Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications


Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

Even recently, in the bathrooms, all communications were in sight, and this was considered completely normal. But the time does not stand still, now they are hiding behind hypokarton structures, turning restrooms into stylish rooms with a minimum of jet. Save access to the counters and cranes and do not spoil the beauty help audit plumbing hatches. They can be bought or done on their own.

Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications


Depending with the object hidden behind the hatch, the following hatches are distinguished:

  • electrical;
  • Santnechnic;
  • Ventilation.

By location:

  • outdoor;
  • wall;
  • Ceiling.

Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

Special strength requirements are presented to outdoor and ceiling hatches. Outdoor models should be resistant to external physical exposure, have a reliable design, frame, with additional equipment, moisture protection and sound insulation. Ceiling doors are required to have a low weight, thought out the closure option so that the doors do not accidentally break down. Such windows are used in commercial premises, public places, garages.

Wall hatches for a number of reasons are moreses (saving space, a wider choice of models, simplicity and ease of installation) in residential buildings and apartments.

Traditional forms for plumbing hatches are square and rectangular. If necessary, you can make or order non-standard doors, but their installation and application will be slightly different.

Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

According to the material of the manufacture, it is allocated:

  • Available plastic models. Usually with handle or push. It is often used white, but other popular colors can be found on sale. A wide variety of sizes.
  • Metal doors have a colored coating (powder paint), they love them for strength and stability.
  • Other materials. Make a sanitary hatch under the tile can be made of primary materials (drywall, chipboard), which allows you to apply a masking coating. The frame for such a door is usually made from aluminum or metal to ensure durability. They can be beat and hide in traditional design. This is an elegant solution that becomes popular not only among designers, it is likely and ordinary ordinary people. Especially this option is good when it comes to non-standard forms and sizes.

The simpler viewing hatch in the interior, the better. Therefore, such models such as magnetic, hidden and push are caused more and more interest.

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Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

Pressure structures

They are made on Push-systems, on roller mechanisms. Frequently combined with invisible mechanisms, with spatial loops, dual, which allow you to save space and not use the handles. Doors can be sliding, folding, swing into one or both sides. Mechanisms are better to choose from proven manufacturers.

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Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

The peculiarity of certain pressure systems is that they open in two receptions: after a strong pressure, the door slightly shifts to the side, after which it becomes noticeable. In such a state, the cover is easy to drag into the direction. In practice, the plumbing hatches of small and medium sizes are designed.

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Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

Hidden, invisible

Popular invisible systems combine the nuances of other options and allow you to make the large doors.

Usually they are used in residential buildings in the bathrooms in order to visually increase the space, as well as to reorganize communications in the niches, ensuring an approach. The use of special loops and drywall on the lid helps "adapt" a revision hatch under the wall. At the same time, the installation of such a window should be taken into account in advance when designing a niche. For completed repair, renewal under the "invisible" may turn out to be inconvenient and, on the contrary, will spoil the whole view.

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Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

On magnets

Constructions on neodymium magnets are used in outdoor and wall viewing windows. Magnets have great strength and can withstand considerable weight. Making such lids invisible helps the tricky approach: the groove for the hatch is made a little less so that the door itself is under flooring (tiles, a piece of laminate), masking it. In the greater version or with heavyweight materials, the cover is equipped with a handle for convenience. Lightweight and small hatches can be removable and without pens, more often make curds. The magnet helps the cap hold on, in some embodiments it is simply shifted aside to weaken the attraction, in the outdoor, they complement the power of their own severity of the lid.

Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications


The standards of revision hatches involve the minimum size as a square 10 cm * 10 cm. Among the finished products use hatches in size of the conventional tile 20 * 30.

Working with arbitrary parameters, the masters seek them closer to this option so that ceramic products can be fully fit on the curtain. This approach will allow the "hiding" hatch. Specific dimensions depend on the purpose of the door and the position of the pipes, the cable.

Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

The largest of the finished options are the doors 120 cm. Homemade doors other than the usual parameters should be closer to such: at least 5 - 50 mm tile reserves on the fixing with a wall, no more than ½ of its own tile parameters from a free side.

Composite elements

The structure of a specific hatch depends on its type. The standard wall variant includes aluminum frame, lock, loop construction and door.

The material is hidden santehdvers usually make moisture-resistant (for example, treated plasterboard, chipboard, OSP). The frame is mounted in a niche or wall. The lock "reacts" to the external impact, holding the door in the grooves of the niche.

Looping mechanism and adjustment - an important part on which the hatch opens exactly to which direction. In simple versions, it can be mounted or furniture loops. In cunning - dual with additional adjustment nodes.

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Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

Position of the hatch and side of the opening

Usually try to determine the place of the revision hatch in such a way that it does not touch other items in the room, and also gave the necessary review. It is convenient to open the door to the left-right, with a rare exception. Vertical opening is accompanied by more responsible place training.

