The main advantages and disadvantages of paper wallpapers


It is important to know

Today's market is overflowing with various proposals. Manufacturers and sellers offer a modern consumer a varied selection of paper wallpaper:

  • single-layer and multi-layered;
  • smooth and embossed;
  • with a pattern or background;
  • primed (in which the drawing is printed on painted paper);
  • Untreated (in which the drawing is applied to color or white paper;
  • intended for painting;
  • Not intended for painting.

The main advantages and disadvantages of paper wallpapers

Beauty - in simplicity

How to choose paper wallpaper

What features of paper wallpapers should be considered when choosing? To understand this, consider the disadvantages and benefits of paper wallpaper.

Paper wallpaper, oddly enough, rather ancient finishing material. In Europe, paper wallpapers appeared relatively recently, in the middle of the second millennium, but in ancient China they began to make it much earlier, presumably shortly after the invention of rice paper, that is, in about 200 BC.

Subsequently, when England has established trade relations with China, they began to deliver them to Europe - Chinese wallpapers, especially with hand painted, always enjoyed in great demand. The large-scale production of paper wallpapers in Europe turned in the XVIII century, and soon they almost crowded fabric. And even today, in the 21st century, people for the most part prefer paper wallpaper or wallpaper on paper based to all other things.

Now we have at our disposal of the wallpaper of the most all kinds of species: from the fabric, jute, glass fiber, bamboo, phliselinine, vinyl, photographers 3D ... And yet, today, "ordinary" wallpapers are in demand in the world more than any other - this fact Perhaps he speaks much.

Of course, despite the well-known advantages, like any other finishing material, paper wallpaper are not devoid of flaws; They have their own minuses. They are customary to include the short-life, a tendency to burn apart, low moisture resistance, poor noise insulating qualities. It should, however, note that not all varieties of paper wallpapers have these shortcomings. In addition, modern technologies allow you to produce paper wallpaper with improved characteristics.

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Cons of paper wallpaper

Lack of the first: briefness

For truly fragile and short-lived can only be considered single-layer - they are also called simplex - wallpapers. They are made of simple paper. They are really fragile, it is easy to rush and abrade - but very very cheap, and therefore continue to be in demand. It is advantageous to apply them where there are no high demands for the quality of the finish and does not require durability, for example, in attic, country houses, construction trays, other temporary premises. Therefore, the cheapest single-layer wallpapers are sometimes made from recycled paper of low quality.

Duplex wallpapers are made of two or more layers of paper, which contributes to greater strength. (If the upper layer is made of fliesline or vinyl, such wallpaper is usually called not paper, but, respectively, phliselin and vinyl.)

The upper paper layer is sometimes soaked with a protective coating.

Lack of the second: burnout

Paper wallpapers change color, if exposed to the long-term effects of sunlight. However, this is a lack of almost all types of soft wall coverings.

In addition, the protective top layer applied to paper wallpapers also to some extent helps to neutralize the harmful effects of light. Carefully this problem is solved if you select paper wallpapers intended for painting. They can be painted up to three times, and thus avoid the need to glue new ones.

The main advantages and disadvantages of paper wallpapers

Wallpaper in the nursery can be often changed

Failure Third: Low Moisture Resistance

Paper wallpaper is considered to be a non-fatty finishing material. Some of them are not applicable wet cleaning. They are not recommended to glue indoors with high humidity - kitchens, bathrooms. However, if the kitchen or bathroom is large and well ventilated, on the walls where regular moisture does not fall, it is permissible to stick paper wallpapers, especially wallpaper with a protective coating. Modern manufacturers produce paper wallpaper with moisture-resistant coating as good quality that they can be wiped with a wet sponge, sometimes even using detergents. In other words, this lack of paper wallpapers goes into the past.

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Failure Fourth: Bad Noise Isolation

Paper wallpapers practically do not have noise insulating properties, and it is a rather serious minus. For better noise insulation, it is recommended to use wallpapers containing more dense materials. However, their soundproofing effect is actually very small, and if there is really a need for sound insulation, special insulating materials should be used.

Pluses of paper wallpaper


Perhaps, "low cost" - not quite right. More precisely, I will say: a wide price range. Of course, high quality paper wallpapers with hand printing pattern are quite expensive, but for a small price you can buy quite good wallpapers: paper with waterproof coating, corrugated, and other paper-based wallpaper varieties. The choice of inexpensive, but at the same time high-quality wallpapers are very and very wide.

Easy to stick

Paper wallpaper is probably the simplest finishing coating, which, no doubt, is a big plus. No special skills need to work with them. It is sufficient to properly prepare the surface - remove the old wallpaper and irregularities, put the glue on the wall or wallpaper, place a cloth on the wall, combining the drawing, and carefully smooth the dry cloth or a special spatula. With such work, with due diligence, a person who does not have the experience of finishing works will cope.

Big choice

One of the reasons why paper wallpapers continue to enjoy in great demand - their huge range. A wide variety of colors, drawings, textures, technical characteristics, allows you to place a room in any style - from classics to high-tech, hide (for example, with duplex embossed wallpaper) small wall defects. Their assortment is huge and in terms of consumer class - from elite expensive varieties with hand printing drawing, to the simplest, literally "disposable".

The main advantages and disadvantages of paper wallpapers

Infinite diversity


This is the most advantage that can outweigh any flaw and all of them, taken together, in any case, in the eyes of a person who takes about the health of their own family. Paper wallpapers are made of environmentally friendly materials, they do not emit any harmful substances into the air, even when combustion; do not have, unlike, say, vinyl, "chemical smell; Under them does not start mold or fungus.

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The other side of their environmental friendliness is that they are breathable, allow the walls to "breathe". Indoor, where the walls are covered, say, plastic panels or airtight wallpaper, unpleasant odors can appear, the air with insufficient ventilation becomes a bit. Paper wallpapers there are no such lack.

The main advantages and disadvantages of paper wallpapers

Paper Wallpaper "Breathe"

When choosing wallpaper, we are sometimes guided only by appearance - choose color, drawing, the texture corresponding to our design plan, but the technical characteristics of the wallpaper are equally important: density, degree of light-resistance and moisture resistance, abrasion resistance. Correct Wallpaper will help the marking on the package - the solid manufacturers are placed on it information about all the listed properties, as well as the correct method of gluing, and sometimes the method of combining the pattern.

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