Mastic for Linoleum: Cleaning Wedge for washing varnish, polyrolol and washing, floor glitter and protective layer


Mastic for Linoleum: Cleaning Wedge for washing varnish, polyrolol and washing, floor glitter and protective layer

Mastic for linoleum may differ in composition, color and quality so that the linoleum is well met, the special mastic for linoleum, which can be purchased at the building materials store or do it yourself. This remedy allows you to achieve ideal floors of the floor, in addition, the flooring will be less exposed to abrasion and deformation from shoes and when moving furniture.

Linoleum Mastic Mastic

Mastica should be purchased after the type of linoleum is chosen, the composition of the base has no less importance.

At home, you can make a mixture with your own hands, mixing such ingredients as:

  • Wax;
  • Petrol;
  • Paraffin;
  • Rosin.

Mastic for Linoleum: Cleaning Wedge for washing varnish, polyrolol and washing, floor glitter and protective layer

When buying mastic for linoleum, it should be examined by its composition for harmful substances.

First, the rosin is melted on fire, and then wax and paraffin is added. After half a minute, turning off the fire, gasoline is added and mixed well. After cooling, the tool is ready to work.

The prepared base, purified from dust and garbage, is applied a small layer of mastic in 5 mm. It is better to do this with a special gear spatula, so the tool will be consumed more economically. The layer should be uniform over all areas of the room.

After laying the coating, it is necessary to press the material to the surface. To do this, you can use a roller. Throughout the day, it is advisable not to walk on linoleum and wait for complete gluing.

When buying a composition in the store, it is necessary to look at the shelf life, as well as consult what the mastic will fit the base of the floor. You need to know at what temperature you need to use the tool and how much to withstand it. The exposure time can be varied from different mixtures.

Proper linoleum cleaning

The regular paper cleaning process is necessary, as it allows you to maintain an attractive appearance of the linoleum and increases its service life.

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Linoleum has its own minuses, such as:

  • Exposure to mechanical pressure;
  • Sensitivity to chemical action;
  • Wearing material due to the critical drop of low and high temperatures.

In this regard, it periodically needs to be treated with special means. Cleaning can be carried out using polyroli, detergents and mastic on a polymer basis.

As a result of processing on the surface of the material, a protective layer is formed in the form of a fine, but dense film, which retains the surface structure.

Mastic for Linoleum: Cleaning Wedge for washing varnish, polyrolol and washing, floor glitter and protective layer

Cleaning linoleum can be performed using household chemicals.

There are cleaning agents that help protect the linoleum from exposure:

  • Sun rays;
  • Substantial mechanical load;
  • Liquids with different composition.

They can differ with a tinge, density, glitter or gloss, which attached coverage.

So that the coating does not go cracked, it is recommended to wipe it up to 2 times a week. To remove the protective layer, it is enough to pass the floor with linen oil or olive.

What a means for washing linoleum is best to use

The most affordable and simple means for washing linoleum is a soap solution prepared from ordinary household soap or from a dishwashing detergent in water.

However, not all stains can be laundered by such a composition, it is more suitable for simply refreshing the material. To do this, you only need a mop and water, as the linoleum wipe can be without soap.

The store has a wide choice, but each detergent is intended for different purposes.

So exist formulations for:

  • Simple, regular washing;
  • For laundering spots with substances that repulse dirt;
  • For protective goals;
  • Universal means.

Mastic for Linoleum: Cleaning Wedge for washing varnish, polyrolol and washing, floor glitter and protective layer

Before buying a means for washing a linoleum worth reading about it online reviews

All of them have their own composition and certain qualities, so it is impossible to mix them.

The main thing is to choose exactly those mixtures that are specifically designed to process linoleum. Care should be taken when the powders and solutions are soda, cheek or acid.

To properly wash the linoleum, first from its surface you need to collect all the garbage and dust. To do this, you can use a brush or vacuum cleaner. After laying a new material is better, in general, not to wash for about 1 month. To polish the floor to shine, you can only apply soft rags or not hard brushes, it is best to do it manually. The restoration of the linoleum after the scratches appeared on it, will take much longer than the careful care every day.

