What are the pallets for the shower cabin: forms and sizes


If you need to choose a pallet for a shower, forms and dimensions - the main parameters that pay attention to before purchasing. Thanks to this plumbing device, you can install the cabin at any convenient location. Pallets differ in a number of parameters, which makes it easy to implement the design project of the bathroom of different dimensions. The larger room, the larrhery can be a shower. When choosing, not only shape and size, but also materials of the pallet, as well as other characteristics are taken into account.

What are the pallets for the shower cabin: forms and sizes

The need to install the pallet

If the bathroom is too small, you can choose a bath of small length. However, in some situations there is no possibility to arrange even her in a small room. In this case, you can choose a pallet for shower. It is even less than a sitting bath, thanks to which the opportunity appears to enter this plumbing device, even in the most modest room. This will place place for washing machine, wardrobe or shelf.

What are the pallets for the shower cabin: forms and sizes


When the issue of buying a shower cabin is being solved, often such a need arises if someone from family members differ in large weight, growth. A narrow bath is not entirely convenient in this case, but to install a larger sanitary device there is no possibility. Then the patron saves the situation. It can be large, with high walls, angular. Such a pallet is really used as a bath, for example for a child.

Selection of shape and sizes

Plumbing devices for installing a shower cabin are found in different versions:

  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • corner;
  • round;
  • oval;
  • polygonal, but more often use 5- and 6-coal
  • in shape resembling snails.

What are the pallets for the shower cabin: forms and sizes

Such a variety is due to the possibility to purchase the pallet of the desired form, which will allow it to be installed on a plot suitable for this purpose in the bathroom. If you plan to install a pallet from a wall or, even better, in a niche, installation work will be less, since the vertical carrying partitions can act as the walls of the shower.

If the bathroom has smoothed angles, an oval or round pallet is suitable. In addition, this option can be used when installed in the center of the room. True, it is possible to implement such an idea only if the room is distinguished by large dimensions. In addition to the form, you should pay attention to the size of the pallet. They are offered in different versions and differ in height:

  • Low - up to 4 cm;
  • Average - from 4 to 10 cm;
  • Deep - from 10 cm and more.

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The last options can be used as a children's bath. To ensure the quality work of the water drain drain system from the pallet, you need to leave the distance 10-20 cm to install the siphon. Without it, the sewage will not function. In addition, the variant of the pallet with high walls is often used for manual washing.

What are the pallets for the shower cabin: forms and sizes

Deep pallet

If the task is to choose a sanitary device for the elderly, you should consider the average sizes of pallets for shower cabins, including in height. At the same time, to enter the shower cabin is easy and safe, as the height is rather low. By the same reason, pallets are chosen with low walls. This option is installed in the floor, which determined its purpose - installation in private homes. Low pallet looks attractive.

The minimum sizes of the pallet are 0.7x0.7 m. They increase in 0.05 cm increments. For example, the dimensions of rectangular plumbing devices: 0.7x0.85 m, 0.8x1.0 m. The maximum length of the parties reaches 1.7 m. There are a variety of combinations: a long pallet with low walls, a compact version with high sideboards.

Characteristics of pallets of different sizes

Such plumbing devices are conventionally divided into several groups: small, standard, medium and large. In each case there are its pros and cons:

  1. Little pallets. This group includes devices, the length of the walls of which does not exceed 0.8 m. Considering the modest sizes, there will be no place for seating or functional additions in the shower. This also includes the option with dimensions of 0.7x0.9 m. This is an exception to the rules, however, it is precisely such a pallet with ease of operation. Small-sized plumbing devices will not suit people high growth and with a large body weight. In such pallets, the user will feel uncomfortable.

    What are the pallets for the shower cabin: forms and sizes

  2. Standard sizes. A common option from this group is 0.8x0.8 m. This is a universal option that allows you to freely take a shower, without feeling constrained, and in the bathroom you can install the desired technique and furniture. The price of this option is low.

