Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself


general information

Often it turns out that repairing in a new building, or, simply planned "refreshment" of the interior, require significant cash costs. What is not surprising, given the high prices for many building and finishing materials. At the same time, there are a lot of room design methods that allow you to spend very inexpensive and budget decoration of the inner space. As you know, the walls are one of the most obvious structural elements that define the overall decor in the room. That is why today we decided to consider this option to decorate as a decor on the wall in the form of butterflies, made with your own hands.

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Options for performing such decorations quite a lot:

  • Cut from paper and pasted walls.
  • Drawings drawn through stencils right on the wallpaper or simply made via a template or sketch.
  • Decorative stickers and wall stickers, incl. and volumetric 3D.
  • Beautiful paintings and panels made by painting according to layouts.

Today we will talk about all these ways of decoration, spending a kind of small Mater class by how to make a wall with butterflies, how to arrange from right, according to the design standards and how to decorate the entire room as a whole.

Butterflies in Room Design

Their silhouettes and images are used when designing the interior design quite often. Moreover, despite the fact that most often such drawings or photos are applied to the walls, most often, they can also be seen in places such as furniture and lighting items, decorative parts, mirrors, protruding parts of plasterboard ceilings, etc. Many nations, especially oriental, believe that paper butterflies, or simply their drawings, are a symbol of beauty and well-being. Not a gift, similar scenery are one of the components in the interiors made according to Feng Shui rules, and in East ethnic style, in general.

As for the application of butterfly on the wall with their own hands, this type of inner decor can be performed using completely diverse materials, ranging from paper and tissue, and ending with cardboard, and sometimes old vinyl records. At the same time, it should be noted that, as a rule, such pictures or applications, in most cases, are not solid. In other words, when decorating, several winged beauties are used immediately, which can be accommodated either nearby or throughout the wall. They can be both large and very small.

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Attention! As for the placement places, colors, as well as the most plot of the composition - then all this is limited to the fantasy of the owner of the apartment, performing repairs, or a specialist in the design of interior, which develops the plot of the drawing.

One of the most frequent options is accommodation in the bedroom interior. In addition, beautiful moths will look great and as a composition on the walls of the living room. Not exception and children's room. In other words, the use of such drawings or stickers will be very advantageous to look almost in any room of the apartment, from the kitchen to the hall and even an entrance hall.

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How to Make: Decor Options

It should be noted that this version of the scenery will easily fit into almost any style, regardless of its features. They will equally well look at the classic interior, and in High-Tech, Loft, Provence, Modern. Of course, such pictures and stickers are perfectly harmonized with rooms made in oriental, ethnic, and features, Chinese and Japanese styles.

Advice from design specialists! An interesting feature is the fact that the presence of a bright decor with butterflies, made with their own hands through the stencil or ordered from professionals, can significantly diversify the interior. This is especially true when it comes to the walls or partitions of one, not very bright, or just pastel color. In addition, they look great as contrasting images: white / black or red, etc.

By the way, some advanced lovers, and, of course, professionals, are beginning to armared the most fashionable and modern trends in the decor. So, more and more often you can see volumetric (3d), or fluorescent compositions that are able to make any apartment is simply awesome and unique.

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Pre-training work

Want to know how to make a butterfly on the wall, as already noted above, there are several ways at once. Let's consider the main of them. Be that as it may, any work, especially the one that concerns the decoration of the internal space requires careful preparation. Otherwise, it is impossible to be confident in its final successful result.

So, what is not necessary to do before proceeding directly to work with your own hands? Let's consider the main stages of preparatory work and the tasks that you have to solve. Here are their list:

  1. First of all, you need to decide which material you will use to decorate the interior.
  2. Then, decide on the color, or rather, with the colors in which your future decor will be performed. Think about the fact that silhouettes of butterflies should stand out on the background of the walls, and not merge with them.
  3. After that you need to accurately decide, what size moths are you going to use. By the way, the dimensions can be successfully combined using both large, there are medium, as well as small images.
  4. And finally, an important stage is the exact definition of the places in which each individual element of the future art composition will be located.

