How to put a tile in the bathroom?


How to put a tile in the bathroom?

Probably everyone faces a lot of problems before proceeding to repairs in the bathroom. For example, how to prepare the premises to repair, what materials should be used, which there are laying methods, etc. exist. To help you solve all these questions, we will consider in detail each of these items.

How to put a tile in the bathroom?

Pros and cons

Many prefer to use ceramic tiles as a facing material, which remains the leader among the finishing materials for the bathroom to date. Let's first consider all its advantages and disadvantages.


  • Hygienicity (the surface is enough to be washed, with severe pollution you can use chemicals containing acid without fear that they will damage the tile);
  • Strength (when used taking use is quite durable material, resistant to humidity and temperature differences);
  • Durability (putting a tile in the bathroom, you can be sure that it is rather you getting tired for dozens of years, rather than will come into disrepair);
  • A huge variety of colors and patterns;
  • A wide range of prices (you can choose a tile of a domestic manufacturer with a simpler pattern at an acceptable price or expensive original tile of Western manufacturers).


  • Long laying process;
  • Expensive installation.

How to put a tile in the bathroom?

The main factor in the process of laying the tile is professionalism, since without special skills of working with tiles, you risk spoiling all the material or, in the end, get the result, which, to put it mildly, you will not please you. Therefore, the majority prefers to give considerable money to a specialist to avoid additional costs to correct their mistakes or additional procurement of materials, thereby facilitating life easier.

How to put a tile in the bathroom?

If you still decide to put the tile, our tips will help you cope with this task.

How to put a tile in the bathroom?

Methods of laying tiles in the bathroom

With the help of different ways of laying the tile, you can not only transform, but also visually hide the shortcomings of your bathroom.

Read more about this in our article about the ways of decoring the bathroom with tiles.

How to put a tile in the bathroom?

So, the tile can be put in several ways:

  • Direct laying. Perhaps the easiest way that will be at the power even beginners. If you have a low ceiling, the rectangular tile laid out in this way will help.
  • Laying with a chess pattern. Laying of tiles of two colors, which allows you to visually expand the space.
  • Diagonal laying. This method of laying requires special skills and additional calculations. Putting the tile on the floor in this way, you can disguise uneven walls.
  • Laying with displacement. Each next tile of the row is placed with a displacement relative to the previous row. It is best to use a rectangular tile here, which is two times the width.
  • Mosaic. To lay out such a mosaic can only professional. However, if you have a personal and creative personality, you have every chance to master this craft. In addition, the bathroom, made using the author's patterns and ornaments from ceramics, will look original and creatively.

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Calculations for the purchase of materials required tools

Now that we have decided on the tile shape and the laying method, you need to make some calculations.

To begin with, measurements of all walls should be made, taking into account the location of the toilet, bath and washbasin. Then drew the plan for your bathroom with a scale. After that, you can choose the appropriate tile in the store, pre-writing its size and direction of the pattern.

Then draw the location of the tiles on the plan.

At the same time, it should be considered that sometimes the width and height of the tile may not be painted with the size of the walls, so the tile has to cut.

How to put a tile in the bathroom?

Place the entire tiles should be topped down so that it is less noticeable. Draw on the walls of the row of the location of the tiles, taking into account the seams. Count how much you need tiles in pieces. Now you can safely buy a tile.

We should not forget that the tile must be taken with a small margin - about 10%, since part of the material can be corrupted during the styling process.

Read more in our article on the calculation of the number of tiles.

We also need glue for tiles. Some are used instead of glue cement, however, it is not suitable for beginners, since it is very difficult to prepare such a solution, but it will be impossible to fix errors made during the styling process. There are many brands and manufacturers of glue for tile, but perhaps the optimal version is a mixture of SM11, which is not inferior to the tile glue and is also sold at a bargain price.

Read more in our article about choosing glue for tiles.

