Glue for linoleum: how to glue to the wooden floor, axon for natural, than to glue PVC metal


Glue for linoleum: how to glue to the wooden floor, axon for natural, than to glue PVC metal

In order to secure the linoleum qualitatively, it is necessary to correctly pick up a special glue linoleum is a durable and resistant coating and at the same time, the time is quite cheap. To increase the service life of the coating, it is necessary not only to prepare the surface, but also lay the canvas on special adhesive compositions. There are many varieties of adhesive compositions, it will be described below, which options and selection criteria.

What glue is better glued linoleum

The main compositions can be divided into two main types - dispersion and reaction. Dispersion glue consists of an aqueous basis with the addition of acrylic, latex, chalk and other additives. Recreation glue consists of a polyurethane base and a variety of epoxy materials.

Glue for linoleum: how to glue to the wooden floor, axon for natural, than to glue PVC metal

There are several types of glue for linoleum, to select which it is necessary to consider its characteristics and features.

In turn, these types of glue are divided into several varieties:

  1. The dispersion adhesives include bustylate, which is used mainly for linoleums on the felt or dial.
  2. Acrylate adhesives Such adhesives are sufficiently viscous and used for gluing linoleum based on the jute, or synthetics. In addition, such adhesive compositions are used mainly for sticking linoleum in rooms with high permeability.
  3. If we are talking about the labeling of natural linoleum, as well as for an option on a tissue basis, a special glue Gumilaks is used.
  4. The reaction glue has good plasticity, water resistance and, due to the lack of water, does not give a shrinkage.

The latter is recommended to be used in non-residential premises, since this glue has a sufficiently sharp odor. Choose glue for gluing linoleum follows and based on the surface, for example, dispersion glue is suitable for concrete or marble.

If the surface does not absorb moisture, it is best to use the reaction glue.

It also depends on the room if it is a residential and small in size, then it is necessary to use dispersion glue. For commercial premises, it is better to use the reaction glue, and if the area is large, it is necessary to use two-component adhesives, and the seams are connected using cold or hot welding.

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How to glue the linoleum to the wooden floor

Linoleum is a universal material that can be glued to almost any surface, including on the wooden floor. In order for the floor to be as even as possible, it is possible to put on it to the paneur, and check the horizontality using the level. After laying the linoleum on the prepared surface, check the dimensions and only after that it can be glued.

Glue for linoleum: how to glue to the wooden floor, axon for natural, than to glue PVC metal

Before proceeding with gluing linoleum to the floor, the surface must be carefully prepared

Before sticking linoleum:

  • It must be prepared;
  • Remove paint;
  • Align;
  • Seat cracks.

Linoleum canvas wrap up to free approximately half the room. If the room is dwelling, then it is best to use dispersion adhesives, as they practically do not smell, and these types are non-toxic. Dispersion glue is suitable for linoleum on tissue, felt or based on foamed polyurethane. Such glue will be perfectly to keep the linoleum almost on any wooden surface.

Bustlate, Gumilaks, or bitumen mastic include dispersion adhesives.

Mixes such as synthex (high-quality and reliable adhesive composition) are also used, tactics (beautiful glue mixes that are distinguished by high quality). When buying these brands of glue, it is necessary to look at the label and acquire those that are intended for wooden coatings. If the area of ​​the room is 20 m2 and less, then the linoleum can not be glued at all, but to do with double-sided scotch. And in order to close the seams between the canvas if they are, it is necessary to use cold welding or welding glue for gluing.

Best Glue for Natural Linoleum Mounting

When choosing a linoleum, natural, from the vinyl or PVC, should be distinguished. Since this is a completely different material in its composition, requiring a different approach and different means for gluing to the surface.

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Glue for linoleum: how to glue to the wooden floor, axon for natural, than to glue PVC metal

When choosing glue additionally, the quality and features of the linoleum used should be taken into account

For gluing a natural linoleum, special means are required, for example, such as:

  1. Universal adhesions of the Eurostar brand. Such compositions have a high adhesive ability, are intended mainly for laying natural linoleum with a smooth substrate and a thickness of up to 4 mm.
  2. Another variety of glue for natural linoleum is the Euroflex Lino Plus brand, it has a high adhesive ability, quickly dries and good for linoleum on a jooty basis. Also, such adhesive is suitable in order to glue complex appliques from linoleum.
  3. If you need to repair a natural linoleum, for example, remove the resulting bubbles, any bloat, you need to use the Linoleum Doctor glue.

For natural linoleum, it is recommended to choose glue, which refers to water-dispersive, such types are perfectly glued with linoleum. In addition, even if glue is in a wet state, it will still be perfectly keeping the linoleum cloth.

All work is performed in accordance with the applied instructions.

Some sellers and "specialists" advise polyurethane adhesive compositions, but such adhesive compositions cannot provide good gluing linoleum to the surface. In addition, if air bubbles are formed under linoleum, remove them from under it, when using this type of glue, it will be very difficult.

More to glue linoleum to metal

Sometimes the linoleum is placed not only on a wooden or concrete surface, but in some cases there is a need to fasten it on other surfaces. For example, it becomes necessary to fix on a metal base. Some people to secure linoleum on metal, use double-sided tape.

Glue for linoleum: how to glue to the wooden floor, axon for natural, than to glue PVC metal

When laying a linoleum, you can use bilateral scotch

If the area of ​​the room is a fairly large or room with high permeability, then the linoleum will be shifted sooner or later, which will lead to education:

  • Waves;
  • Stretching;
  • Hall;
  • Cracks.

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To avoid this, it is necessary to glue it to the metal, and the special adhesive compositions should be used. The most universal option that can be glued with linoleum to metal or wood, are liquid nails. Such adhesive compositions can be glued almost whatever, including the linoleum to the metal. In this case, the base of the linoleum should be made of non-human materials, for example, from PVC. When using these types of adhesive compositions, it is necessary that the linoleum is shorter than a few days, straightened, and only after that it should be glued.

Liquid nails should be applied not throughout the surface of the linoleum, but a snake in several places.

You can also use to glue a linoleum to the Insta-Stik metal from Axton, it has good adhesion to many surfaces, including the metal. This glue can sometimes be found in the axon store. When laying a linoleum on a metal, you should consider a feature, it should be even, since the slightest irregularity will appear and will be clear well. In addition, in these places, linoleum will be quickly braid.

How to glue linoleum (video)

Which linoleum is to be closed the surface, and what glue is needed for a particular surface, as well as how much it is necessary, it is described in detail in this article, so that any novice builder can glue the linoleum correctly.

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