Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka


Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

It's no secret that the big percentage of our country's population continues to live in the houses of Khrushchev. For many Soviet families, Khrushchev became the first and long-awaited her own housing. As a rule, apartments in Khrushchev were distributed from organizations, in turn. Since then, much has changed. Such apartments usually get to us from grandparents or are acquired in mortgage as the most affordable accommodation. How to competently make the bathroom repair in Khrushchev?

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

The layout of the standard apartment in Khrushchev is probably known to everyone. As a rule, it is one or two rooms (usually adjacent), a six-meter kitchen and a three-meter combined bathroom.

The new owners are often getting in a very poor condition. But if you spend a certain amount of time, means and effort, then the usual Khrushchev can turn into quite presentable housing.

If you will be responsible to the task, then even the owners of apartments in new buildings will be envisaged to your new, stylish and comfortable interior.

Upgrading an apartment in Khrushchevka we offer to start with a bathroom. About the design in the bathroom shchechevka, we talked in another article.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

Main problems

Khrushchev was originally positioned as a budget option of housing, so they are completely relieved of any excesses - both aesthetic and practical terms.

The layout provides for at least much useful space - exactly as much as you need to satisfy primary needs. Bathroom is no exception. The standard adjacent bathroom is barely located for the main plumbing equipment - baths, sinks and toilet. But we still need to place a washing machine, a shelf, a mirror, towels, cosmetics and household chemicals there. Therefore, beauty and convenience questions often depart into the background, giving way to the issues of saving space.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

So, the first problem of the repair of the bathroom in Khrushchev is an extremely small area.

The second problem is due to the fact that Khrushchev is if not dilapidated, then very old houses. The most first Khrushchev belong to 1959, and the latter - by 1985 buildings. That is, today, the most "young" shrushchev about 30 years. Many at home decades were not overhaul, therefore the state of all engineering systems - sewage, water supply, ventilation leaves much to be desired. Since modern plumbing devices often require connecting to new, reliable water and sewer pipes, then, if possible, it is better to replace all wiring. What is impossible to replace is needed to repair.

In addition, the poor condition of communication, the impossibility of their replacement or transfer limits the freedom to redecessing the bathroom in Khrushchev.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

The third problem relates not only to Khrushchev, but also to any housing "on the ambulance hand". It - Uneven walls that require additional work in order to be separated by tiles.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

Dismantling works

Plan the location of plumbing and furniture in the bathroom. Best after you dismantle all the old equipment and finish. Having in front of the eyes "Clean Sheet", you will be easier to fantasize. Starting preparatory work follows from dismantling plumbing equipment. Before that, do not forget to turn off the supply of hot and cold water.

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Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

After the old plumbing is removed, proceed to dismantling the wiring of water pipes, if necessary. Next, you should get rid of old finishing coatings. The paint from the walls and the floor is removed with the help of a rigid metal brush, and the tile is knocked down by a perforator or hammer and chisel. If you want to align the floors, the screed is crushed by a perforator to concrete. The remaining garbage and dust must be carefully remedied.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

Replacing pipes

It is necessary to start the replacement of plumbing and sewer pipes before the floor and wall are aligned. First you need to have an accurate plan for the placement of sanitary equipment, according to which pipes will be distributed in the bathroom.

If possible, replace old cast iron pipes on plastic. They are no less reliable than cast-iron, but weigh are much smaller, so the installation is quite possible alone. In addition, plastic pipes and tees helps to release several centimeters of useful space.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

Pipes are stacked in the shoes in the wall or are attached to it with metal clamps. If you wish, you can hide them in a niche of drywall, but it "eats" a lot of space. Since in Khrushchev, free space for gold weight, it is better to spend time on sticking and plastering walls.

When the sewer pipe is wiring, do not forget about the slope. It must be 10-20 mm per mongon meter. If necessary, increase the thickness of the concrete screed on the floor, but be sure to observe the height of the sewage pipes. Where the pipe wiring is connected to the riser, provide the ability to install the passage crane, so that you can independently turn off the hot and cold water.

Electricity wiring is done before finishing, since for laying wires, the walls will also be required.

Provide in the bathroom the required number of outlets, better double. With the appropriate security class. The switch must be outside the bathroom.

If there will be a lot of electrical appliances in the bathroom, set the protective shutdown device on the wiring.

Choosing materials

If our task is to spend on the repair of the bathroom as much money as possible, the best option is painting the walls of waterproof paint.

In addition to low cost, this option has a different advantage: having bought white paint and the kel you can achieve exactly the color you need, while other finishes do not always give such an opportunity.

But there is one essential nuance: In order for the painted walls to look truly beautifully, ideally smooth walls are needed, and it is very difficult to achieve such walls in Khrushchev.

