How to make doors on the rollers do it yourself


If you do not want to stick to the classic style in the interior design, you can try to make changes without applying modern funds. For example, put the doors on the rollers instead of the usual. With their help, it is possible to divide the room into the territorial zones. Consider how to make doors on the rollers with your own hands.

How to make doors on the rollers do it yourself

Scheme of proper installation of doors on the rollers.

Work on the installation of this type of doors is simple. If you want to install the doors of this type in your home, you should know about all the nuances. The final choice will be done only after you familiarize yourself with them. Features of the structures:

  1. With their help, saving space in the room is achieved.
  2. Easy to use.
  3. If you like fresh air, do not worry that the door opens or closes during drafts.
  4. With proper care, the mechanism is able to work for a long time.
  5. The ability to automate the mechanism.
  6. In some models there are no thresholds.
  7. Low sound insulation.
  8. Low heat insulation.
  9. Limited use.
  10. High cost of components.
  11. Limited space next to the door. In a certain radius, near the door cannot be placed large interior items or household appliances.

Fastening the upper rollers of the sliding door: 1 - Roller, 2 - Profile, 3 - Door canvas, 4 - metal lining.

Doors equipped with rollers are divided into several types. They may differ among themselves both externally and work mechanism. But everyone has a similar design. It consists of:

  • guides;
  • roller mechanism;
  • Door canvas.

The principle of operation is as follows: The mechanism is attached to the door leaf, while guides are fixed above the doorway. Then the rollers should be inserted into them and move the movement of the canvas along the guides. Each door can have from 1 to 4 sliding mechanisms. The same applies to doors and guides.

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In addition to the main design, the door contains secondary elements. They relate to the decorative part. These are platbands, handles and other fittings.

If we talk about the specific types of doors on the rollers, then you can allocate:

  • harmonica;
  • coupe;
  • cascade;
  • radius doors;
  • Multi-cooled and single doors.

How to choose the right accessories for doors on the rollers

How to make doors on the rollers do it yourself

Required accessories for doors on the rollers.

For the doors on the rollers, ordinary fittings are not suitable. This is due to their design. The handles for them are made in such a way that they are fully accompanied in the canvas. This principle is needed to ensure the unimpeded entry of the product in a special niche. The lock for doors on the rollers has a vertical snatch system.

Typically, the canvas are sold complete with accessories. But she does not always fit into the interior. And many prefer to pick it up on their own. But here you may encounter a problem. Not every fitness you like will fit perfectly. It is better to choose it in the catalog at the serial number. This can help you a trading specialist.

How does the door equipped with a roller mechanism?

Before staying on a specific mechanism, as well as select guides, you need to determine what parameters they must have.

For example:

  • The material from which the canvas will be performed;
  • What type you want to have at home;
  • How many sash should be.

Scheme of fastening the lower rollers of the sliding door: 1 - Roller, 2 - Profile, 3 - Door canvas.

Each system has its own weight, and this must be considered. For each design there is its limit.

Tip! If you are faced with the problem of choice, know that the design made of MDF and having one sash will weigh several times less than analogue having a glass sash. For easy variation, you can choose an inexpensive and simple mechanism. And for the second option, it is necessary to choose a more complex mechanism designed for greater load.

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An equally important role is played by the choice of guides. For example, if a cascade type system, the guides are used equipped with two chutes. This is due to the fact that this option must have a pair of roller mechanisms. Thus, the individual chute is necessary for each canvase.

To ensure better stability, on the door, equipped with rollers, requires the installation of the guides from below and from above. This option is applicable to systems on rollers made of glass material.

Step-by-step door installation with your own hands

After you have determined with the type of door and purchased all the components, you can start the installation process.

For beginners it is better to start training installation with a door equipped with one sash.

But for the remaining options, this process is about the same, so it can be taken as the basis.

In order to install doors with your own hands, you will need:

How to make doors on the rollers do it yourself

Door diagram on rollers.

  1. Apply the marking on the guides. Here are two options here. The first - measure the height that the door canvas occupies, ranging from the floor and ending with the opening. Adjust to this value 2 cm and to the resulting number, add the height of the finished roller mechanism along with the guide. Then make a mark on the wall, connecting the markup in a single line.
  2. The second way is to use the door cloth as a level. It must be attached to the opening and top to draw markup. But be sure to add an allowance for it, which includes the height of the roller mechanism and the guide itself. Important! Using a building level, check the level of horizontal markup. It must be done before installing the guide. In this way, you eliminate the spontaneous door disclosure.
  3. After the markup is made, you can install the guide. Its fixing is performed on the basis of personal preferences. Some prefer to use a dowel, while others apply a timber. Do not forget to make a penalty from the wall, otherwise the door will touch the platbands. For the doors of the type of coupe, the guides should be fixed both to the floor and to the ceiling. Important! Remember that the guide should exceed the length of the doorway twice and better to add several centimeters to this magnitude.
  4. When the guide is installed, you can insert a bolt inside the carriage of the roller mechanism. Thus, the motor mechanism is lowered into the guide. For the door with one flap, two rollers are installed, for more complex doors, a larger amount is applied on the roller on each sash. On top of the door canvase you need to install special brackets. They are used for roller carriages. Their mount is performed with a small indent - about 0.5 cm from the edge of the door.
  5. If you use a door leaf from a glass material, you need to install a different fastener. Glass is clamped between two metal holders. They are called legs. The screed is performed using screws. The glass door is also installed with the upper and lower guides. After installing the rollers and fasteners, the canvas is placed in place. Bolts apply to securing it. To hide the opening, the platbands are applied. And the roller mechanism is hidden using special planks. They play a decorative function. At the end of the installation, the rest of the fittings are fixed.

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Thus, the process of installing the door on the rollers can be performed independently. At the end of the work you will get a beautiful and modern door that will serve for a long time.

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