What if the toilet tank flows?


What if the toilet tank flows?

In our current material we will talk about the main causes of the leaks of the Tank toilet, as well as we will tell about the ways to eliminate faults.

The reasons

Detected problems with the toilet, which began to flow in various places, are caused by three reasons. Sometimes separately, and sometimes provoke a breakdown by joint efforts:

  1. When installing new plumbers, errors are allowed to install, assembling.
  2. With long-term operation, the tank flows due to the failed or extended elements of the structure, reinforcement. Natural breakdowns usually occur only three years after installation.
  3. Mechanical damage, violation of operation recommendations. This is you sharp jerggy for levers, strong pressing of buttons, random strikes and so on.

Now consider several types of leaks separately.

What if the toilet tank flows?

Types of leaks

When plum

  • After pressing the drain button, leaks may occur. This indicates the need to check the structure of the drain system design. Often the cause becomes the disturbed functionality of the shut-off valve. Grasp him with your hand, plump slightly. If it helped, then the valve simply lightened to the surface. Replace the old valve gasket to high-quality new, and the case is done.
  • The drain key is offset, the position of the height regulator is broken. In such situations, the valve is located higher than the drain hole. Educated gap leads to leaks. Correct a little regulator, try to return the button to its original position. To do this, pull the fasteners that the tank is attached to the pipe or the sanitary product itself.
  • Water flows due to the looseness of the nut attached from the outside of the bottom. The reason is simple - tightness is impaired. Most likely, it will help to replace the gasket or installing a new nut with a high quality laying.

Remember, if the breakdown is insignificant and caused by a sealing disorder, then use simple sealants. With more serious problems, change the damaged tank elements.

What if the toilet tank flows?

If flowing through overflow

First of all, correct the lever of the float system, as well as check the condition of the valve and directly the float itself. Water is sometimes not kept inside the tank, and flows directly into the bowl through overflow. It is possible that the lever has shifted from its original position, or there was a breakdown.

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Look, whether there is no liquid in the float. Often precisely because of this, it occurs through overflows. If it really is there, it means the float failed. Return it "to life" is simple:

  • Remove the float;
  • Pour from it accumulated water;
  • Dry as it should, even with the use of a hair dryer, which will speed up the process;
  • Eliminate cracks and holes through which the water got inside. For this purpose, epoxy glue is useful. If you add a little super cement to it, the repair quality will be even higher;
  • Return the element in place.

If the foaming system valve has failed, it is easiest to replace it with a new one. Make it is not difficult:

  • Release the entire liquid from water tank;
  • Disconnect the shaped part by using a wrench. It connects the valve with water supply system, that is, with a water supply;
  • Remove the lever, but act neatly so as not to damage other elements;
  • Remove the inner, as well as the outer nut, with which the lever is held;
  • Remove the float valve;
  • Install a new element using fixation nuts;
  • Fill the tank with liquid;
  • Secure the lever in the correct position;
  • Make a trial drain that will determine if you have done everything right.

What if the toilet tank flows?

Upon proles from the membrane of the siphon, it must be replaced. Solve the problem by applying glue, sealants will not work. Buy a new membrane, and the old one. Remove it in the store of plumbing equipment, find a similar one. To repair, follow a simple instruction:

  • Swing the water so that nothing remains in the drain tank;
  • With the help of a rope, make a float lever to some crossbar. The element must be securely fixed;
  • The crossbar can serve as any bar, wood, supplied instead of the tank cover;
  • Remove the nut connecting the flush pipe and tank;
  • Little loosen another nut, unscrew it from the siphon. It is located at the base of the tank;
  • From the lever gently disconnect the siphon and pull it out;
  • Now take a new membrane and put on a right place;
  • Collect the entire system by acting in reverse order.

