Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video


Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron: photos, ideas, the best solution from important places in the apartment, whether it is a studio or multi-room apartments - a kitchen. Here, the hostess of the home focus spends most of the time, the newlyweds arrange romantic evenings, couples spend their home tea drinking with friends. From the design, the convenience and practicality of the kitchen depends on the desire to prepare, the mood of households and the relationship of guests to the owners.

Principles of registration of the workspace of the kitchen

When designing the appearance of the kitchen, the work area is paid to the work area (apron).

It must combine the following characteristics.:

  • Practicality : apron is subject to more intense contamination, so it is recommended to use those finishing materials that are easily laundered, do not ignite, have high resistance to mechanical damage
  • Durability : When exposing all sorts of adverse effects (from splashes of hot fat to hammer strikes), the work area must maintain a presentable appearance.
  • Presentability : The kitchen is a place where the most delicious moments of life pass, so it, including apron, should be at least attractive as the maximum chic-stylish.

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

The work area is the territory of the kitchen, which includes a kitchen stove, household appliances, washing and a place where you are directly cooking food.

Today, diverse materials are used for kitchen aprons.


  1. Strained glass Today it has become popular in the design of kitchen aprons. It is easily clean, does not have docking seams where pollution often accumulate. Nevertheless, the glass is quite fragile, which can manifest itself in assembly and operational work. Some of the owners of glass aprons complain that scratches and fingerprints are visible on the glass. A cheap low quality glass acquires a green bottle tint.
  2. MDF. - Warfare stove of medium density (MDF abbreviation has occurred from the English. Medium Density Fibreboard). Without difficulties, cleared of pollution, the MDF color is easily selected under the design of the main part of the kitchen. The disadvantage is that if there is a gas stove, it is not recommended to use MDF for apron, because The stove is made of wood.
  3. Ceramic tile For the kitchen on the apron, it has all the features necessary for the working area. The qualitatively selected tile is durable, it is easy to clean, does not absorb fat and resistant to thermal exposure.
  4. Ceramographic It has the same characteristics and consists of the same elements as the ceramic tile (tile), but is made according to another technological process.

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Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

To prepare was in joy, the design of the working area of ​​the kitchen is important, because the daily cooking is a waste work.

Invented in the second half of the 20th century in Italy, the method allows you to paint a mixture of clay, minerals and quartz sand (then what the tile and porcelain stoneware are made) at one of the initial stages of production. Staining at one of the first steps provides homogeneity in color throughout its thickness of the ceramogan tile, if the ceramic tile has a scene coating only on the surface enamel layer.

Laying a tiled apron for the kitchen with their own hands (video)

Advantages of tiled apron for kitchen

As mentioned above the tile has all the necessary characteristics for the working area of ​​the kitchen.

In addition to explicit advantages, when choosing a tile should be remembered that he:

  • It is the most affordable material for the manufacture of kitchen apron. This factor facilitates the search for specialists in design, installation and repair.
  • Easy to care. The surface of the tile is easily washed and cleaned, and with significant damage to one tile, it can be replaced with another, without dismantling all ceramic panels.
  • Variatives. There are many design solutions about the design of the working area.

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

Right and tastefully selected and made tiled apron will emphasize the comfort of the kitchen, which is so necessary for each family

Also, the tile has a low cost of all other kitchen finishing materials.

Selection of ceramic tiles for kitchen on apron

Having planned the design of the kitchen, and stopping at the choice of tile for the working area, the next step should be the decision to design apron. Today there is a wide selection of ceramic tiles: monophonic, multi-colored, under the shade and material of the finishing of the whole kitchen (for example, brick, stone or wood). The tile in the form of a mosaic look originally.

Mosaic will give the apron to the look of elegant handmade, which will make all the design of the kitchen creative and copyright.

For mosaic, it is recommended to take small plate sizes. Nontrivialless choice of clinker tale, creating the impression of brickwork. Also on the tile you can apply any images using digital printing - photo printing.

