How to perform painting doors do it yourself


Currently, designers have come up with hundreds of ingenious ways to decorate interroom doors, which will help to update the interior and bring something new to it. One of these methods is the decorative painting of the door. Clearly following the instructions and recommendations, you can create a truly original drawing that will transform the entire room.

How to perform painting doors do it yourself

There are many ways to decorate doors: art painting, decoupage, appliqués, pseudo-trap and others.

How to prepare doors

Before proceeding directly to decorating, it is necessary to carefully prepare a working surface. It all starts with the doorway. First you need to remove the web with the loops, carefully remove the glass (if available), clean it from the old paint, varnish and other previously applied coatings. To do this, you will need the following set of tools:

How to perform painting doors do it yourself

For art painting, the doors will need brushes of different sizes and paints.

  • Building screwdriver or hammer;
  • sandpaper of various grainability;
  • spatulas;
  • Special construction hairdryer, which can replace the usual vacuum cleaner with air blowing function;
  • putty and olifa;
  • small nails;
  • Fittings (door handle, loop and lock).

Having removed the doors with the loops, you can start removal of paint or varnish. You can do this with the help of a construction dryer - when heated to a certain temperature, paint or varnish begins to bubble, which allows you to remove the coating with a spatula, without applying to this essential effort.

Carefully cleaned the surface from the old paint, you can proceed to the shtlocking of the door leaf, while closeing all the cracks and chips. Emery paper of various grainies will help align the surface and get rid of roughness.

The final stage of preparation is the coating of the door canvas by the Olife, which will continue reliably protect the material from the destructive effects of moisture. When the surface is absolutely dry, you can insert the glass back, securing it with small nails.

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Decoration of artistic painting doors

Art painting is the easiest way to decorate the interroom door. In order to do it qualitatively, it is necessary not only to follow all the instructions and recommendations, but also prepare all the material in advance:

How to perform painting doors do it yourself

The following tools will be needed for decoupage: brushes, glue, scissors, varnish and three-layer napkins.

  • Plaster, finishing putty and primer (preferably acrylic);
  • All variety of brushes for decorating, dry and clean rags, small pieces of sponge;
  • spray;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • Paint itself.

If the old door is ready, in accordance with the above recommendations, you can start degreasing its surface, applying plaster, finishing putty and acrylic varnish. Do not forget about the instructions for the use of building mixes - compliance with all recommendations ensures the quality of drying the door and its further operation.

It is best to use special paint to work. The door leaf should be located in a horizontal position, for this you can use the table and chairs as a comfortable stand. Then you should cook stencil or several templates.

In order to get the optimal result, you need to use the most high-quality materials and clearly follow all recommendations.

It is worth identifying one simple rule: how many colors are present in the future drawing, so many individual templates need to be prepared. At the same time, after applying each layer, it is necessary to leave stencil for some time, it will allow the paint to dry well.

Painting Doors and Subsequent Actions

The drawing for the interior door can be inventing independently, it will not be difficult, especially for those who have creative deposits. The decorated doors will be spectacularly looked in the interior of the children's room, the living room, as well as in the office of creative and advertising agencies. Stencils or patterns can be made by hand with a conventional pencil and stationery knife.

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If all the necessary materials can be found independently, then the situation is somewhat more complicated with the search for templates and stencils. As a rule, they can be found in numerous online stores that specialize directly on the implementation of this product. Decor templates differ in thickness and fastening method (adhesive or not).

In order to create a surround image, it is best to use dense and hard patterns made on the basis of plastic. For large drawings, it is necessary to break the template for several parts, which are subsequently combined.

Decorating interroom doors with their own hands - the process is very fascinating, subject to all rules and recommendations, it can do any. Moreover, painting with their own hands will be an exciting entertainment for all family members.

Everyone may probably work in a brush, but it is better to use beginners in this business - the drawing will be smooth and neat, without divorce and other defects. Before you begin to paint the template, it is worth applying the entire contour by the usual stationery pencil. This is necessary for the figurative perception of the future picture. It is not necessary to immediately recruit a large amount of paint, it is better to consistently add colors to the drawing.

After applying the pattern, the door leaf should be covered with a layer of acrylic varnish, it will save the paint from burnout and other mechanical damage. Glass (if available) can also be colored stained in paints, it will refresh the interior of the room.

The painting of the interior door do it yourself - a fairly simple process. Following all the recommendations, you can effectively transform the room and add fresh paints to the interior.

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