Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions


Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

Plastic panels can protect the walls of the kitchen no worse than the classic tileranous only the tile served as the protection of the walls of the kitchen from domestic pollution, today you can create an apron that is harmonizing with the interior of the room. The first task is to determine the choice of material.

Types of apron in the kitchen

To the most common variants of the material for the apron for the kitchen include:

  • Plastic. Installation of this design is simple, care will also not cause difficulties, and the costs are very democratic.
  • MDF. . A good choice, inexpensive material, not amenable to fungus and mold.
  • Glass . An option is more expensive, new in the kitchen interior. Wash often, and the fragility of the glass will not protect from strong blows. The most practical option is the Kalenoe glass, however, its price is significantly higher.
  • Tile. Cheap, Nemarko, simple. For repair conservatives - a great option.

Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

Kitchen apron can be made from various materials

And yet the first option is selected more often, besides, plastic implies the use of PVC panels, and sheet plastic and carbonate glass (also a type of plastic). The material is suitable for any premises style, care is required minimal, and in its aesthetic qualities plastic is not inferior and more expensive designs.

Plastic apron

Plastic apron is remarkable by the fact that he has a fairly high heat resistance, it is tightly in contact with the kitchen wall, the dirt and dust does not accumulate, and strongly in imitation of almost any texture.

Then it is worth considering the process of mounting the apron from sheet plastic.

Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

Plastic panels - great option for updating Apron in the kitchen

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To carry out the installation of plastic panels (sheets), you need to:

  • Determine the dimensions of the apron . Table height is the base of calculating the distance from the floor to the base. The apron must be below the table surface at least 1-2 cm.
  • The height of the apron ends where hinged lockers begin. He may not reach them a little.
  • Section of plastic panels . It is best to handle a manual hacksaw with the inserted saws with small cloths.
  • Fix plastic on the wall can be different . A quick way is to glue the material, but with your own hands to tear off his walls, then it is very difficult. You can also fasten with the screws of plastic, but it is best to install a self-tapping screw on the base of metal profiles attached to the wall. It turns out that the apron is removable.

All is ready!

For the kitchen, experts are increasingly recommended carbonate glass. This is the most durable type of plastic, which is a transparent material, refractory and beautiful. It can be said that it does not break from the formation of dents protected.

Fastening for plastic panels (video)

PVC Parliament Apron

Installation of this design is practically no different from the previous version. The main thing is that the kitchen walls are smooth. In this case, the installation will be as simple as possible.

Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

PVC panels are pretty easy to install

Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

Apron from PVC panels very practical

If there is no ideal flattening walls, then you need to predict the surface, close all the cracks, cover the plaster and rejuvenate. Then the apron to be glued. PVC panels are fixed so:

  • Mounting glue is applied to the inner side of the protective layer. The glue is flawed on the entire surface of the plastic, and on the area of ​​the kitchen, where it will be fixed.
  • The distance between the adhesive stripes is about 15 cm . As soon as the glue is applied, plastic is applied to the wall, it can be fixed using spacers.
  • Additional fixation . At the corners of the panel can be attached with self-draws.

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Obviously, it is easy to cope with the installation of plastic.

Finishing kitchen apron PVC panels (video)

Useful tips

The plastic sheet is cheap, and the economy of the kitchen repair involves the use of such a design. Some knowledge of plastic characteristics will be useful:

  • Plastic is not afraid of high temperatures, except, of course, direct effects of fire.
  • The surface of the panels is flat, so the dirt will not be clogged into tightly adjacent joints.
  • Moisture plastic is not afraid, so the processes of rotting material are excluded.
  • But it is impossible to clean the plastic abrasive means, they are dangerous for him.
  • Wash plastic by a damp soft cloth, or a sponge. The detergent should not be rigid, otherwise the surface is scratched, and the drawing will not be saved.

Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

Plastic apron can be a visual continuation of the working area of ​​the kitchen

  • Easy to pierce plastic with something sharp, stitching, cutting. Therefore, it is impossible to allow, for example, children tried to pierce material.
  • The choice of color and panel patterns is incredibly large: both monophonic, extravagant, and imitating natural natural drawings.

If at some point some panels will be bored, they will be changed to more modern on the pocket.

Modern ideas finishing apron in the kitchen (video)


For a kitchen at apron from such a material as plastic plenty of advantages. And the main advantage is the budget version of such repair work. And choosing a good color and drawing, you can give nobility of the kitchen wall, seemed to see it.

Good work!

Apron for kitchen made of plastic (photo)

Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

Apron for kitchen made of plastic: photo of Lerua, with photo printing, reviews, how to fix and glue your own hands, video instructions

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