Making the podium for the shower cabin with their own hands


The podium for the shower cabin will want to make every wizard who wants to decorate his bathroom with such a functional and decorative structure. With the help of the podium, you can improve the aesthetic look of the room, as it will hide all sewer pipes.

Making the podium for the shower cabin with their own hands

Design of wood

Before proceeding with the construction of the podium for the soul, you will need to choose the material that is best suited for such a process. In addition, a very important point is to calculate the distance from the design to the drain pipe. It should not exceed 6-7 cm. We must immediately think about whether the steps will keep the step to the podium, and how much they need them.

Making the podium for the shower cabin with their own hands

The most common materials that are used to build elevations - plastic, concrete solution, brick and wooden bars. Most often, the podium is made of wood, since this natural material is considered the most secure for human health. In addition, the creation of such a design consists of simple manipulations.

To create a podium for a shower cabin made of wood, you will need:

  • wooden bars;
  • sealant;
  • roulette;
  • black marker;
  • Plastic panels.

You must first calculate the design parameter, and it will be necessary to add to the size of the pallet 2-3 cm for better stability. Brooms from wood should be carefully treated with antiseptic means and cover the oil. This will prevent the appearance of rot and mold. Then you need to place the bars on the site, and the remaining space between the floor and the pallet should be filled with plastic.

This will give the design of the elevation and will create aesthetic appearance. All slots should be carefully close using a sealing agent. The wooden podium has one big drawback - it will be required to be periodically painted for him to serve for many years. For this reason, some owners of shower cabins choose other materials for the construction of elevations.

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Concrete podium

Concrete construction is considered durable, it will not be subject to deformation and will last for many years. Before creating a concrete structure, to the place where it will be, you must put the pallet and circle its contours using the marker. A few centimeters are added to the intended sketch and proceed to breeding concrete composition.

Making the podium for the shower cabin with their own hands

Soul concrete pallet

Before pouring the solution, it is necessary to remove the floor covering in the zone of the podium installation, and then place the waterproofing layer, to build the frame from the reinforcement and formwork. Due to this, concrete will find the necessary form, and the surface will be protected from cracks. After this process, you should choose a plum installation. To create a concrete solution, you will need to take cement, sand and crushed stone (1: 3: 3), and then add water to the temperature + 30 ° C ... + 45 ° C. After that, the consistency of thick sour cream should be.

Making the podium for the shower cabin with their own hands

Then it will be necessary to pour the prepared design with the solution, only you need to leave a little space to put the tile (approximately 25-27 cm). When the mixture is flooded, it will be necessary to align the top layer. Installing the podium is allowed only after 2-3 weeks so that the construction will dry. After that, they are experiencing a drain system and put the tile on the surface of the structure.

Create a brick pedestal for the shower

Another common way to create a reliable soul structure is to apply brick. This type of material is considered durable, he is not afraid of increased humidity. In addition, to make your podium from bricks, you do not need to have special skills and skills. Usually such a design has a step, it is very convenient when operating a shower cabin.

Making the podium for the shower cabin with their own hands

Brick pallet

The building process is to lay bricks on the cement solution. After that, it will be necessary to wait a bit so that the structure is fixed, and the solution is dry and hardened. Thanks to the use of brick, the design can gain any forms and sizes, as well as a different number of steps. This type of podium will perfectly complement the overall design of the room, if you make a facing with a mosaic or tiled in the interior stylist.

If you create a pedestal for the shower with your own hands, you can get an aesthetic structure that will hide all sewer pipes and will harmoniously complement the bathroom.

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