Between a tank and toilet

  1. Inspect the condition of the cuff. It will have to be tightened or tighten using the clamp. Do not drag the bolts, but at the same time do not fastener too weak.
  2. If there is a corrugated plot on the cuff, they are sometimes shifted from the original position. Return to the place will help clamps or plumbing isolation. The last option will give a temporary result, because the clamp is the optimal solution.
  3. The cause of such a type of leak can be a weak attachment of the tank and shelves. Check if nuts and bolts are firmly tightened. Brass eternal brass bolts, and metal analogues are lost with the initial characteristics.
  4. If the previous option did not work, look at the gaskets on the tank. Remove all nuts, bolts, inspect the layout status. It is not difficult to replace them and is not expensive.
  5. When damaged, the shelf will not help the clamps and sealants. A complete replacement of the shelf or even a tank will be required.

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What if the toilet tank flows?

From the tank on the floor

The priority is poorly tightened or deformed over time and under the influence of moisture bolts:

  1. If they are poorly twisted, but fasten new, just work the appropriate tool, tightening fasteners.
  2. With the loss of quality of fixing elements, they need to be changed. Discharge the water, drain the remnants of water, partially dismantle the reinforcement to have more or less convenient access to bolts heads. Deleting old, replace them with new, without forgetting about rubber seals.

It will not be superfluous to use sealants on the joints. This is generally a useful thing to solve a variety of leakage problems. Relying exclusively on gaskets and seals are not worth it, because even the highest quality products do not always cope with the loads. Additional measure of protection in the form of sealant will extend the service life of the plumbing and facilitate your life.

What if the toilet tank flows?

Other reasons for leaks

This is not a complete list of possible leaks that occur as a result of the operation of the toilets. We call some more of them, as well as ways to eliminate:

  1. The button is not working that responds to washing. Here it will be necessary to remove the lid and check, in what condition is the drain system. Often the plum rod scores like a pressure shutter valve. You just need to put them in our place. Check the button contamination, clean the accumulated dirt and check back. The problem is solved.
  2. High noise when set of water. The plumbing system may have a different pressure. If it is high, then the float valve creates increased pressure and the element does not cope with the load. As a result, increased noise. Replace the valve that will be able to cope with such a set, or mount the stabilization valve.

If the tank flows due to condensate formation, then you need to find out the reason and eliminate it:

  • It is necessary to fix the inlet and release reinforcement. If it is broken, water goes into the toilet, heats up to room temperature indicators. At the same time, cold water goes from the water supply, which creates condensate;
  • It is necessary to reduce the volume of the drain. This is relevant for regularly exploited toilets. It is recommended to replace the usual drain button to double, where one will ensure a drop of smaller volume of the liquid, and the second is greater;
  • Eliminate increased humidity at the indoor itself. If this combined bathroom, it will be more difficult. You can put the electric heated towel rail, plus necessarily pride the effective ventilation system.

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What if the toilet tank flows?

Inspection professional

These recommendations will allow you to independently understand the reasons for leaks, and also eliminate them without resorting to the help of specialists. But is it worth it?

Many prefer professional assistance at the failure of plumbing equipment. The advantages of professional inspection are as follows:

  • A specialist can pay attention to what you would never have looked at;
  • Professional experience allows him to quickly find the causes of malfunction, to correct them efficiently;
  • The master has its own proven places to buy plumbing and components;
  • The responsible specialist uses a professional tool, reliable sealants, because interested in positive reviews about his work;
  • Before installing a professional will be able to point out the weaknesses of the pipeline, help install, connecting the toilet bowl, offer its services for prevention and maintenance of plumbing.

What if the toilet tank flows?


It is better to prevent breakage at the stages of its origin than then eliminate the consequences. Performing preventive measures, you will significantly extend the service life of your plumbing and will spend noticeably less money when some problems occur.

Prevention measures include:

  • Periodic checks of joints, compounds;
  • Inspection of pads, state of pipes and pipes;
  • Careful use of levers and flushing buttons involving the absence of sharp presses;
  • Installing coarse cleaning filters by which impurities, large particles that are able to pollute and clog the system are prevented.
  • The use of high-quality reinforcement when replacing the elements of the toilet;
  • The use of high-quality plumbing, the purchase of which in itself guarantees a longer trouble-free service life, rather than the products of dubious production;

Appeal to professionals to solve problems and faults.

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