Foamed wallpapers: review and characteristics


Over the past decades, wallpapers have become truly popular material. They not only come out of fashion, but also expand their presence in the market. This happens, not least, thanks to the novelties that are obliged to apply the latest technologies in production, as well as an innovative approach in design. Among the most interesting and in demand by a massive buyer, new products can be allocated foam wallpaper.

Foamed wallpapers: review and characteristics

Foamed wallpapers have different structure and different foundations

Vinyl, paper, on a fliseline basis and profile - depending on the raw materials used, as well as production technology, they can be completely different.

Foamed wallpapers are obliged to be their popularity that they have a significant number of advantages and advantages that facilitate their sticking and making their exploitation longer compared to many other analogues. Thanks to an attractive appearance, they are able to significantly decorate the interior of your apartment, making it not only practical, but also individual.

Foamed wallpapers: review and characteristics

On the form of soft and embossed

In addition, such canvases will be very organically looked in a non-residential room, such as an office, cafe or administrative building.

Foamed paper wallpaper: characteristics

So, what are the foamed wallpaper on a paper basis? As follows from the very name, they are made on a substrate made of paper. Thus, they have two layers - external and internal.

Foamed wallpapers: review and characteristics

Foam-based wallpaper

These canvas are manufactured using the screen printing method. That's how it works. Inside the furnace is heating, reaching a large temperature. This, in turn, launches the process of evaporation of special substances, which are part of the composition of the vinyl layer.

Foamed wallpapers: review and characteristics

Give the mysterious look

Accordingly, small cavities are formed inside, also known as pores. It turns out that due to their formation, the vinyl layer becomes "foam".

Helpful information! Due to the fact that the vinyl layer (PVC) has an increased density, it counteracts the evaporation of atmospheric moisture. This positively affects the characteristics of the canvas, as they prevent the formation and spread of mold and fungus.

Foamed wallpapers: review and characteristics

Flamented profile wallpapers

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In addition, such canvases are also known as "foamed profile wallpapers". As for their surface, it is sufficiently soft and pleasant to the touch.

This is characteristic of this surface:

  • Being slightly rough, it can have a clear relief or pattern.
  • Perfectly hides small damage, chips and scratches on the working surface of the walls of the room.
  • It is characterized by a wide variety of colors and shades, which has a positive effect on the possibility of designing interior design in various styles.
  • Similar volume texture of wallpaper can create a sense of use for finishing the walls of an attractive embossed plaster.

Pluses and cons of paper-based foamed wallpapers

To all those who plan to buy similar products for their own apartment, I want to learn more about its main advantages and disadvantages. So, here they are:

  1. Increased service life and durability.
  2. Environmental safety (despite the approval of some "experts" that such materials are harmful to human health).
  3. Excellent water resistance due to which their wet cleaning can be carried out.

Foamed wallpapers: review and characteristics

Foamed paper wallpaper

In some cases, with the preliminary preparation of the walls of the walls, you may not even use the finishing layer of putty, because, thanks to the large thickness and textured surface, the vinyl vinyl wallpaper is capable of perfectly cope with the "correction" of all sorts of flaws of the wall.

Foamed wallpapers: review and characteristics

Wallpaper foamed on flieslinic basis

Of course, it should be understood that we are talking exclusively about small shortcomings, chips and potholes.

At the same time, it should be recognized that the data of the canvas have a number of shortcomings:

  1. Due to the softness of the structure, they are sufficiently susceptible to non-accurate appeal and exposure to foreign objects, as a result of which their decorative layer can be spoiled.
  2. Glue foamed vinyl wallpaper on paper based with your own hands - it is also not as easy as it may seem. To do this, it is advisable to get an assistant, since all work on their sticking is desirable to be held together.

How to glue

By the way, let's briefly consider the features of the correct gluing of these wallpapers. As already mentioned, they are able to hide small potholes and shortcomings. However, how to be if you have already picked up old canvases? Or what to do if the wall is painted? In such cases, you will have to fully prepare the walls. If necessary, the walls of the room will need to be putting off, processing with the help of sandpaper, and then it is already fully primed.

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After that, you can move to the adhesive. The stages of this work are standard and no different from sticking any other heavy canvases. As a recommendation, I would like to note that it is very desirable to use specialized glue varieties.

Attention! Unlike softer and thin paper analogs, after applying the glue layer, the foam wallpaper cannot be folded in half for greater and better impregnation, as it can damage the decorative coating.

As for the interior design of the room, you can use the canvas not only one standard color, but also contact the original design approaches by combining various shades in the interior. Similar bold color combinations, coupled with the aforementioned advantages, make foamed wallpapers with an excellent option for almost any room in the apartment. They can be glued in the kitchen, in the hallway (corridor), in the hall (living room), and even in the bedroom and children's room.

Foamed Wallpaper on Flizelin Base

Now let's pay for some time to read information about foamed wallpaper based on Flizelin. In their design, they do not differ from the analogues performed on a paper substrate: all the same 2 layers: carrier and decorative.

Foamed wallpapers: review and characteristics

From the room not to tear the look

It should be noted that the price of such wallpapers, as foamed vinyl, is slightly higher than that we have to do with all the most inexpensive papers from paper. However, this cost is fully justified because they have numerous advantages. In general, the main advantages of this coverage coincide with the advantages of PVC-based PVC wallpaper described above.

Foamed wallpapers: review and characteristics

Wallpaper foamed on paper based

The widest variety of colors, as well as such a technique, like the use of sequins, can make each both residential and non-residential premises very beautiful and attracting not only surprised guest glances, but also the incessant admissions of the residents of this house. By the way, we should not forget about the use of vinyl foamed wallpaper on a fliesline basis not only in residential buildings and apartments, but also in office, public and administrative institutions.

On a note! On some sites on the Internet there are information about this form of wall finishing, as vinyl wallpaper on a foam basis. This is not entirely true. The base can be either paper or fliseline. Vinyl is a material for an external decorative layer. Therefore, be aware, and at the same time use the correct terminology.

Cleaning and care

Most reliable and proven manufacturers provide their customers with all the necessary information about the care and possibilities for cleaning foam wallpaper. Usually either on the package, or on the attached instructions, it is indicated how to wash such wallpapers and how to carefully care for them. This is done in order to extend their life. Marking information is usually made by applying special characters. As a rule, these are small "waves":

  1. One denotes that their cleaning is allowed with a slightly wet soft sponge or cloth.
  2. Two or three - that you can without the slightest oscillations to carry out their full wash.
  3. Wave with the image of the comb - you can safely wash using a sponge.

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Foamed wallpapers on paper or flizelin-based basis are a wonderful material. Despite some disadvantages, it is gaining more and more popular in the construction and finishing materials market in Russia and other CIS countries. The advantages and positive characteristics of such a coating - much more. Therefore, taking into account what you can choose the product based on the level of price and its consumer characteristics, we can safely say that this finishing material is one of the optimal elections for decorative repairs in the room.

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