and glue glass

Paint glass can be painted many times

Wallpaper glue for heavy, including fiberglass, wallpaper is sold in two types: dry and ready. The last average inhabitants are taking less frequently, as it is more expensive, and it is also more difficult to transport it. Dry glue is much more often used, since the process of its preparation will not be much difficulty, the main thing is to read the instructions. There is usually indicated the time of swelling of glue, water temperature and preparation recommendations. If they are clearly followed, then in the final result, your glue should get no worse than finished.

The calculation of the finished glue should be carried out on the basis of formula 200-300 ml per square. m. If you need to progress the walls, then calculate the amount of strong glue by 50-100 ml formula per square meter.

Quite often, manufacturers of fiberglass wallpaper provide glue complete with rolls, but already unscrupulous sellers implement it separately. By the way, you do not advise you to blindly believe the advice of construction supermarket workers, very often consultants work on a specific manufacturer's company, and therefore their opinion may be biased. Since such employees will give you advice, not based on real information, but guided by what percentage of sales they will receive.

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What glue glue fiberglass wallpaper

Watching the shelves of the modern building store, it is very easy to confuse from the abundance of similar products from different manufacturers. How to choose exactly the glue that will make the process of wallpaper pasting easy and save you from excessive waste of nerves and means? The postolon, as mentioned above, consultants of the stores can not always give you objective recommendations, the best way out will ask for advice from professional builders. True, where to find them if you do not have familiar repairmen or foreheads? The answer is simple: of course, on the Internet. There are many building forums on the network, where people are divided by their opinion about a particular product. Carefully read the reviews and forth to the store.

Although, in order not to spend their precious time, turning tens of pages, we can boldly name several trademarks that produce the best wallpaper glue. This is: Cleo, Quelyd, Methilan, Tex and, of course, Oscar (Oscar).

How to make glue and glue glass

Proper selection of glue for photo wallpapers guarantees the quality of sticking

All the manufacturers mentioned above, without exception, give their products a special quality certificate that you can at any time require the seller.

Try to refrain from buying glue on the market and at doubtful points of sale, as there you can dig up for a fake.

To date, the adhesive for fiberglass walls has been particularly popular in the glue-woven glue market, which is sold in dry, and in the finished form. The cause of its demand was such technical specifications:

  • Ecology. This glue does not harm the health of people and animals.
  • The presence of additives and antiseptics that prevent the appearance of fungus and mold even with an enhanced humidity. What is particularly good for such premises, like a kitchen or bathroom.
  • Frost resistance. This product can be stored at temperatures up to minus 40 ° C from 3 days. And quietly worries several cycles of freezing and defrosting (up to 5).
  • Efficiency. Taking 100 g of dry composition, you will get about three liters of finished glue. And for pasting one square meter of the area, up to 300 milliliters of the finished glue takes.
  • Quick preparation. This dry glue is poured with cold water and after 10 minutes it is absolutely ready for use.
  • Storage strings. The finished glue substance does not lose its properties of 2 months, the dry glue can be stored for up to 4 years.

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Now that you know the main fineness of the selection of glue for glasses, you can safely go to the construction store for purchases!

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