Cork substrate: laminate and reviews, cork Bituminous and styling, how to fix lining to the floor, coating


Cork substrate: laminate and reviews, cork Bituminous and styling, how to fix lining to the floor, coating

The cork substrate is a practical and functional product there is a huge set of flooring materials. Among this variety is especially distinguished by laminate. He is not expensive and looks very aesthetic. However, in order to mount such a floor covering, you must first lay the substrate that hides all the unevenness of the floor and increases the thermal insulation of the room. Most specialists recognize the best and safe substrate made from traffic jam. What kinds of cork substrates are presented in building markets, and what advantages they possess - read further.

For which a cork substrate is used for laminate

Laminate is one of the most inexpensive materials. Its styling is so simple that even a newcomer in the field of finishing works can cope with her. However, that such a coating serves you for many years, a cork or synthetic substrate is sprinkled between it and the floor.

Cork substrate: laminate and reviews, cork Bituminous and styling, how to fix lining to the floor, coating

Thanks to the cork substrate, you can significantly improve the operational properties of the laminate and extend the service life

Functions that perform a cork substrate:

  • Increases all the technical characteristics of the laminate;
  • Eliminates all the small irregularities of the floor bases that are too insignificant to pour the floor again;
  • Protects the places of fastening parts of laminate from dust present on the concrete field;
  • When laying a laminate with a floating method, becomes a cutting element;
  • It has some waterproofing, preventing the inner side of the laminate from swelling;
  • Contributes to the fact that the load on the floor is distributed evenly in all its parts;
  • Thanks to the substrate, the laminate does not creak and not walk during operation.

All these properties are very important for laminate, because thanks to it, the repair will last much longer. If you do not attach such a coating to the floor, then you risk obtaining an unsuitable surface.

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Fortunately, find a cork substrate is not a problem. In world markets, there are materials from different manufacturers, such firms are especially popular as; Egen, Cezar and Cork 4U.

Advantages and disadvantages of a plug substrate

There is a huge number of types of flooring under laminate. The most popular of them professionals consider lining from traffic jam. It is also divided into several species, and has unsurpassed technological characteristics.

Cork substrate: laminate and reviews, cork Bituminous and styling, how to fix lining to the floor, coating

Among the advantages of the substrates from the traffic jam are worth noting good thermal insulation and sound insulation qualities

Advantages of cork substrate:

  1. The cork litter consists exclusively of natural materials. Due to this composition, it can be considered absolutely eco-friendly and safe for health. Also in favor of such a material, its non-toxicity and hypoallergenia speak.
  2. Despite the fact that the tube substrate consists of natural materials, due to the treatment with antiseptic means, it is not afraid of any fungi, neither mold, no insects with rodents. That is why it can be put it not only in the kitchen and in the corridor, but also in the children's room.
  3. Such a flooring is quite dense and strong and can withstand high loads.
  4. Stop the cork lining is very simple. You will be able to install it with your own hands without the help of professionals.
  5. The service life of the cork substrate is so great that it remains in good condition even after the complete wear of the laminate.
  6. This flooring does not lose with the time of its properties and does not change in size.
  7. You can fix the substrate from the tube alone, because it has a sufficiently small weight.
  8. It has excellent thermal insulation and sound insulation properties, and also has an antistatic effect.
  9. Flooring from the traffic jam is a pajor-protective material.

Such excellent characteristics can hardly boast other substrates. However, like all the materials, the cork bed has its drawbacks.

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Core cork substrate:

  1. One of the largest deficiencies of the cork substrate is its high cost. However, the price of this material pays off a long service life.
  2. Substrates from traffic jams are poorly tolerated. They cannot be used in rooms with such a characteristic, without additional waterproofing.
  3. The fact that cork material has good thermal insulation is also a disadvantage. After all, due to bad thermal conductivity, it cannot be used for floors with electric heating.

The cork substrate has a mass of positive characteristics, with a relatively small number of shortcomings. Choose it, and he will greatly serve you for many years.

Samples and bitumen-cork substrates and other types

The cork substrate is an excellent material that can be treated under the laminate. Such litters are divided into several species, due to which you can choose the option that matches your needs.

Cork substrate: laminate and reviews, cork Bituminous and styling, how to fix lining to the floor, coating

Proportal substrates may differ in thickness, color and quality

The cork substrate can be kept both on the paneur and on concrete. In the first case, the thermal insulation properties of this material will be slightly higher.

Technical cork is made exclusively from natural materials. It is hypoallergenne, heat-resistant and non-toxic. However, it can not be treated in rooms with high humidity, too, if the wet room is under you, then you will have to raise the film under the plug.

The sample substrate is manufactured with the addition of rubber. It is not afraid of moisture, so that it can be used for premises with high humidity. Another advantage of such a material is that it is well stretched and can be kept on wooden floors.

The bitumen-cork substrate is made from the material that is covered with a bitumen mixed with a chip from the tube. It creates excellent waterproofing. Unfortunately, bitumen-cork flooring does not have fire safety, so it is not suitable for use in residential premises.

Cork flooring have excellent qualities. Each of the species of this material has its additional characteristics. Bituminous and rubber cork substrates stand a little more expensive.

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Cork substrate: reviews

Reviews about cork substrate are mostly good. It is largely superior to the litter from other materials. However, some are not satisfied with its high price.

Some designers use a technical cork substrate as a wall decoration. In the interior, such a reception looks very unusual and environmentally friendly.

Cork substrate: laminate and reviews, cork Bituminous and styling, how to fix lining to the floor, coating

Thanks to practicality and a small price about cork substrate, it is often spoken by a positive way.

Substrates from traffic jams like absolutely everyone. A number of their benefits are visible to the naked eye, and the high price with interest pays off over the years of operation.

Reviews of cork substrate:

  1. I did repairs in the house a few years ago. Laminate was used as a flooring, and, after reading a lot of feedback, chose the trim from the traffic jam. Until now, I have not regretted it. Cork substrate is a wonderful and harmless material that matches all characteristics. (Oleg, Tver)
  2. Of course, the cork substrate has some advantages over other materials, but its high price is unjustified. As for me, it will be cheaper to use pine flooring. (Milena, Arkhangelsk)
  3. I have been doing repair work for many years, and I advise all your customers exactly a cork substrate. After a few years of operation, its price pays off. It is better to spend time once, but to be sure that the finishing materials will not affect negatively on your health. (Andrey, Odessa)

Judging by the reviews, we can say that the cork substrate is the perfect flooring under the laminate. It is environmentally friendly and has a mass of other positive characteristics.

Types of cork substrate (video)

The cork substrate is steel between the laminate and the base floor. It improves all the characteristics of the floor, and at the same time is absolutely safe for health. Use such material to finish the floors in your home, and your repair will last for many years!

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