Liquid wallpapers in the hallway


The first place in the apartment in which tenants fall and their guests are an entrance hall. Therefore, it is precisely how the corridor is decorated, and the overall impression of the entire housing depends. Today, the finishing is increasingly used liquid wallpapers in the corridor. Let's talk about their features in more detail.

Liquid wallpapers in the hallway

What you need to know about the finish

To make this room, you need to select only those materials and color gamuts that create a friendly and friendly atmosphere. At the same time, you can not forget about the practicality of the coverage for the walls in this part of the apartment. One of the compromise solutions that combine an attractive design with daily practicality are liquid wallpapers for the hallway.

Liquid wallpapers in the hallway

First of all, it must be said that the liquid wallpaper is radically different from their rolled "fellow". In essence, they are not wallpaper, and rather resemble decorative plaster, both in appearance and in the method of application. You can read more about this type of finish in this material.

Liquid wallpapers in the hallway

Initially, liquid wallpapers are granules, in which the plant is mixed with various colored killers, designed to impart one or another color to the finished finish. As for the application, it can be performed by both their own hands and invite professional finishes.

Liquid wallpapers in the hallway

Attention! If you are interested in how it is necessary to apply liquid wallpaper on the wall, we advise you to study this material in detail submitted on our website.


Liquid wallpapers in the hallway

Let us consider in more detail those cases in which the use of this type of finish becomes the most justified:

Swelling with familiar materialsIf you are tired of classic wallpapers, the choice in favor of liquid coatings is quite acquitted.
Safety for healthThis environmentally friendly material is absolutely safe for the health of people and animals.
High priceThe price of liquid wallpaper is quite affordable. Therefore, you do not have to overpay a significant cash.
Long workWorking with this coating is simple, regardless of who makes the repair - you are independently or hired workers. The relative simplicity of work means a reduction in time costs.

Liquid wallpapers in the hallway

Main characteristics

And now let's go briefly on the most important technical and operational characteristics of this finishing material, as well as we will touch on some features of their use in the interior.

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Liquid wallpapers in the hallway

First of all, I would like to note such features as the need to take into account how light will fall on the future finish. With good lighting you will not have problems. However, with an insufficient number of light, you will have to choose only bright liquid wallpapers. Photos in the corridor show examples of such interior solutions.

Tip! To ensure a longer life, we advise you to use additional protective varnish.

By the way, in addition to acrylic varnish, you can use a special primer. This will allow you to better protect the decorative surface from mechanical damage. In addition, you can not worry about the effects of moisture impact on the outer layer of finishing. As for cleaning liquid wallpaper, then with this - everything is simple enough. To carry out such procedures, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a brush nozzle. In addition, it is allowed to accurately use a slightly moistened rag or sponge.

Liquid wallpapers in the hallway

Despite the fact that liquid wallpapers are able to some extent to align small mechanical damage (chips, scratches, etc.), after all, in cases where the size of these chosel is large enough, it is desirable to pre-prepare the surface. This is performed using a putty.

The main advantages

Liquid wallpapers in the hallway

Of course, such a high popularity that liquid wallpapers in the corridor in recent years has been deserved (photo wallpaper in the interior, see examples), is due to numerous advantages that are peculiar to this type of finishing. Let's list the most important of them:

  1. The ability to seal small mechanical damage that are available on the surface of the walls.
  2. Additional heat, as well as sound insulation.
  3. Not susceptible to absorb unpleasant odors.
  4. Capable to withstand the effects of aggressive solar ultraviolet rays.
  5. A low price that makes them purchase and installation available.
  6. Diverse color scheme.

Liquid wallpapers in the hallway

Thanks to this, as well as other advantages, liquid wallpapers in the corridor are one of the most optimal coatings that can be used in this room.

Color gamma options

As noted slightly higher, today the manufacturers offer a huge number of different shades in the market for repair and construction. If you are interested in bright colors, they can also be used when finishing the interior. However, this color palette is necessary to use such a color palette with some caution. Ideally, such tones are used fragmentary, and not as the basis for finishing all walls indoors.

