Repair of linoleum: what to wash and drop the scotch, repairman and how to remove Super Glue, Clear from Putty and wash


Repair of linoleum: what to wash and drop the scotch, repairman and how to remove Super Glue, Clear from Putty and wash

If you damaged the linoleum during the rearrangement of furniture, then it can easily be repaired at home the linoleum is one of the most common materials that is used to finish the floor surface. It has quite high quality and inexpensive price, which causes its wide popularity. The variety of design will make it possible to choose a suitable floor covering in a particular interior. It happens that linoleum requires recovery (after damage or contamination). This usually occurs during repair or due to a long service life. Linoleum repair can be performed independently, following the recommendations of professionals.

How to wash linoleum after repair

Repair is a rather painstaking process, the consequences of which can be pollution of floor surfaces. Very often, after repairing on linoleum, you can detect contamination, eliminate which will be quite problematic. Sometimes household detergents can help, and sometimes you have to resort to something more efficient.

The first method of getting rid of possible contaminants after repair - even before it began to cover the floor with polyethylene, attaching it throughout the perimeter using the tape.

Repair of linoleum: what to wash and drop the scotch, repairman and how to remove Super Glue, Clear from Putty and wash

In order to wash the linoleum after repair, you can use special detergents, brushes and warm water

If there is no such big film, the floor can be protected using old papers and newspapers, simply by closing the entire surface of the floor. It is important to draw attention to the fact that the surface of the linoleum is best to wash with the help of funds that are intended specifically to care for this material. Otherwise, purification may be poor-quality, the linoleum will remain dim, with divorces and spots.

Species of Pollution:

  • Lime, cement mixture, putty. To begin with, the floor should be rinsed with clean warm water with the addition of several spoons of salt and soap. So that the linoleum does not lose its shine, it is impossible to use too hot water. From scuffs and divorces, you can take advantage of a weak solution of manganese. With too strong contaminants, you can wash the floor with water with the addition of a small amount of kerosene. After purification, the floor must be washed with vinegar-based solution: this will help neutralize the strong smell of kerosene.
  • Paint. To get rid of paint, you do not need to use alkali-containing substances. They can irrevocably spoil the appearance of the surface. If the paint has not yet dried, it should be softened with the help of vegetable oil, and then losing a linoleum with a brush or cloth. If the paint froze, it can be removed using solvents for paint, after having previously convinced that they will not damage the linoleum itself.
  • Primer and mounting foam. If the foam did not have time to frozen, it is neatly removed by a spatula. If fresh primer got to the surface, it is removed using a damp cloth.

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Clear the linoleum field of repair can be, if you know what means and tools it is appropriate to use not to damage the floor covering itself. After the procedures have done, the surface of the linoleum needs to be washed using special tools for linoleum care. The best way to avoid contaminants is to ensure that the repairman is extremely neat when working with finishing materials.

Than tip the scotch from linoleum

Today, few in the farm does not use scotch. This material is practical, and sometimes simply indispensable. The material can be called universal. It has one single disadvantage - after removal leaves sticky, unpleasant trail.

Scotch is perfectly in contact with the surface and it is not very willing to part with it. That is why for each type of material there are ways to get rid of the tape.

Repair of linoleum: what to wash and drop the scotch, repairman and how to remove Super Glue, Clear from Putty and wash

The solution that is cooked from soda and hot water will help to easily remove the tape from the surface of the linoleum

When cleaning linoleum, it is important to pay for its quality. It should be known which substances are contraindicated to interact with this type of surface. For example, to remove the tape, in no case cannot use aggressive chemical agents.

What can remove tape from linoleum:

  • Powder belonging to household chemicals;
  • Pasty tool from the arsenal of household chemicals;
  • The solution of hot water and soda (water should not be too hot);
  • Detergent for dishes.

Cleaning work is best done in gloves. Many advise the use of essential oil - it is unagusably removed the stickiness and will not leave the divorce. You can also wipe the surface with gasoline or kerosene, previously convinced of their safety for the surface of the linoleum.

How to remove glue from linoleum

The surface of the floor is contaminated with time. From time to time linoleum requires cleaning more serious than just wash the floors. Very often, during the repair work on the surface of the linoleum, the wallpaper glue can get.

If glue fell on the wallpaper, you need to not give it to dry. Remove fresh glue from linoleum using a soap solution.

Repair of linoleum: what to wash and drop the scotch, repairman and how to remove Super Glue, Clear from Putty and wash

In order to remove glue from linoleum, you should use a soap solution or kerosene

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If the glue did not immediately notice, and he managed to dry, it will take to treat the surface with special means. It is important to remember that the use of aggressive means for cleaning the linoleum is unacceptable. Solvents and acetone can be especially dangerous for the surface.

How to remove glue from linoleum:

  • Soap solution;
  • White Spirit;
  • Petrol;
  • Kerosene.

After applying all these funds, the floor must be washed with water with the addition of detergents designed specifically for linoleum. To work with the means you will need gloves and protective masks. If the glue stains are small, you can do the cloth of a small size moistened in the solution.

How to remove superclauses from linoleum

When working with superclaim, you need to be very careful. Of course, it is good to think about the options that the glue can get on the surface of the linoleum, and pre-protect the surface. If this is done for some reason, it failed to seek help to various chemicals.

In building stores, you can find funds specifically invented for cleaning the surfaces, which came superclauses: "Super moment of antique", "Antique", "Contact".

Repair of linoleum: what to wash and drop the scotch, repairman and how to remove Super Glue, Clear from Putty and wash

Excellent tool that will help remove super-glue from the surface of the linoleum, is gasoline

Such means should be applied to the dried adhesive surface, wait until the composition solurates glue, then remove the adhesive mass with a dry napkin. If you failed to remove the glue from the first time, you can repeat the procedure. When buying such a fund, you should carefully read the instructions and learn about its compatibility with the surface of the linoleum.

How to remove super-glue with gasoline:

  • Mix the gasoline rag.
  • Apply to stain and rub.
  • If you need to help yourself with a spatula.

Gasoline is a universal tool that helps to clean the surface from simple glue and super block. When working with the substance you need to be neat. It is important that at that time there are few children in the room. After processing, gasoline must be washed with water.

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Literate repair of linoleum (video)

When carrying out repair work, there is a high probability of pollution of the surface of the linoleum. He can lose his glitter, there may be a divorce on it, a putty and primer can be poured on it. After whitewings, the linoleum remains ugly divorces. Give a linoleum. Beautiful appearance will help purify with soap solution or chemicals designed to work with linoleum. Refresh Linoleum is very simple, knowing some tricks and techniques that can be easily found on the Internet on specialized sites.

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