Bordeur for the bathroom - types, selection and installation


Bordeur for the bathroom - types, selection and installation

As you know, the main thing in the bathroom is to prevent the accumulation of humidity indoors. To do this, the bathroom is an additional ventilation system, materials with water-repellent coating are used, as well as thoroughly shut and seal all the seams. In the Soviet Union, the issue was solved radically, making all the seams and cavities with concrete solution. Including, concreted the bath and seams between the bathroom and the walls to which she was adjacent. The dismantling of the bathroom after this became a practically impossible task requiring incredible efforts.

Bordeur for the bathroom - types, selection and installation

Now the choice is made in favor of more modern, but no less durable materials. In this article, we will tell you how to close the seams between the bathroom and the wall so that water does not fall under the bath and excessive humidity and dirt have not accumulated, with the help of borders.

Features and requirements

In general, the Borders for the bathroom use the same requirements as for any other finishing materials for bathrooms. Borders should:

  • Provide tightness
  • possess water-repellent properties
  • to be resistant to deformation
  • be environmentally friendly and not creating a medium for the development of microbes and mold
  • be resistant to detergents and brushes
  • Go well with other materials in the bathroom.

Bordeur for the bathroom - types, selection and installation


The main criterion for which borders for baths and shells is chosen is manufacturing material.

Polyethylene border ribbon for shells and bathrooms

Reliably sealed holes from moisture. They are easy to operate and cheap compared to other materials. There are a rich assortment of border ribbons of different widths, length and colors. The tape has a self-adhesive base, so even a child will cope with such a border with such a curb.

A substantial minus of such a border is its short-life. Such borders are usually used as a temporary solution to the problem. If you want to extend the life of curb ribbons and provide more reliable protection against moisture, you can additionally use the sealant under the tape. However, with this method of using the tape, you will serve you for several months, no more.

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Bordeur for the bathroom - types, selection and installation


The border the next expectancy period is a plastic border. Made of a very practical and inexpensive plastic, such a border is securely attached to the bath and wall with a special glue. At the same time, plastic borders are very lungs and do not overtake the design, they are easy to mount and simply wash. They are well combined with any materials. However, such borders have their own minuses - plastic eventually can darken and darken over time, there are easy scratches on it, and in a short time you will also have to replace it.

Bordeur for the bathroom - types, selection and installation


It should be selected under the tile used in the bathroom finish. Such borders are much more durable than those described above, and you will be able to serve not one dozen years old. Ceramics provides good tightness and is durable in itself. However, you need to be careful - with the wrong installation, the ceramic curb can crack.

Installation of ceramic borders involves the use of special equipment and certain skills.

Bordeur for the bathroom - types, selection and installation

A natural stone

Such borders are definitely require the appropriate interior. Borders from marble and granite are almost eternal, but in a small bathroom laid out by ordinary ceramic tiles, they will look ridiculous. They are quite cumbersome and require certain skills when installing.

Bordeur for the bathroom - types, selection and installation

Calculate quantity

To calculate the number of curbs, you need to take the overall length of the sides of the bathtubs in contact with the wall (better with the reserve) and divide this length to the length of the curb.

Some prefer to save and buy the required length of the borders, and then, when something goes wrong, the remains of the curb of the necessary texture and colors are wanted around the city.

We recommend that you purchase a couple of borders about the stock. In case, when working some of them will crack or you will incorrect something.

In addition to length, it is also necessary to take into account the widths of the gaps between the bathroom and the walls. The fact is that when buying you will need to decide not only with a length, but also from the width of the material used. If the gaps between the bathroom and the wall are too wide, compared to the borodist purchased, they will still fall in water and the meaning of the use of the curb is then lost.

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If you are going to acquire a border from ceramics or natural stones, measure the length of each curb line is necessary as accurately as possible, since it will be very difficult to correct it at home at home.

Installing a border with your own hands


Mount the plastic curb is quite simple. In addition to directly the Bordeur itself, we also advise you to purchase a plastic corner. This will not only save you from the need to customize the border jack, but also help hide traces of sealant and glue.

Bordeur for the bathroom - types, selection and installation

Bordeur for the bathroom - types, selection and installation

Bordeur for the bathroom - types, selection and installation


  1. Clean the surface of the walls and the baths that you will roll the borders, from dirt and water. Wheel dry with a rag.
  2. Take the sealant, fill it with the gap, scatter on top with a spatula and wait for it to complete drying.
  3. From one end of the border, set the amount equal to the length of one of the sides of the bath, which adjoins the wall, and carefully cut the desired piece.
  4. Pun the border with scotch tape so as not to spoil its appearance with glue.
  5. Tile around the place where you can glue the border, also better protect anything. For example, molar scotch.
  6. Press the curb tightly to the surface and fill out the space behind the border sealant.
  7. Repeat the steps described above for each side.
  8. Wait until the sealant is dry and remove the protective layer of the scotch.

The plastic border is better to mount the tile on top, and not for it, since plastic is short-lived. Then subsequently to replace the plastic curb you will not need to dismantle and tile.

Bordeur for the bathroom - types, selection and installation


Ceramic border can be installed both under the tile and top of the tile. The first method is considered more reliable, as it provides better sealing, but it is suitable only for those who thought over the need to install borders in advance.

Bordeur for the bathroom - types, selection and installation

The order of installation of a ceramic border for the bathroom:

  • Clean the surface of the walls and the baths that you will roll the borders, from dirt and water. Wheel dry with a rag.
  • Fill the gap with a sealant, scatter with a spatula and wait for it to complete drying.
  • From one end of the border, set aside the value equal to the length of one of the sides of the bath, which adjoins the wall, and carefully cut the desired piece at an angle of 45 ° using a grinder with a diamond disk or gently bother with an extra piece of pliers. Edges Severy with a grinding bar.
  • Divide tile glue according to the instructions.
  • Apply glue to the curb on the reverse side carefully with a spatula.
  • Press the curb to the surface and remove the excess glue. Check if you attached a border, using a construction level.
  • Repeat the steps described above for each side.
  • When the glue dries, the remaining cracks fill in the sealant or purchase a special grout for tiles in color.

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To install a ceramic border on top of the tile, it is necessary:

  1. Clear from dirt and fat surface to which border will be attached
  2. Measure and cut off the slices of the curb of the required length at an angle of 45 °
  3. Fill the space between the walls and bathroom sealant
  4. Treat the surface of the tile with water-repellent glue
  5. Apply glue on the back of the border
  6. Tightly press border
  7. Check, if it is glued with a level and if everything is smooth, glued the rest of the border.

Bordeur for the bathroom - types, selection and installation

If there is a desire, extend the life of a ceramic border, by treating it with a hydrophobizer.

Self-adhesive border ribbon

Installation steps:

  • Get a border tape motor with the required width and length.
  • Clean and degrease the surface to which you will glue the film. Give her to dry.
  • Open the package, remove the tape and remove the protective layer from the adhesive side.
  • Gently glue and crumple the tape using a rubber spatula.
  • In the corners of the bathroom, the tape is fastened to prevent noise.

Bordeur for the bathroom - types, selection and installation

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