Liquid wallpapers in the hallway

At the same time, if it comes to finishing the walls of a small and narrow kitchen, remember that in such circumstances it is desirable to use brighter and neutral tones. This will make it possible to achieve the effect of visual increase in the size of such a room. And, accordingly, try to refrain from the use of brighter or dark shades, as it further narrows the already small space of the kitchen.

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Liquid wallpapers in the hallway

Meanwhile, it is impossible not to note this feature of liquid wallpaper, as the possibility of combining them, both with traditional rolled wallpaper and with other finishing materials. So, one of the attention that deserves is the sharing of liquid wallpapers and decorative artificial stone. At the same time, by the way, the protective varnish can be covered not only wallpaper, but also a decorative stone.

Liquid wallpapers in the hallway

Finishing walls of the hallway with liquid wallpaper - a great interior solution

What the market offers


The finishing materials market develops rapidly, and if a few decades ago the consumer was extremely limited in his choice, today it has to show some patience before the final choice is made.

Liquid wallpapers in the hallway

So, what is usually faced by the buyer when choosing wall materials for the bedroom?

  1. Vinyl, paper and fliesline wallpapers - There are a lot of varieties of these coatings, and the most simple and safe from an ecological point of view, are precisely paper. But their main disadvantage is the briefness. Yes, and in the process of salary, it is impossible to slow, as under the influence of glue, the canvas can quickly lose their shape. More modern are phlizelin and vinyl wallpaper. They do not fade under sunlight, have a lightering process, durable. But it is not always possible to be confident in the absolute environmentality of the data of the canvase, since any violation of production technology becomes the main reason for the allocation of toxic elements.
  2. Natural, eco-wallpaper - appeared relatively recently, absolutely environmentally friendly, but have a high cost.
  3. Decorative plaster - If it does not need special skills to work with wallpaper, then not only tools, but also theoretical knowledge and practical experience are needed to work with decorative plaster. First, the material is applied to the surface, and then structure with special tools.
  4. Liquid wallpaper - An ideal modern wall covering, which is perfect for the arresting of the hallway. With the finishing of the walls of the hallway, even a beginner will be able to cope with this material. In addition, they are absolutely harmless to human health.

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Liquid wallpapers in the hallway

All finishing work can be performed with your own hands.

Features of liquid wallpaper

The appearance on the market of new finishing materials does not remain unnoticed by the buyer. Liquid wallpapers have cardinal differences from the usual rolled counterparts. This coating consists of:

  • natural fibers (cellulose, cotton);
  • glue;
  • Dye.

Liquid wallpapers in the hallway

For use, the composition is bred with water, and then applied to the surface of the walls. The presence of natural components provides antistatic properties. The material itself has elasticity, and therefore in some cases you can do without preliminary wall training. All small defects, cracks are filled with liquid composition, creating a single, seamless space.

It is possible to use liquid wallpapers not only for the hallway, but also for other rooms, including for the kitchen. Each of the manufacturers of liquid wallpapers offers a wide color gamut, as well as the inclusion of all kinds of unique elements, thanks to which the interior becomes truly unique.

Liquid wallpapers in the hallway

For example, the presence of treated silk makes the walls with the effect of the tissue coating, and the use of the magnificence and exquisite design in thin golden yarns.


It is also interesting to use liquid wallpaper, not only directly on the walls in the bedroom, living room, children's, but also on batteries, pipes. True, pre-metallic surfaces are carefully isolated to prevent rust penetration on the inner surface of the walls.

Liquid wallpapers in the hallway

Of course, this cover has its advantages and cons, what our reviews of many buyers tell us who have experienced the finishing of the walls of their apartment with this coating. Liquid wallpaper for those who acquire apartments in new buildings are very popular. New houses always give shrinkage, which can appear cracks on the walls. Classic materials, as a rule, do not withstand the load and are rushing, or deformed. Therefore, after some time, there are repairs again in such apartments. With liquid wallpaper such trouble, it does not occur, since the material itself prevents the appearance of cracks.

Video instructions for applying walls:

In any case, with a competent approach to the interior design, the application of liquid wallpapers on the walls of the kitchen is able to largely transform the interior. It will become not only attractive, but also very individual, which is achieved by many apartments owners who are tired of similar to each other and typical interior solutions. Liquid wallpapers for hallway and corridor, photo:

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