    What are the pallets for the shower cabin: forms and sizes

    Standard pallet

  3. Medium pallets. If the length of the walls of the plumbing device is 1 m or more, then it can be attributed to this group. A common option is a tray with dimensions of 1.35x1.35 m. Such plumbing devices can be installed in a more spacious room. In the same group there is a compact pallet with dimensions of 0.7x1 m. It is distinguished by high walls, due to which it can be used as a children's bath. Pallets of medium-sized dimensions are often chosen for combined bathrooms.

    What are the pallets for the shower cabin: forms and sizes

    Medium pallet

  4. Big sizes. Plumbing devices of this group are suitable for large-sized bathrooms. The minimum length of the side is 1.2 m. Due to major dimensions inside the cabin, an additional functionality can be placed: telephone connection, hydromassage, chair, etc. It is possible to install a tropical shower or a Turkish package. Large sowing shower cabins can be located both in the center of the room and in niche, the corner.

    What are the pallets for the shower cabin: forms and sizes

Criterias of choice

First you need to decide on the shape and size of the pallet. At the same time, it follows from the size of the room where the sanitary appliance will be installed. Additionally, the completion of the room is taken into account: Whether the washing machine will be installed, there is a furniture. If a niche is decorated in the room, it can be equipped with a shower cabin.

What are the pallets for the shower cabin: forms and sizes

When choosing, the growth and weight of the largest family member takes place. It is important to ensure comfort to all: not only for children, but also adults. Other criteria:

  1. Material: acrylic, metal, ceramic, wooden and marble pallets, analogues of artificial stone. The last options are rarely used in apartments. Marble and at all very expensive material, so it is not very common. The most popular - acrylic pallets.

    What are the pallets for the shower cabin: forms and sizes

    Acrylic pallet

  2. Fitting Position: Wall, in the center of the room. From this depends the shape of the pallet and the configuration of the shower cabin. It's easier and cheaper to install a plumbing device at the wall. If you have a room in the center, the redevelopment of communications will cost expensive. The walls are allowed to install not only the pallet with straight corners. If there is enough space, you can choose a round option, while the walls are used both from soft material and glass, plastic.

    What are the pallets for the shower cabin: forms and sizes

    Pallet at the wall

  3. Ready or disassembled cabin. You can purchase a fully assembled design. The complexity of self-assembly and installation is the need for the correct selection of materials. This uses tables for the correspondence of shower pallets and fastening corners. If you choose unsuitable materials and components, the cabin can last for a short time or problems will begin.

    What are the pallets for the shower cabin: forms and sizes

  4. Slip protection. Pallet, like a bath, have slippery surfaces. However, in the shower cabin, the risk of falling above, as a person is constantly in the standing position. To protect yourself, it is necessary to provide an anti-slip coating. This is a more modern option. You can meet others on sale: with a rough or embossed bottom. The pattern may be different: in the form of a picture, abstract lines, etc. The choice is made in accordance with what option is the most comfortable during operation. Some types of pallets slide not so much: acrylic, from artificial stone. If it was decided to purchase an option with a smooth surface, an anti-slip rug or a wooden grid can be put on the bottom.

    What are the pallets for the shower cabin: forms and sizes

    Relief surface

  5. Noise effect. The smaller the thickness of the material, the louder there will be the sound of the water dropping on the bottom. Steel pallet, from this point of view, less suitable. A cast iron, an acrylic analogue and an artificial stone version create a strong noise effect.
  6. Warm / cold surface. Including water, sometimes you have to become cold bottom. It is unpleasant, especially if the house is cool and want to warm up faster. The most preferred is the acrylic option. It warms it very quickly. Slower than all the cast iron, stone (natural or artificial), ceramics are heated. Using such a pallet, you will have to wait some time until it gains the desired temperature.
  7. Acrylic, ceramics, enameled metal - all these options are fragility. If you drop the watering can, then the ceramic plumbing device can immediately break. Under the influence of significant load, the acrylic and enameled device is not damaged, but their decorative coating is disturbed. Steel bottom easily bent under weight weight. Stone or cast iron analogue, from this point of view, is preferable to use. They differ in strength, do not deform.

When choosing, it is necessary to compare structures by convenience during operation. In this case, the role of the side of the side and the configuration of the walls of the shower cabin plays.

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