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Spots are cleaned with dry powders or ordinary dishwashing fluid, if they are fat. Only after cleaning certain sections the floor is completely cleansed. Complex dirt can be removed using kerosene or gasoline.

What is the varnish for linoleum

In order to update the old material, you can use this means as varnish for linoleum.

Special varnish can be produced in the form of polyteroli, mastic or wax on a polymer basis.

The action that these drugs produce:

  • Grinding that allows you to achieve a beautiful shine;
  • Protection against premature wear;
  • Preventing cracks and scratches on linoleum;
  • An increase in the service life of the floor covering;
  • The surface becomes more antistatic, less slippery.

Mastic for Linoleum: Cleaning Wedge for washing varnish, polyrolol and washing, floor glitter and protective layer

Due to the lacquer for linoleum, you can significantly improve the aesthetic and operational qualities of the flooring

It is possible to cover the floor with a lacquer, by means of a soft brush or a rag with a mild pile. It is done after wet cleaning and cleaning from stains. Polyrol, while added to water.

When the linoleum dries out, and this happens for 30 minutes, a transparent layer of film is formed on its surface, which provides protection, and also gives shine.

For a more dense film, it is required to repeat this process 2-3 times, then the polymer particles in the form of film will be the most durable.

There are a large number of special varnishes for linoleum, giving shine or gloss of its surface. You can make it and matte, if desired.

Polyrol varieties for linoleum

Different types of polyteroli have various functions - the properties of some are aimed at protecting the coating, others - to give the surface, gloss, gloss, reduce static electricity, and, accordingly, slides.


  • Polyrol for flooring floors enhances shine and gives linoleum a special glossy or matte radiance.
  • The protective composition helps protect the coating from scratches, cracking, traces from furniture and shoes.
  • Polyrol can provide effective pushing mud, remove some linoleum defects, its irregularities.
  • Protective compounds protect the surface from the effects of ultraviolet radiation and yellowing.

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Mastic for Linoleum: Cleaning Wedge for washing varnish, polyrolol and washing, floor glitter and protective layer

Applying polyrol, you can give the novelty and gloss linoleum

All these species can be combined with each other, while observing the technology of application. Sometimes, before starting to apply any composition, you should remove the layer of an existing means.

User feedback show that in general cleaning, detergents and protective agents, if used for their intended purpose, significantly prolong the life of the linoleum.

If there are doubts about a particular means, you can try its action by spending a test on a small piece of material to avoid disappointment in the future.

To clean the surface of the coating after repair, the paint stains can be removed using ordinary oil - linen or sunflower. Any solvent will also be suitable, but it is necessary to do it very carefully. A moistened piece of fabric or wool should be affected only on the spot itself, without capturing the material around.

Choosing Mastics for Linoleum (Video)

Correct flooring for flooring will allow you to contain it in excellent condition for a long time. In most cases, it does not require potent preparations containing acids and lumps. They can spoil the product. Therefore, it is enough to safely wipe the linoleum as usual harmless for both material and for their own health, with funds 2-3 times a week.

How to update old linoleum with your own hands (photos of ideas)

Mastic for Linoleum: Cleaning Wedge for washing varnish, polyrolol and washing, floor glitter and protective layer

Mastic for Linoleum: Cleaning Wedge for washing varnish, polyrolol and washing, floor glitter and protective layer

Mastic for Linoleum: Cleaning Wedge for washing varnish, polyrolol and washing, floor glitter and protective layer

Mastic for Linoleum: Cleaning Wedge for washing varnish, polyrolol and washing, floor glitter and protective layer

Mastic for Linoleum: Cleaning Wedge for washing varnish, polyrolol and washing, floor glitter and protective layer

Mastic for Linoleum: Cleaning Wedge for washing varnish, polyrolol and washing, floor glitter and protective layer

Mastic for Linoleum: Cleaning Wedge for washing varnish, polyrolol and washing, floor glitter and protective layer

Mastic for Linoleum: Cleaning Wedge for washing varnish, polyrolol and washing, floor glitter and protective layer

Mastic for Linoleum: Cleaning Wedge for washing varnish, polyrolol and washing, floor glitter and protective layer

Mastic for Linoleum: Cleaning Wedge for washing varnish, polyrolol and washing, floor glitter and protective layer

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