Self-adhesive wallpaper for the walls of the room


Often, we are attended by the idea of ​​making some adjustments to the interior of a particular room. At the same time, associations with repair, "defeated" apartment and all other troubles immediately come to the mind. At the same time, to quickly update the interior of a room today, it is not at all necessary to try seriously repairs. You can have self-adhesive wallpapers for the walls of the room.

Self-adhesive wallpaper for the walls of the room

With the help of self-keys you can quickly transform the interior

Using similar films of self-keys, you can be calm for many things:

  • It disappears the need to choose the appropriate glue and fasten it correctly.
  • There is no need to close the windows for a long time.
  • There is no need to buy tools for sticking: tassels, plumbers, etc., that helps to save significant money.

And all this - due to the fact that the self-adhesive wallpaper or photographs already have a special adhesive layer, so the blending process is significantly accelerated and simplified. It should be noted that this adhesive layer is carefully protected by a special film that is removed immediately before gluing the canvas themselves.

The main advantages of Samoclek

The primary task for which each such self-tier is produced is a significant simplification of the repair and improving its quality.

Such films have several fairly significant advantages:

  • They are durable and durable.
  • Safe for human health.
  • Offered in a huge assortment and a variety of colors.
  • Accelerate repair and decorating work.
  • In their favor, there is a relatively low price. For the same money that there are self-keys, you are unlikely to be able to buy their analogues that can be so quick and beautifully transforming the interior of the room.
  • They have a high level of moisture resistance, which is a plus for their adhesive in the bathroom or in the kitchen.

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How to choose: types of self-adhesive wallpaper

Nowadays, more and more manufacturers offer their potential customers a huge variety of different types of self-adhesive wallpaper.

Self-adhesive wallpaper for the walls of the room

Self-tech species - all tastes

We list the most common of them:

  1. Vinyl stickers with a glossy or matte surface.
  2. Wallpapers imitating natural wood, perfectly transmitting the features of the texture and coloring of one or another trees.
  3. Cork-based surfaces. It is for them that the highest level of sound insulation is characteristic. In addition, they are distinguished by increased thermal insulation characteristics.
  4. Self-adhesive photographic windows that can quickly and radically convert almost any interior.

On a note! Consumer characteristics speak in favor of selflessness and make it possible to use them as material for repair for both apartments and non-residential and commercial premises, such as offices, restaurants, cafes, clubs, kindergartens and other institutions.

Learning to glue correctly

If you firmly decided to stick a self-adhesive wallpaper in the room, you can be sure that the fulfillment of this simple work is done by your own hands to everyone. At the same time, nevertheless, it is advisable to strictly observe the instructions from manufacturers, as well as listen to the advice of experienced professionals.

Self-adhesive wallpaper for the walls of the room

The film is easily separated from the protective layer

Punching does not submit any significant problems:

  1. To begin with, it is better to outline the place of future stickers, putting a film to it.
  2. Then you need to remove the protective layer and gently paste the self-keeper to the room wall. It should be remembered that the sticking is done from top to bottom, because This will help get a better result.
  3. After that, when the air bubbles are formed, it is advisable to arm a thin needle and gently pierce them by releasing excess air outwards.

Taking into account! Glue self-adhesive wallpaper on an uneven surface - it is impossible. Therefore, a successful and high-quality stick is guaranteed only in cases where you carefully and carefully conducted preparatory work, aligning, if necessary, the wall, as well as eliminating all possible chips and irregularities.

How to remove self-adhesive wallpaper

Often it turns out that it becomes necessary to remove the former decoration in the room. With traditional wallpaper, everything may not be so simple. At the same time, their self-adhesive analogues in this regard are a very convenient option. It is enough for you to just carefully pick up the angle of stickers, and then slowly remove it from the wall surface. This moment is especially positive in cases where the need for quick change in the design of the internal space appears.

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Self-adhesive wallpaper for the walls of the room

Self-tech is just as easy to remove, as sticking

In which rooms to use

Universality Together with other advantages, on which we stayed in more detail slightly higher, makes the use of self-adhesive wallpapers is quite relevant for almost any room. You can hang them in a nursery, in the kitchen, in the bedroom, corridor or living room (hall). You must not forget about such premises as the bathroom and toilet.

Self-adhesive wallpaper for the walls of the room

For the bathroom you can pick up an indoor eye option

One of the weighty arguments speaking the use of this coverage as an element of the decor in the room is the fact that it can be labeled not only on the walls of the room, but also on such things as furniture objects and large household appliances: cabinets, dressers, Shelves, refrigerator, etc.

Especially relevant, this type of finish is when arranging or alteration of the children's room. Various colors and plot options are ideal for kids with any character. So, if your child is calm and balanced, it can be a bit of cheer away with such bright colors such as orange, yellow, bright green.

Self-adhesive wallpaper for the walls of the room

Children's room will be bright and funny

At the same time, more "cold" shades, such as blue and blue, to some extent will affect the cooling of the dust not in the measure of the divergent kids. If necessary, for distinguishing wallpaper of various colors, you can use borders, which are also self-adhesive.

As for the kitchen room, here in favor of self-adhesive wallpaper, first of all, the absence of toxic and harmful substances in their composition. In addition, they are absolutely not terrible sharp change in room temperature, so characteristic of the kitchen room.

Self-adhesive wallpaper for the walls of the room

For kitchen, self-adhesive wallpapers are very comfortable.

As for their sticking in such facilities of the apartment, like a bathroom or toilet, everything is simple here. Selfclocks will significantly transform the interior, without special experiences about their damage from the impact of atmospheric moisture.

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Video instruction, how to glue self-adhesive wallpapers:

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