Fan pipe: installation and repair


Fan pipe: installation and repair

When building a private house you need to take into account many nuances, which you would never think if you decide to settle in the city apartment. In large, apartment buildings, the design of engineering networks falls on the shoulders of construction companies and you do not need to know how it all works. However, as soon as you decide to get out of the city bustle and engage in the construction of your own house, you will face many problems associated, first of all, with the arrangement of ventilation systems, sewage and water supply. Fan pipe plays a major role in the functioning of the last two systems. Today, our conversation will be about her.

Fan pipe: installation and repair


Fan tube or fans - This is a pipe connecting the sewer riser with an atmosphere. It goes to the roof of the building and serves to equalize the pressure in the sewage system.

Fan pipe: installation and repair

When a large amount of water descends into the sewer, inside the system, there is a discharge and without air intake, which provides a fan tube, a malware smell will penetrate directly into the room at home. With protection, it is unpleasant odors. The waterproofing is used, which is formed in the bend of the sewer tube. The fan tube regulates the normal operation of the hydraulicature, which can "break down" under pressure. In the way, the fan tube is an integral element of ventilation and sewage systems of a residential building.

Fan pipe: installation and repair

Is there always a fanker?

If we still failed to convince you of the need to install a fan riser, you can do without it, but for this you will have to keep two important conditions. First, the house should be no higher than two floors, and secondly, there should be no more than one toilet and one shell in the house. However, if these requirements are quite satisfied, this does not mean that you can safely begin to design a sewage system without a fan pipe, without worrying about the occurrence of unpleasant odors. It is necessary to take into account some more important factors.

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Fan pipe: installation and repair

So, the fan tube is necessary if:

  • Sewer tube less than 0.5 cm in diameter;
  • You use the autonomous sewer system;
  • In the house, or on its territory there is an artificial reservoir or another device, the maintenance of the periodic drainage into the sewer of large volumes of water, such as the pool.

Fan pipe: installation and repair

Requirements for mounting

Installation of fan pipes should be carried out with regard to two main requirements:

  • The diameters of the fan pipe and sewage riser should coincide with an accuracy of a millimeter;
  • The place where the fadow tube will go should be carefully thought out. Usually ventilation pipes are displayed on the roof; At the same time, it is important to take into account the direction of air flows so that sewer evaporations will be disappeared in the opposite direction from balconies, windows and residential buildings.

Fan pipe: installation and repair

Using fan valves

You probably had to hear that the contents of sewer pipes could penetrate the apartment through the toilet. This is usually happening in cases where, when designing a sewage system, serious errors were made, for example, the angle of inclination of the pipe was incorrect. The reason can also become a strong blockage caused by the sewage in the sewer of large garbage, mice or rats. If you do not want once to witness your toilet erupts fecal masses, you should take care of this in advance, at the stage of installing the fan pipe.

Fan pipe: installation and repair

Reverse fan valve is designed specifically in order to prevent the return of sewage drain to plumbing devices. It is usually installed outside or inside the fan riser. It acts as follows: When you drop the water, the valve cover opens and skips it and everything that it takes, and then, under the pressure of the steel spring, closes tightly.

Fan pipe: installation and repair

When installing such a valve, it is necessary to take into account the moment that its cover should be opened against the movement of water. Only in this case it will reliably block the sewage streams moving in the opposite direction.

Principles of design of fan ventilation

You can design the fan ventilation yourself. To do this, you must have at least minimal knowledge in the field of engineering systems and explore the SNiP requirements.

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Fan pipe: installation and repair

Fan pipe: installation and repair

Fan pipe: installation and repair

In generalized form, the principles of designing the fan pipe system look like this:

  • The bias of horizontal pipes in the direction of the mode of sewage gases should be at least two hundredths;
  • One fanner can be used to combine several sewer;
  • It is possible to change the direction of fan pipes only if the change is carried out above the place where the equipment is last supplied to the riser;
  • To connect multiple pipes, use the fanner tee; It should be attached to 135 or a 45-degree angle towards the movement of gases;
  • You can change the direction of fan vents only with the help of a fan removal and under a 135-degree angle.
  • It is necessary to take into account the distance from the fan tube to the balconies and windows: in the horizontal plane it should be at least 4 meters;
  • Fan pipe should be excluded separately from ventilation and chimney;
  • The lower part of the fan pipe must be in a warmer room, and the top is in a cooler; In this case, the traction will be stronger.

Recommendations for carrying out pipes

After preparing the project, you can proceed directly to the installation of the fan riser. To begin with, buy all the necessary equipment. You will need: fan and connecting pipes, ventilation canal and fittings. Installation of the fan system should be carried out in several stages.

  • Preparatory work. Perhaps in your house already there is an old system of sewer pipes. If they are made of cast iron, it is better to dismantle them and replace them with more modern. Before starting work, make sure that the riser is blocked.
  • The installation of the fan riser starts with the foundation of the house. In the bearing wall, do the holes and, with the help of metal clamps, secure the fan tube on it.
  • If plumbing is already installed, connect the toilet to the fan riser using the pan. Seal with ring-shaped gaskets.
  • For noise insulation, use the mounting foam or mineral wool.

Fan pipe: installation and repair

Fan pipe: installation and repair

Watch the following video on the installation of the fan riser.

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Frequent Mounting Errors

Guided by good intentions, many seek to build a fan ventilation system in their hope that it will only improve its work. However, most often such changes in the project lead to very deposits. Consider the most common mistakes:
  • Organization of the output of the fan pipe in the attic, and not on the roof. If the sewage gases will not leave immediately into the atmosphere, sooner or later they will accumulate under the roof and gradually begin to penetrate the living quarters.
  • Installing the fan pipe from the inside of the bearing wall. If the fans will pass outside, then problems associated with the formation of condensate will arise.
  • Replacing the protective fan fungus on the top of the pipe with a flugyant or decorative fluger. Despite the more aesthetic appearance, the thrust from this does not become stronger, but, on the contrary, it decreases, as a result of which unpleasant odors are distributed throughout the house.


Repair of fan pipes, as a rule, is reduced to the replacement of old cast iron pipes to new plastic. It is better under the guidance of an experienced plumbing, urging a couple of assistants to help. Cast iron - the material is incredibly heavy, and at the same time fragile, so it should be treated very carefully. Be extremely careful because there is always a chance to damage your own health or a whole sewer system. In addition, if you replace the fan pipe in a multi-storey building and, at the same time, live on one of the lower floors, find out from specialists, will it withstand your new plastic pipes with such a system.

Fan pipe: installation and repair

To work, you will need a heavy sledgehammer, Bulgarian, drill and any other tool that you find it necessary to use, because dismantling of cast-iron pipes - the task is not the lungs. After dismantling old pipes, you can start installing new ones. How to do this, we set out in detail in the previous sections. We hope that our instruction will help you without any problems install a new fan ventilation system!

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