How to make cash doors do it yourself


The cash of the doors is quite possible when the instructions are followed. The installation of cash is the task that needs to be solved after mounting the main structure. It will have to do, even if there is no desire, since the platband serves not only to give the frame of the finished species, but also to protect the door frame and adjacent wall.

How to make cash doors do it yourself

Diagram of device door with platbands and bad peers.

Functions of platbands and how to make them yourself

Many mistakenly believe that the main purpose of these parts is to give the doors of the finished species. But it is correct only in part. Definition is a multifunctional system, and it serves to perform the following tasks:

  • If you do not install it, then the dust will be inserted into the room through the slots in the frame frame;
  • If the platbands are installed on interroom doors, they increase the sound insulation characteristics of their design.

To make a platband yourself, you will need a tool and wooden boards, rails. The exact list of all the necessary is shown below. Work is performed as follows:

How to make cash doors do it yourself

Marking scheme of platbands.

  1. Of the 4 blades for the hacksaw make a fixture for sawing spikes. The canvas must be strengthened between 3 racks and just do the remaining blades. The difference between 2 pairs is between adjacent canvas.
  2. Measure doors. The main size is its opening. The width of the platband can be any, but they should allow the doors to open.
  3. From the boards, they drink over the obtained dimensions of 2 long and one short platbands. Their angles can be immediately cut under 45 °, so that in the middle part there are spikes in a short detail, and in the other two - grooves. If you need to speed up the work, then this can not make a frame in this case, it is going to join, without fasteners, on some nails.
  4. The surface of the parts should be treated with a planer so that they are smooth, and during the final finish, they must be pulled out by sandpaper. If the boards are quite thick, then you can make longitudinal cuts on them. It will give the doors a finished look.

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Catching: how to install it yourself on the door

The work begins with the dismantling of old platbands using a strong screwdriver or mounting and removal of pliers or nail-holder of old nails. Then the so-called voluntary plank is checked, it may be necessary to put a new part. To do this, you need to inspect the item from all sides and establish a way to which the bar is fixed.

If necessary, purchase a new part, it is best to choose a factory element, since it is guaranteed high edge quality and a good appearance of the plank.

At the same time it is necessary to pay attention to the irregularities of the walls. If they are, it is recommended to carry out accurate measurements of the biggest protrusions on the doors. This will avoid the formation of cracks.

The next stage of work is to install a good plank, which is as follows:

Installation of platforms of interroom doors.

  1. The tape measure or metal ruler is measured the width that is necessary for the installation of this part, and the segment from the edge of the walls to the grooves in which the plank should be inserted. It should be borne in mind that this element of the door design is mounted in the brass.
  2. To reduce possible inaccuracies to the width obtained when measured, you need to add 20-30 mm.
  3. New good Need to always be installed before fixing the platbands on the door frame.
  4. New Details begin to mount from vertical plates.
  5. After that, a horizontal plank is installed on the very top. If the item has more required values, then unnecessary parts need to cut off the saw.
  6. All kinds are attached with long screws to the door frame.
  7. When they are already installed in their places, they are strengthened among themselves.

How to put the platbands do it yourself

Further operations are performed in the following order:

  1. All items that need to be installed are trimmed with a jigsaw at an angle of 45º. To do this, you can use ending for the layout of the cutting line. When installing, there are no special rules: it can be started with both long and short-casting.
  2. Perform work markup work: on all draws a clear cut line, it can be made with a color marker. The length of the platband should be a segment from the lower edge of the dough, which is set at the top of the door frame, to the floor of the room. (Figure 1) To eliminate errors, it is necessary to add 5 mm to the measured value. After that, they start cutting the platbands on the marked lines.
  3. When fixing parts on the frame and the walls, it is necessary to bite the caps from the nails. This is important for the appearance of the installed design. They will not be visible after the complete end of work.
  4. When installing a platband to the upper good, they are as follows: one angle is cut off at 45º, then installed on the upper part of the structure and mark the angle, or rather, its vertex, from the second side. After that, you cut the item from the mark and insert into place.
  5. If the grooves do not partially fit, then such places are recommended to pour the sealant.
  6. All the above operations are repeated from the second side of the doorway.

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Superior Materials, Tools, Fixtures

  1. Tubes or thick boards (20-30 mm).
  2. Spelor and rack strips with a thickness of 2-3 cm.
  3. Sealant.
  4. Screws and nails.
  5. Mounting and screwdriver.
  6. Fantasy and jigsaw, hacksaw with canvas.
  7. Saw on wood.
  8. Plancock and small skin.
  9. Chisels.
  10. Pliers or nail holder.
  11. Roulette, metal ruler and marker.

Installation of platbands with their own hands usually does not cause any problems in people who know how to handle a simple tool.

If a person is not confident in his abilities, it is better to call specialists who will fulfill all the work described for a certain fee.

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