Recommendation: How to install the lock in the interroom door


After repairing the apartment often install new doors. However, it is often brothing, not equipped with handles and castles. In this case, install accessories can be independently. In addition, the owner of the apartment appears the opportunity to choose the lock that will be the most suitable and convenient.

Recommendation: How to install the lock in the interroom door

Design of interroom door.

And successfully selected handles will well complement the interior and make the outdoor view of the interior door. In some cases, it is impossible to choose a canvas with finished fittings, and a separate locking of the lock becomes the only output.

Why do you need locks in interroom doors

Many are perplexed, why lock the door to the room. However, there are situations when it is just necessary.

Recommendation: How to install the lock in the interroom door

Castle diagram for interior door.

  1. If there is a small child in the apartment, he may accidentally damage, break or break valuable things, expensive electronics or documents. The locked door will become an insurmountable obstacle for the "destroyer".
  2. The need to close the door may occur if there are pets that do not always differ accuracy.
  3. If the room is used as a working office, then the door lock will exclude accidental visits of the unborn guests. No one places a person to focus at work.
  4. The locked door will allow to retire in a crowded apartment. In this case, no one places to do their affairs.
  5. Castles and latches are important at the entrance to the rooms of hygiene: bathroom and toilet. Then the possibility of a sudden invasion will be excluded.
  6. When using interroom doors in offices, castles will prevent the loss of valuable property and important securities.

Necessary materials and tools

In order not to be distracted from work, you need to prepare everything in advance that you need:

Recommendation: How to install the lock in the interroom door

Tools for castle mounting for interroom doors.

  1. Castle on the interroom door.
  2. Pencil for marking. It is advisable to use furniture, as it is designed to work with a tree.
  3. Drill.
  4. Drill. The diameter must be selected depending on the size of the lock.
  5. Feather drill.
  6. Drill crowns.
  7. Roulette.
  8. Corolnic
  9. Screwdriver. Can be used slotted or cross depending on the type of screws.
  10. Chisel. Must correspond to the size of the planned recesses, it may be necessary to need different widths and shapes: flat and semicircular.
  11. Hammer or kiyanka.
  12. Self-tapping screw (usually comes with a lock).
  13. Food with a large and shallow notch.

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When everything is ready, you can proceed to work.

Castle selection

First of all, you need to look at what material the door is made. If this is a solid wooden canvas, then install the lock can be installed in any convenient location. Recommended height 90-100 cm from floor. But someone can be convenient for 80 cm or 110 cm. To determine the optimal location, you can simulate the door opening. It is advisable to ask for members of the family. On the door you need to note the optimal height.

Recommendation: How to install the lock in the interroom door

Replacing the door handle.

If another material is used, then you need to determine where an additional bar is located, since the accessories will be embedded. At the door of the MDF, it is located at a height of 1 m from the floor.

Before buying a lock, you need to measure the thickness of the door.

If the lock does not approach the size, it will be impossible to install it. The minimum door thickness thickness is 4 cm.

It is necessary to check whether the box will withstand the load, there is no damage on it in the place of the alleged installation of the lock.

Door markup and hardware preparation

Installing the lock in interior doors begins with marking. The canvas is removed from the loops and put on the side. On the end part there is a scene of the latch. The sidelines are applied to the side and outline over the contour. Where the key will be inserted, a special mark is made: here you have to drill the door through. On the end side marked the height of the lock and the fastening plank.

To make a smooth round remission in the canvas, you will need a drill with a crown. You need to select the diameter of the drill, depending on the locking mechanism: it should be freely placed in the excavation. But also need to take into account the size of decorative linings: the hole must be hidden completely. The reserve of the place should provide for the possibility of attaching accessories to the door with the help of self-tapping screws.

On the previously made markup, we drill the hole under the bar connecting the handles. It is necessary to do it on both sides, so as not to damage the cloth when the crown is out of the reverse side.