The angular position of the viewing window is: the door corners will interfere, the design will be weaker. In addition to the floor, it is better not to do the door: the lower edge can scratch the floor and leave footprints. The rule of whole tiles is distributed and on this moment of installation.

Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

Installation of hidden hatch

Installation of a secret hatch begins with the fastening of the frame. In the drywall construction, the profiles are pre-prepared to connect the hatch frame with a frame of metal sammers. The grooves for them are drilled in advance. If the installation is carried out in the opening in a brick or block wall, then a dowel-nails are used, and the gaps between the frame and the wall are fought. In this case, the door is removed from the frame and mounted after the sealant readiness (about a day to froze the removal of surplus along the contour).

Article on the topic: The height of the mixer in the bathroom from the floor: Standard values

Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

After mounting the frame, a niche cover is made with material with a frame overlap. The surface of the frame must be smooth. Check out after mounting the operation of the looping mechanism, it is possible to debug it with a hex key.


The finish of the hatch and walls are made at the same time. To glue the tile to the inconsistency door, you need to primed the working surface. Purpose mechanisms are fixed with special fasteners, the doors are aggravated by weight or use a load bolt. On plasterboard tile glue to liquid nails or use special cement mixtures. The wood plates are pre-installed the reinforcing grid. When applying glue on ceramics, future gaps take into account. For high-quality fixing tiles, glue must keep no less than ½ of its surface.

The mixture should not fall and clog into the space between the hatch and its frame. Eliminate excess need faster. The mixture will grab through a day, then you can remove the tile excess.

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Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

Grout, sealing

The treatment of invisible hatches has its own characteristics: they are not rubbed around the edges. The rest of the hatch space is covered by the makeup as the entire wall. To accurately determine this place, the edge is treated with a construction ribbon, freeing a small gap. Silicone sealant is laying into it, aligning the layer with his fingers. So that the mass behaves obediently hands must be made in the soap solution. After that, the tape is gently removed. Silicone drying requires 2 days. Last barcode: cuts around the perimeter of the hatch. Make from an angle of 45 °, trying to get the construction knife to the base using 1 movement per side. It helps to avoid the "fringe" at the edges.

From an open hatch removed excess sealant.

Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

How to make your own hands?

Not always ready-made auditing hatches satisfy the requests. In this case, you can spend some time and effort and make the desired item yourself.

If a small window is required, then magnetic options are well suited. To do this, set the magnets at the corners of the door, and at the edges of the frame - the magnets - dubls (everything will take 8 magnets). It is better to equip the cover with a neat handle, it will be more practical. As a handle, use the usual furniture fittings.

Article on the topic: Roof ventilation. Roof ventilation system options

Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

In the manufacture of large doors, furniture parts will also be useful: it is convenient to mount the finished systems of the Push and the usual mounted loops.

  • Spend measurements, make a future place and check it out to avoid breaks.
  • Prepare the base and frame. You can use the usual aluminum profile under the frame, the frame made from the planks or from the same profile. Set the frame.
  • We make a lid: the base should be dense, use wood plates. The coating depends on the thickness of the layer and the planned work. It is better to apply plasterboard: finishing work on it is more successful than on the prepared tree. Correctly connect the lid details.
  • Prepare grooves for the looping mechanism: from both sides, retreat 10 mm and drill. Connecting a loop with a lid, attach it to the frame Make marking for holes for the mechanism.
  • Install the loop in the frame. Now you can hang the hatch to the place. The lid should go to the cloud with a raw wall and do not rise above it. The hatch should be a gap so that it is easy to open by pressing (consider the future facing).
  • Secure the door with special bolts, use the cargo. Clean the hatch from dust, drive and proceed to the facing.
  • After drying the tile glue, check the door mechanism. Adjust if necessary.
  • At the very end, the pressure mechanism is mounted.

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Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications


Redoing Santehdvers - a difficult task. An uncomplicated interior element requires careful attention. Many only after purchase and installation understand how it would be better to carry out this procedure. It is useful to ask the neighbors from the top or from the bottom, as they solved this question and were satisfied.

Pay attention to such moments:

  • When buying a ready-made plumbing hatch, check whether the orientation coincides with the desired (vertical or horizontal). Often the size of 20 * 30 leads to confusion and sellers and buyers.
  • When installing, use the level.
  • Small windows are installed immediately with a lid, and large disassembled into parts.
  • The lining of the walls is better to do immediately under the door of the invisibility system, leaving the bottom chamber finally. In this way, the sizes of the tiles and avoid random breakdowns.
  • Unsuccessful sealant cut operations can be fixed: apply silicone along the edge and close the hatch. Speaking Mass Remove and leave back again.
  • If the wall is preparing under painting, then the seam needs to be cut after spittle, before drying the mixture.

Having a small experience, you can quickly quickly install ready-made revision hatches, and if you wish, create it with your own hands. Master's business is afraid!

Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

Auditing Tile Luke - Hidden Access Communications

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