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Methods of execution of decoration

So, preliminary work has been successfully completed, and now it's time to go to the description of various ways to properly apply butterflies on the wall with your own hands.

Based on cardboard

This option is quite strong and reliable, especially in comparison with standard paper (read the butterflies on the paper wall just below).

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Their main advantage compared to ordinary paper is that they are better and for a longer time retain the form. Cut them - quite simple: this task does not constitute any additional difficulties.

By the way! A feature of the cardboard is that it, if you wish, you can get a bit. So, you can use this designer reception for the bending of the wings of the butterfly.

Paper butterflies on the walls

This method is the most common. You can use different types of paper, ranging from the simplest watman and ending with colored paper. In addition to the simplicity of working with this material (even a child can make such an application), one of its advantages is low price and availability. Moreover, if even such decorative elements will be able to bother you, you will easily remove them, replacing them, without any serious damage for the walls or interior of the room.

The main options for applying paper butterflies on the wall are two:

  1. First of all, we make a stencil from a dense sheet material (the usual cardboard is suitable). Then outline with the help of the contour and cut the figure of butterflies. All paper stickers are ready.
  2. The second option is to find ready-made images. So, you can pick up suitable options on the Internet by printing them then on the printer. If you wish, you can make them even more attractive, placing sequins or other complementary decorative elements.

If you do not know how to stick such appliques, do not worry. It is most common to fix them on the wall using an ordinary pin. Alternatively, you can use sticky tape, especially if it is two-way.

Vinyl stickers

If you feel that they are not predisposed to the creation of artistic works, you can proceed much easier. Today there are no problems in order to buy already ready-made vinyl stickers (stickers). In more detail about this element of the decor, it is described in another article on our website: "Decorative stickers on the walls in the interior of the apartment." You can glue them both on wallpaper, and on other surfaces of the walls, which makes them use very convenient.

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Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

Butterflies on the wall: decor do it yourself

The use of this approach is capable of quickly, and, most importantly, very cheap to transform the interior of the apartment or even a separate room. If you do not know how to stick such vinyl stickers - do not worry. Make it - quite simple. As a rule, the work scheme and instructions are attached by the manufacturer to each package with similar products.

Butterfly drawings on the wall

Separate graphs are drawings of butterflies on the walls of the room. Make this decorative option with your own hands - it is not always easy, because not everyone has the talent to make an artistic painting. However, the modern industry of materials for finishing and repair prepared for you some tools with which it is easy to cope with this task. So, here's what options exist:

  • Make a stencil or buy already ready in the wallpaper store and use a small sponge as a tassel.
  • Draw yourself, with brushes and paints according to the sketch.
  • Make the contours of the drawing using a knife by filling out them with standard paints.

Therefore, for a start, you should decide which of these methods is suitable for you in the best possible way. Then you should prepare all the necessary tools and start working on drawing. In any case, most often, today, options with various types of stencils are applied. And to draw in this way the best way with a small sponium, which can be filled with a pattern.

Interesting! As for the paint, the best solution will be the use of water-free or acrylic paint. At the same time, especially if the butterfly pattern is large enough, you can apply a small amount of fluorescent dye, thanks to which the contours of the image will be attractively flicked in the dark.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the video instructions on how to make a decor from butterflies on the wall with your own hands and how to position them correctly:

By the way, one of the embodiments of the picture is its design in the form of a picture. The technology itself remains approximately the same, with the lush difference that for the picture (or panel) you will need a frame. It is quite suitable for both standard, for paintings and photo frame. By the way, part of a similar composition can be made of fabric.

So, we reviewed the basic methods of application of butterflies on the walls of the apartment. In any case, in the world of design and decor there is a much larger variety of such decorations. Learn them, look on the Internet reviews and advice of professional masters and try to work. Do not doubt: you will succeed!

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