Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom


Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom

The threshold in the bathroom is the thing, at first glance, not at all mandatory, so many prefer to do without it. In fact, the presence of such a clad is an indispensable condition that is regulated by the construction norms and regulations.

Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom


If you, for example, have redeveloped, as a result of which floor levels in the bathroom and the rest of the apartment have become the same, then such changes in the BTI may not coordinate. Of course, if you are not going to part with your housing, then you can not care about the redevelopment to be officially approved.

However, life does not stand still and the idea of ​​selling an apartment and buying a new one may arise completely unexpectedly. In order to avoid the difficulties associated with the design of redevelopment, the repair is better carried out in accordance with all the requirements specified in the regulatory documents.

Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom

The threshold in the bathroom is needed, first of all, in order to stop or at least delay the flow of water and protect the rest of the rooms from the flood. The effect will be stronger if the bottom 15-20 cm of walls in the bathroom provide waterproofing.

So, the main function of the clad is the prevention of the spread of "flood" throughout the apartment. In addition, it creates additional sound insulation, since the door is more tightly fixed in the opening. Also, the interior threshold prevents the penetration of drafts, unpleasant odors and dust into the bathroom.

Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom

It should be noted that, in addition to the arrangement of the threshold, there are some more options for solving this problem. So, you can organize a drop between floor levels in the bathroom and in the corridor. In this case, the floor in the bathroom can be lower than the floor in the corridor by 15-20 mm or vice versa. Instead of the threshold, you can build a smooth bias toward the bathroom. All these options will require you much more resources - time, labor and money than the installation of the interior threshold, so if you are not a very experienced builder, we advise you not to experiment, but to solve the problem most simple and accessible way.

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Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom


The bathroom is a special room in the house, so all the finishing and equipment for this room should be selected unusually carefully. The bathroom is characterized by increased humidity and frequent temperature differences. As a result, the formation of condensate and the appearance of mold. Materials that are used in repair must be moisture-resistant, not afraid of no heat, nor cold, as well as good to carry washing with special detergents.

Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom

Thus, the structure and finishing of the threshold in the bathroom should be very well thought out. It is desirable that it represents a monolithic design without gaps and cracks. It should be strong and durable, possess water-repellent properties, but at the same time, not slippery. In addition, it should be made of durable, wear-resistant materials and, of course, to harmonize with a bathroom and a corridor. The task is not from the lungs, but we will cope!

Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom

We choose the material

First of all, it is necessary to determine what our threshold will be made.

For the manufacture of thresholds use a variety of materials:

  • Steel perhaps the most durable material. Such flare will be very difficult to damage or break. You can purchase steel metal color thresholds or painted in any other color.
  • Stainless steel thresholds It is quite rare, much more often stainless steel, due to its beautiful silver coating, walls or furniture items are separated.
  • Bronze Made exclusively under the order, since this material is very expensive. However, you can buy thresholds from aluminum, painted "under the bronze". They cost much cheaper, and in appearance practically they do not differ.
  • Brass - The material is also not cheap, but it is very beautiful. The thresholds of it produce very durable and durable.
  • Aluminum bellows - Lightweight and inexpensive. Meet in a variety of color versions.
  • Wooden boards Meet most often. This is due to the fact that such a threshold is easy to choose the color to the wooden door. A tree is a beautiful and eco-friendly material. Wood boards can be easily made with their own hands. For this, the most suitable oak and pine. These breeds are solid and wear-resistant.
  • Plastic thresholds - The most accessible of all. In stores you can find products from plastic of all colors and sizes. They are inexpensive, they look aesthetically, however, they are not very big, so you prepare for the fact that once in a few years such bellows will have to be changed.
  • Concrete threshold - This is a capital product that reliably protect the apartment in case of a flood. It is quite possible to make such a threshold. A tile or laminate is usually used as a finishing coating.

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The most popular thresholds of wood, metal, plastic and concrete.

Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom

Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom

Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom

Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom

Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom

Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom

Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom

Dismantling of the old threshold

If you plan to build a new threshold not "from scratch", but on the place of the old one, it is logical to assume that the threshold permranted your age must be dismantled to start. Since the threshold is a threshold, in order to disassemble it, you will need serious tools - a small scrap, hammer and hacksaw.

We begin to work with the fact that with the help of the hacksaw drink it on the sides and carefully take the middle part. Try to do it as closely as possible, so as not to damage the door or the cap. Next, with the help of scrap and the hammer remove what remained from the threshold.

Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom

Preparatory work and necessary tools

In order for the laying of the threshold in the bathroom went smoothly and the result of the work, the master remained without physical injuries, you will need to equip well.

Prepare work clothes, closing your arms and legs and shoes (one that is not pitiful), put on your head a cap or bandage. Protection of eyes with special glasses that builders use. Work in gloves.

You will also need the following tools:

  • the container in which tile glue will be released;
  • rule;
  • building level;
  • toothed spatula;
  • Rubber spatula;
  • ordinary spatula;
  • Perforator and Bulgarian with a nozzle designed for porcelain work.

Before starting work, all the necessary materials should be prepared. First of all, measure the measurements and cut the tile on the pieces of the desired size. For the trim, the threshold is most suitable for porcelain stoneware of the same color as the floor in the bathroom or in the corridor. Then, guided by the instructions, knead the tile glue. According to the consistency, the resulting mass should be homogeneous, similar to a liquid sour cream.

We complete preliminary work on the preparation of the foundation: we clean it from dust and dirt, processed by primer.

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Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom

Stages of work

On the prepared concrete basis, it is necessary to form the thresholds. Make it we will be with a screed.

Sequence of work:

  1. First you need to make wooden sides, which will serve as limiters for the cement mortar, and at the same time creating the form of a future threshold.
  2. In order for the screed does not stick to wooden planks, turn them with their cellophane.
  3. Then poured the resulting form cement mixture and spread the rule from above.
  4. Adjust the height of the threshold using the construction level.
  5. Next, you need to wait for a complete drying of the screed. It may take several days during which the concrete must be periodically wetted to prevent the appearance of cracks.
  6. After the mixture is dry and hardening, we remove the plank and we clean the threshold, trying to make it the surface as smoother as possible.
  7. Ground threshold from all sides.

Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom

The next step will be a cladding of a porcelain tile:

  1. We apply glue to the tile with a tiller, we apply it to the base and press for a few seconds.
  2. The distance between the tiles align with special plastic crosses. Do not forget to use the construction level!
  3. Upon completion of the styling work, we process the seams of grouting into the tone. It is recommended to use a rubber spatula for this, and the excess mixture is removed by the foam sponge.

The strength of the final design is tested by simplicity - the sound should be the same everywhere. If in certain places, the blows sound the call, it means that you failed to avoid the formation of voids and tiles above them can quickly crack.

Selection and installation of the threshold in the bathroom

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