Ventilation in a wooden house. Features of ventilation in the bathroom


Ventilation in a wooden house. Features of ventilation in the bathroom

It is believed that in wooden houses, the air circulation occurs naturally, so such houses do not need to build complex ventilation systems. Indeed, many of us noticed that in houses built out of a natural tree, it is easier to breathe than in concrete boxes and the air in them as if more fresh and clean. This is largely due to the fact that natural material is used for construction, with a more porous structure, besides, initially possessing certain bactericidal properties. But the main reason lies at all the ability of the tree to perform air exchange, but in the fact that it knows how well give and take moisture. Therefore, the issue of organizing ventilation in a wooden house is very important.

Ventilation in a wooden house. Features of ventilation in the bathroom


A humidity level is naturally adjusted in a wooden house, but no air circulation is adjusted. Moreover, if there are rooms with elevated levels of humidity in the house, even the ability of a wooden house to independently get rid of excess moisture will not save it from rotting. If we are talking about the construction of a private house for permanent residence, then without such premises do not do. At least this is one combined bathroom, but many owners prefer to equip their homes with several bathrooms and toilets, as well as a sauna, swimming pool, laundry, etc.

Ventilation in a wooden house. Features of ventilation in the bathroom

So, it is very important that in the wooden house there was a competently designed and built ventilation system. Otherwise, due to the accumulation of moisture, problems can begin, the smallest of which is the formation of mold and fungus on the walls, and the most serious is a gradual rotation of the supporting structures that can collapse at any time.

Ventilation in a wooden house. Features of ventilation in the bathroom

Ventilation in the bathroom

It is best to start the design of ventilation systems simultaneously with the creation of the project of the building itself. In this case, you can provide a place where ventilation boxes will be held, as well as other important points. Starting the installation of ventilation systems need as early as possible. This will allow you to make timely adjustments without interfering in the construction process. However, if you got ready-made house with all the mounted systems, it remains only to rely on the blessings of the builders, and in case of detection, trying to correct their errors.

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Ventilation in a wooden house. Features of ventilation in the bathroom

In any private house, as a rule, there is a so-called passive ventilation. It is a system of ventilation boxes with channels for which air moves. Sometimes it is quite enough, but over time it fails, because it is clogged with dust and garbage pieces. Do not be afraid: so that this happens must pass several decades.

Ventilation in a wooden house. Features of ventilation in the bathroom

The very first sign that the ventilation system in your home works not well enough is the formation of condensate. Take a look at smooth surfaces - mirrors or polished furniture - do not settle on them small droplets of water? The next stage is the appearance of mold and diverse, loving moisture, insects.

Ventilation in a wooden house. Features of ventilation in the bathroom

There are two faithful ways to verify the health of the ventilation system:

  • Apply the burning match or lighter to the ventilation grille. If ventilation is functioning normally, the fire will be dismissed to the side at an acute angle. If the fire is only weakly stuffing, it means there are problems.
  • Take a small fragment of thin paper, such as napkins and touch it to the ventilation grid. If everything is fine with the ventilation work, the paper will "be fixed" to the grille.

If your ventilation system has not passed the test, then there is a need to apply additional ventilation equipment. First of all it should touch the bathroom.

Ventilation in a wooden house. Features of ventilation in the bathroom

Rules and norms

In addition to passive ventilation, it is also called natural or exhaust, there is also mechanical or forced ventilation. With natural ventilation, air circulation is carried out due to the temperature difference outside and inside the building, and mechanical ventilation involves the installation of special equipment.

For a small single-storey house with one bathroom, there will be quite enough passive ventilation, but the owners of larger construction objects will have to take care of the arrangement of the mechanical ventilation system.

Ventilation in a wooden house. Features of ventilation in the bathroom

We present some regulatory requirements regarding ventilation in the bathrooms:

  • The maximum air speed in the room is 0.3 meters per second;
  • The relative humidity of the air should not exceed 65%;
  • The air temperature in the summer should be about +25 degrees, in the winter - about +18 degrees;
  • For a good air exchange, the influx of air hood should be: in a separate bathroom 25 cubic meters per hour, and in the combined - 50 cubic meters per hour.

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Ventilation in a wooden house. Features of ventilation in the bathroom

Ventilation in a wooden house. Features of ventilation in the bathroom

Ventilation in a wooden house. Features of ventilation in the bathroom

For each plumbing device, the norm sets a certain multiplicity of air exchange:

  • shower / jacuzzi / bath - 75 cubic meters per hour;
  • Sink / bidet - 25 cubic meters per hour;
  • Unitaz - 50 cubic meters per hour.

It should be considered the fact that we rarely use all the plumbing devices at the same time, so the multiplicity of air exchange in the bathroom should not be equal to the sum of the tributary of the entire equipment. Therefore, the power of the ventilation system in the room is usually no more than 110 cubic meters per hour.

How to choose a fan

There are several important parameters for which you need to pay attention to, choosing a fan for the bathroom in a wooden house.

The main ones are:

  • Noise level that produces a fan. Ideally, he should work almost silently. This can be achieved if the noise level of the device is not higher than 40 decibels.
  • Fan layout method. Usually it is sleeves or ball bearings. The fans arranged for the second way more than life, and they work quieter.
  • Device performance. It is measured in cubic meters per hour. In order to calculate the required fan performance, you need to measure the size of the room and multiply it to the desired daridity of the air exchange. For the bathroom, the optimal multiplicity of air exchange is 8/10, and for the bathroom - 7/8.
  • Method of starting the fan. The most popular way is to turn on the fan simultaneously with the light. This system can be supplemented with a built-in timer, which will turn off the fan at a specified period of time after turning off the light. The second way implies the installation of a special humidity sensor, which will control the operation of the fan. In this case, the fan is started only when the level of humidity in the bathroom exceeds the established standard.
  • Fan model . In stores you can find models intended for premises with high levels of humidity. You better stop your choice on them.

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Ventilation in a wooden house. Features of ventilation in the bathroom

Ventilation in a wooden house. Features of ventilation in the bathroom

Ventilation in a wooden house. Features of ventilation in the bathroom


So, we found out that forced ventilation is the optimal solution in order to ensure normal air circulation in the private wooden house bathroom.

Before proceeding directly to the installation of the ventilation system, make sure that the basic fire safety requirements are complied:

  • First, make sure the project has distances between the walls and ventilation channels.
  • Secondly, pay attention to the fan model. The packaging should be marked that it can be used in rooms with elevated moisture levels.

With self-installing ventilation, it is necessary to consider the following important points:

  • Do not install ventilation boxes and air duct pipes directly on wooden bars. Purchase special fasteners for these purposes.
  • When buying the necessary building materials and equipment, make sure that they are made of non-flammable materials.
  • Even at the stage of designing the ventilation system, refer to the compensation hole in the wall through which Ventkanal passes. Otherwise, it is deformed if the building is running out.
  • Fire safety measures require that ventilation in the bathroom be equipped with fire dampers, which can overlap the inflow of oxygen in case of fire.

Ventilation in a wooden house. Features of ventilation in the bathroom

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