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Drilling holes for locking mechanism

Recommendation: How to install the lock in the interroom door

Markup scheme to install the lock in the interroom door.

First prepared a place for the lock mechanism. To do this, with the help of a feather drill, a hole is made by a diameter of a little more than it. As a result, the entire castle should easily go there, to fit freely, but not to hang out. In order not to be mistaken with the depth, on the drill, you need to measure the length of the locking mechanism and make the label.

Insulating tape is suitable for these purposes: it is wounded in several layers in the right place. When drill drown in the door, the tape will strengthen in the edge and will not give a hole deeper than necessary.

Depending on the size of the locking mechanism, you may need to drill 2, 3 or more such holes. When they all are ready, they need to be connected. With the help of the chisel, it is necessary to remove partitions between the deepening. You can use a file. Then you need to align the recess under the lock. For these purposes the file is suitable with a large notch. The final processing is performed by a tool with a smaller notch. After the work, it is necessary to clean the deepening from sawdust.

Preparation of space for the plank, the final stage and verification

When the hole is ready, the front plank of the lock is applied to it so that the holes for the lock on the door and on the bar coincided. Outlines its outer contour. With the help of a hammer and the chisel, a deepening is made equal to the thickness of the lining. Planck will be inserted here. She should not write out of the door of the door. If necessary, you need to deepen the recess, otherwise the door will not close.

Recommendation: How to install the lock in the interroom door

Scheme of drilling holes for locking mechanism.

Now the control installation of the castle mechanism is performed. It should be inserted without distortion, freely fit in the deepening, and there is no interference to the bar and not to write out of the door.

In the prepared holes, the lock mechanism with the tongue is installed. The bar is fixed with two screws. On the attached scheme, the entire lock is collected on the interroom door, the handles and all decorative elements are attached. The mechanism is ready.

One detail remained. In order for the door to close, the jamb must have a deepening for the castle tongue. First you need to determine its location. To do this, there is a place where the latch touches the jamatic, its lower and upper boundaries. The center is deepening, where the tongue will come. The excavation should be longer than the latch, 2-3 mm. Then the locking plate is applied and outlined along the contour. The chisel is made to the thickness of the lining. If there is a plastic pocket, it is first installed. A decorative lining is mounted on top with the help of self-tapping screws. If the bar sticks out and prevents the door closing, you need to deepen a little.

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Recommendation: How to install the lock in the interroom door

Scheme of interroom door with lock.

The most responsible moment. To check how the locking mechanism works, you need to see it in action. Tests need to be carried out with an open door. To do this, you first simply move the handle, follow the ease of the movements of the tongue: it should not be eaten. Then check the closing and opening with the key. These actions should be made freely. Only in the event that these manipulations did not cause difficulties, you can try to close and open the door.

If any problems arose during the check, it is necessary to disassemble the castle, find out the cause of problems and eliminate it.

What to do if something went wrong


  • Singing tongue;
  • tight turn of the handles;
  • Showing the key.

The reasons:

  • The tongue will dine in the event that the locking mechanism is set too tightly or with distortion;
  • The free movement of the latch may interfere with the remaining chips in the deepening;
  • Due to the skew, the handle lock may be tightly rotated, and the key is not to close;
  • Because of the wrong assembly of the handle mechanism, the tongue will not move;
  • The key will not close the door if the lock itself is incorrectly assembled, tightened with unnecessary or insufficient effort.

Depending on the detected fault, you can:

  • Disassemble the castle and expand the deepening;
  • Clean the garbage from chips and sawdust;
  • Install the lock so as to eliminate the skew;
  • re-assemble the handles, following the instructions;
  • Re-assemble the lock mechanism.

Cut the lock in the door with your own hands is quite simple. To do this, it is not necessarily to be a Masters-Cranevier. With the ability to keep the hammer and the chisel, there will be no significant difficulty with how to install the castle in the interroom door. The general scheme is always the same, may differ parts depending on the type of mechanism used.

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