Preparation of the room

After buying tiles, we will proceed to preparing the room. To begin with, block all the water supply valves. All furniture and plumbers must be carefully disassembled and put out. You can get rid of the old tiles using a perforator or manually using a hammer and chisel.

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In most cases, the old tile is easily separated from the walls, so dismantling does not take much time and will not require additional effort. Before starting work, protective glasses and the respirator should be put on, so that small fragments do not damage the mucous eye, and the dust did not get into the lungs.

Another important point is the curvature of the walls. The plumb will help determine the deviation of the walls along the vertical, the coal will check the corners. Smooth walls are quite rare, so if the deviation is more than 5 cm, they will have to be aligned.

To align the walls, we will need: Plaster beacons, a solution for plaster and a container for its preparation, a spatula, a perforator or a drill with a special nozzle.

How to put a tile in the bathroom?

First fastened beacons. We apply glue, we apply a lighthouse and exhibit it in terms of level. So everything is in turn. The rule will help keep lighthouses at the required level. Then you should fill the space between them with a special solution. It is necessary to act carefully not to touch the lighthouses, periodically checking the level of the rule. When the solution is dry, start laying the tile.

Paul should also be aligned before stacking. For this, again use lighthouses or self-leveling liquid (mixture). Such a liquid will facilitate your task, but it is worth it is quite expensive.

How to put a tile in the bathroom?

So, first check, you need to smooth or not.

Professionals often use a laser level, however, you can do this manually. To start, swipe from the highest angle in the room a horizontal pencil line, and then draw it throughout the perimeter using a level. From the corners, spend the diagonal to the center using threads. The thread should not touch the floor, and the distance from the floor to the highest point should not exceed 3 cm. If the thread pulls to the floor, it should be raised to it a little and draw a line throughout the perimeter of the bathroom. It will be the level of the new floor. Next, we work on the already known algorithm.

How to put a tile in the bathroom?

After alignment, we advise you to cover the surface of moisture-resistant primer, it will help a good tile grip with glue. It is undesirable to lay the pieces of tiles in the corners and near the doorways, it will be bad. It is necessary to postpone all the work for a couple of weeks after surface preparation so that the solution is well reduced.

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How to put a tile in the bathroom?

Tile laying technology

Finally go to the styling process. Before breeding glue for tiles, you should carefully read the instructions. You do not need to cook too much solution, you may not have time to use it, and he simply dries. Since it is very difficult to mix the solution well, we will use a drill or a perforator.

Then you should draw a smooth horizontal line from which masonry will go.

How to put a tile in the bathroom?

Important! It is best to start laying tiles above the bathroom.

If you plan to put the tile by the bathroom, we will start from the second row. Special retaining rails will help avoid sliding tiles. Glue apply a spatula on the tile and apply to the wall. Slightly adding, check the level and, if necessary, correct errors. Rubber hammer will help evenly position the tile without damaging it.

If the tile sat down too deeply, you need to pose it and repeat the process again. Perhaps you used too little glue or pulled the plate. Special plastic crosses mounted on stoves will help save the distance and form a beautiful seam.

How to put a tile in the bathroom?

Cutting tile

We have already said that it is impossible to lay out a bathroom with whole tiles, so they will have to cut them. To do this, we will use tiles (manual or automatic) or grinder. For curly cuts it is better to use pliers.

How to put a tile in the bathroom?

Work after laying

After the installation is completed, it is necessary to remove the remnants of glue from the tile, otherwise it will have to grind the seams for a long time after drying. It is advisable to give a tile to dry a couple of days and only then proceed to the grout. For this there is a special mixture that happens different colors (under the color of the tile). It is applied using a rubber spatula or tassels. After complete drying, the tile should be washed with water and wipe with a dry cloth.

At this stage, the repair in the bathroom ends. If everything happened, we congratulate you! Now your bathroom will delight not only you, but also your guests.

Bathroom repair at this stage does not end. Also read our article on how to drill tiles.

How to put a tile in the bathroom?

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