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Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

Original and beautiful tile on the apron for the kitchen is a traditional, convenient and profitable design option.

Designers believe that a small tile not only decorates, but also visually expands the size of the kitchen. Today there is a wide range of tiles: from rectangular to rhombid, from tiny cells to large in size. In addition, it is possible to an individual order of the size of the facing ceramic tile. However, before increasing the cost of repairing the solution to order a tile of its size, you should consider purchases in stores. They offer ceramic miniature tiles: 2.5x2.5 cm, 5x5 cm, small size: 10x10 cm, 13x13 cm, medium: 20x20 cm, 30x30 cm and large: 40x40 cm. It is recommended to choose a tile of small or medium size, since Less tile, the more difficult to break it.

World Class Manufacturer Apron to Kitchen Ceramic Tile

Today there are a large number of tile manufacturers of different levels of quality, price and availability of goods. The market for the creation of a tile for repair including for the working area of ​​the kitchen is competitive and forces manufacturers to improve production technology, expand the line of design solutions, to adapt the price policy under the existing economic situation and consumer requirements.

From this side, the Russian company "Keram Marazzi" has proven itself in the market, which is part of the Italian world-famous concern Marazzigroup. As the leader of the Russian market, Cerama Marazzi presents a wide selection of ceramic tiles, porcelain stoneware, plumbing, etc. The manufacturer covered all possible repair options from ethnic concept (Scandinavian, French, Japanese, etc.) to the concepts in the direction in the interior (modern, techno , Classic, High Tech and other styles). Marazzi presents the collections of the author's panel, mosaics, clinker tale.

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

Cerama Marazzi is the leader in the production of tiles on the apron for the kitchen, the quality and durability will appreciate each mistress

Under the leadership of Italian specialists in Russia, the tile of this brand produces 2 companies from the eagle and Moscow region.

The factories have progressive equipment from leading Western companies, which improves the quality of goods over a similar offer of competitors. The factory from the Eagle specializes in the production of tiles when the plant from the Moscow region is a ceramographic.

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Thanks to high technologies and synergies of both Italian and Russian experience in the production of tiles, ceramic tile Cerama Marazzi has the following advantages.


  1. The above characteristics of the tile: practicality, durability, wear resistance are characteristic of all varieties of ceramic tile Marazzi.
  2. Ecology material. The tile of this brand is traditionally created from natural materials without adding chemically harmful substances.
  3. A wide range of designer plots, color palette, ornamental decorations and shapes of tiled cells.

Marazzi collections are updated annually, new trend solutions are created.

Porcelain stoneware from Kerama Marazzi

Specializing in the creation of ceramic goods, an important place in the production line of Cerama Marazzi occupies a porcelain stoneware. It was invented about 30 years ago in Italy and is an innovative "generation" of ceramic tiles. Italian companies, among whom Cerama Marazzi are recognized as leaders for the production of high-quality ceramic granite.

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

CeraMa Marazzi's porcelain stoneware has better strength indicators, which undoubtedly makes it an ideal option for apartments and country houses.

Basically, this facing material is used for floor coatings due to their high strength characteristics.

Relatively recently recently recently, the production of porcelain stoneware is one of the popular finishing materials with a wide selection of design solutions and material textures. Ceramic granite Marazzi has all the characteristics of high-quality western material. The texture of the material (imitation of wood, stone, natural skin) are developed by the leading Italian design studios. The quality is European, improved and adapted for Russian conditions.

Cerambrants from Kerama Marazzi (video)

Choosing a ceramic tile or porcelain tile Marazzi, the buyer can be confident in high quality and durability of drawing and materials.

Ceramic tile for kitchen on apron (photo)

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

Ceramic tile for the kitchen on apron photo: Cerama Marazzi, tile, Italy, porcelain stoneware, design, 10x10, mosaic, video

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