We wrote about the finishing of the walls of the bathroom in another article.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

Another budget decision is the wall decoration by plastic panels. They have a large variety of colors and factor, easily mounted and are also easily removed, they do not require flawlessly smooth walls and just care for them. Read more ideas in the article about the budget repairs of the bathroom.

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The only drawback is not "for centuries", sooner or later it will have to be replaced by a more durable material.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

The most common decoration of walls with a tile and porcelain tile. These materials have deserved their popularity, thanks to a long service life, resistance to temperature drops and waterproofing properties. Today in the store you can find the most different tiles in shape - square, rectangular, hexagonal. On the variety of colors and patterns, it makes no sense to tell for a long time - the variations are a huge set. If you are not satisfied with the ready-made solutions, you can create your own patterns, combining tiles of different colors and textures.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

In advance, think over the color solution of the bathroom, the perception of the room as a whole directly depends on it. Features of the choice and decoration of walls in the bathroom are discussed in detail in another article.

The tile is the best coating not only for the walls, but also for the floor in the bathroom, Since it is capable of ensuring the proper level of waterproofing. There are other floor covering options in the bathroom. The cheapest is the linoleum, the most expensive waterproof laminate. But according to its characteristics, both options lose the tile floor.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

The ceiling can be simply painted with white paint or salary plastic panels.

However, we advise you to spend some money and install a stretch ceiling.

First, it looks great, secondly, protects you from leaks from above. And if you stop your choice on the glossy material, then visually ceiling will seem even higher than it really is.

The ceiling design should fit into the overall design of the bathroom. The ceiling in the bathroom may be the most different, read our review and embody your designer dreams.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

It is important to remember that the ceiling decoration can be processed only when the walls are finished.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

Preparation of surfaces

Floor preparation and walls to laying finishing materials begins with dismantling old coatings, which we have already told above. After the old coating from the walls is removed, if necessary, they need to be aligned. Use for this a special cement-based plaster. When the plaster is dry, treat the walls with a putty. It is possible to align the walls with the help of sheets of plasterboard, but this method will significantly reduce the already small area of ​​the bathroom.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

The floor is prepared as follows: After dismantling the old concrete screed, remnants of garbage and dust are removed, laid waterproofing, do not forget about the 15-centimeter latter on the walls, and pour a new screed.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

Facing wall tiles

  • With the help of a plumb and construction level, apply the marking of horizontal and vertical lines on the wall.
  • Prepare glue for the tile and apply it to the spatula on the wall area on which work will be carried out.
  • Then a special shovel with teeth, pass through the treated area of ​​the wall. On the glue form grooves.
  • Apply the tile to the wall and give a slightly. Distance between tiles adjust with plastic crosses.
  • When the work is finished and the tile glue will dry, process the seams by grouting for tiles.

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Selection of sanitary ware

Holders of apartments in Khrushchev have to be very thoughtful to relate to the selection of plumbing for the bathroom.

First of all, you need to make a choice between the bathroom and the shower, Since in a small room there is a place for one of these devices. The shower cabin allows you to save space that it will be useful to us in order to install, for example, a washing machine. In addition, elderly people and people with disabilities are much easier to take advantage of the shower than the bathroom.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

Meanwhile, in the bath it is convenient to bathe small children or erase large things that require a delicate hand washing. In addition, many love even sometimes soak in warm water and fragrant foam.

Corner models of baths, sink and toilet bowl are suitable for the bathroom in Khrushchev. The sink can also be installed above the washing machine, for this it will be necessary to purchase a special model of the sink-pita, or to build the stands in the tabletop. There are also sinks that can be hung right above the bathroom, but this design is not very convenient.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

Read more in our article about the sink over the washing machine.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

When choosing a toilet, you need to pay attention to the drain system. It is horizontal, vertical or oblique. The vertical drain system allows you to put the toilet close to the wall, so you better stop your choice on it.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

Choosing doors

When choosing a door to the bathroom, you must consider the following important points:

  • The door should be resistant to temperature and moisture drops, not deform with time.
  • It must have thermal insulating and noise insulating properties.
  • The doors must be installed high-quality handles and locks, as they wear out in the bathroom faster.
  • The door should be a vent hole. If it is not, during the installation, pride the gap between the door and the floor.

Also read our article where the choice of doors for the bathroom is considered in detail. So you can not lose in a huge selection and choose a high-quality door.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

The door to the bathroom is usually made of tempered glass, plastic, wood or chipboard. If you stop your product on the products of reliable and well-proven manufacturers, from what the door is made by the door, it will surely serve you for a long time.

Bathroom repair in Khrushchevka

To save space, you should pay attention to sliding doors or pendulum swing doors that are opening in both directions. You can also stop your choice on folding doors, which are made according to the "accordion" principle.

The door to the bathroom can only be installed after all finishing works are completed. If you all purchased the usual swing door, then during the installation, make sure that it opens up, and not inside the bathroom.

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