Structural wallpapers for walls: features and how to glue


Wallpaper manufacturers are increasingly trying to make fashionable trends in the interior design also practical. After all, every year it becomes increasingly harder to meet the requirements of attracted customers, and domestic firms have to compete with such countries - wallpaper giants like Germany, Italy, USA. The leaders of modern bulk production come up with new and new ways, how to put the buyer, offering it a product that will maximize the requirements of the market.

Structural wallpapers for walls: features and how to glue

Since most of our apartments were built more than 20 years ago, the walls in them are far from perfect. And even quite the opposite, they are simply replete with flaws, cracks and irregularities. It is in order to hide such defects and create a unique interior, and structural wallpapers were invented. This is a white wallpaper (there are less often toned rolls) with a pronounced embellished texture, which are impregnated with a special composition, thanks to which they do not destroy from applying paint.

The price segment of such wallpapers in the market is quite wide: from cheap domestic paper, to expensive flieslinic and fiberglass foreign production. In general, such wallpapers can afford each.

Varieties of structural wallpaper

We list the main types:

1. Paper - the simplest and cheap variety of structural wallpapers. This is often two-layer wallpapers made of thick paper. The first layer in them is smooth and serves to clutch the surface of the walls and the outer layer embossed.

Depending on the type of embossing, paper wallpapers are separated by 2 types:

  • Structural.
  • Rude-Building.

The most distinctive features are the top layer of the wallpaper canvas. In the first case, embossing is made directly on gross paper, and in the second the relief is achieved at the expense of a wood chip layer, which is placed between the external and inner layers of wallpaper. Moreover, the larger this chips, the factory it is possible.

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Such wallpapers can be used both for pasting walls and for the ceiling finish. They glue online, according to the technology of sticking ordinary paper wallpapers.

2. Flizelin wallpaper has become extremely popular due to the properties of the material itself. Fliseline is made from pressed pieces of cellulose fibers, which provides this coating a good resistance to deformities and durability. In the production of structural wallpapers on the thin and smooth base of phlizelin, drawing is applied, and then the layer of foamed vinyl. Such wallpapers are ideal for sticking in new buildings, as the flizelin base will not be deformed, even if the house gives shrinkage. In addition, phlizelin prevents small cracks on the walls. Another advantage of such wallpapers will be the simplicity of sticking, because the glue is applied only on the wall, which does not allow the wallpaper cannger to spill.

The minuses of such wallpapers include the fact that the foamed vinyl coating is quite easily creptable until the wallpaper is punished and not to paint, which can slightly complicate the work on their sticking and paint.

3. Gymelomes are a completely new invention, which is based on fiberglass thread, manufactured at a temperature of 1200 ºС. Such wallpapers are made in two ways:

  • Pressing. In this case, it turns out a web, which perfectly reinforces the surface of the walls and allows you to get a flat velvety surface.
  • Making a fiberglass canvase. In this case, the fiberglass makes threads, which are then used to create a wallpaper canvase.

The finished product in this case looks like a roll of ordinary thin wallpaper.

Attention! In addition to the above options, many shops offer structural vinyl wallpaper on a fliesline basis, also under painting. This material is easy to shove, and also paint with your own hands.

Fiberglass wallpaper - a durable hypoallergenic coating for walls. Their undoubted advantages will be: resistance to moisture and chemicals (such wallpapers can be calmly washed), refractory, the possibility of reusable staining (10-12 times).

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Structural wallpapers for walls: features and how to glue

Gymelomes have a static charge that does not allow dust to linger. They also do not have in their composition of natural "nutrient" trace elements that contribute to the emergence of mold and fungi. The service life of fiberglass wallpaper with proper operation reaches 30 years.

Structural and profile wallpaper

In addition to the above mentioned varieties, there are also wallpaper structural and profile type. It is a wallpaper with a paper base, which causes a volumetric pattern by printing or embossed. The color gamut of such wallpapers can be the most diverse. Structural and profile wallpapers are often made with imitation of wood, metal, fabric, etc.

Structural and profile wallpapers have several varieties:

  1. Simple type. This wallpaper is predominantly bright tones that are made of coarse fiber. Often they are released with imitation of fabric or plaster.
  2. High-class structural wallpapers. They differ not only by an interesting texture, but also a variety of paints of exceptional quality.
  3. Granulated wallpaper. During the production of such a woeful web, the final stage is their coating with a layer of granulate, which gives the wallpaper an additional volume.

Some tips on sticking and painting structural wallpaper

So, when you have several rolls of new beautiful structural wallpapers on a fliesline basis, then it's time to ask yourself a question: how to glue and what to glue.

Below are several advice that will help make the blending process with light, and the result is worthy praise.

  1. One of the important points here will be the choice of glue, since it is from its quality and type the end result will depend. In the selection of glue, you need to be guided by the type of wallpaper and carefully read the inscriptions on the pack.
  2. Running glue, clearly follow the instructions and make a pretty substance well in order to avoid the formation of lumps.
  3. Remember, when weeping paper wallpapers, glue is applied on the canvas, and on the wall, flieslinic - only on the wall.
  4. Half of success - in the preparation of walls. Before sticking, remove all the remnants of old wallpaper, close the cracks and flaws, drive the surface of the walls.

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Our useful video instruction will help you better understand the features of how to break and paint this material:

So, we hope that now you better imagine the characteristics of structural wallpapers under painting. Good luck in repair!

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