Silicone wall holders: how to join the suction cup to the cafely, how to fix velcro and hooks for tiles


Silicone wall holders: how to join the suction cup to the cafely, how to fix velcro and hooks for tiles

Silicone holders are very popular because they are comfortable and practical tiles - one of the most common materials for decoration finishing. Especially often the cafeter coil walls and floor in the bathroom or in the kitchen. In these rooms for fastening various items to the wall, it is convenient to use silicone holders on the wall. Several reliable ways will help secure the sucker so that it is tightly held on the wall, and after dismantling did not leave an ugly mark. Silicone holders can be used in different rooms, but most often they are attached to the tile in the bathroom.

Advantages Suction Squakes for Tile

Among the consumers, the suction cups are incredible popularity. This is understandable, because they are easy to mount on the wall, while in the tile no need to drill any holes. Many products are already released with velcro.

The reliability of fastening the lipochki to the wall depends on the quality of the materials from which they are made.

When buying, you should pay attention to the surface of the sucker - its inner surface is absolutely smooth. This factor is very important, since it is he decides whether the suction cup is suitable for fastening. Also, you should choose the sucker only correctly forms.

Silicone wall holders: how to join the suction cup to the cafely, how to fix velcro and hooks for tiles

The advantage of silicone holders is that they are easily attached to the wall

Advantages of suckers:

  • Quickly attach to the surface, it does not need to use auxiliary tools.
  • Do not spoil the tile with ugly traces on its surface.
  • Different with mobility. They are easy to dismantle and move from place to place.
  • Low cost allows you to buy suckers of various types.

With already attached suckers, you can buy soap, special hooks, shelves, shower holders, various accessories, toilet paper holders, etc. Silicone suckers are distinguished by durability, efficiency and large selection. When buying a sucker, it is important to remember that it is important not only the quality of the accessory, but also the type of finishing material.

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How to attach a sucker to the cafes: fastening methods

To securely attach the sucker, you must be confident as the material from which it is made. If at least the slightest roughness is found on the sucker, it may say that the material is made of incorrect technology. Such suction cups are often dugs than they create great discomfort.

Before buying Lipuchek, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the tile itself. It will not work to glue the embossed cafél.

The best velcro holds on a tile with a glossy surface. The matte surface has pores that weaken the fastening of lipochki. Velcro is inappropriately attached to embossed protrusions, tile with various defects, on adhesive particles - they will all contribute to the suction clearing. It is important that there are no chips and cracks on the surface of the tile.

Silicone wall holders: how to join the suction cup to the cafely, how to fix velcro and hooks for tiles

There are several ways to attach suction cups to the cafes, choosing which can be at its discretion

Molding methods:

  • Use alcohol to degrease the surface of the tile.
  • Apply Vaseline or other products similar in composition.
  • Film PVC, which has a self-adhesive foundation.
  • Strengthen the suckers with silicone sealant.

The choice of method depends on which item will keep suction cups. We should consider the weight and dimensions of the product. It is important to remember that for reliable attachment of the sucker in any way, it is necessary to pre-carefully clean the surface from contaminants.

How to attach a hook on the suction cup to the cafe

Hooks on the suction cup - a very practical accessory. But his practicality can only be guaranteed if the vacuum suction cup is properly attached. An important factor is the appearance of the tile and its condition.

Before buying hooks, it is important to determine their appearance and sizes, for this you need to know exactly what items it will hold.

In order for the suction cup to attached to the cafée, it is important to handle with alcohol not only tiles, but also the inner silicone surface of the suction cup. Improve the grip between the surfaces often helps the use of vaseline, cream or simple water. But before fixing the velcro to the cracked cafée, its surface must be restored.

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Silicone wall holders: how to join the suction cup to the cafely, how to fix velcro and hooks for tiles

Before glue the sucker on the wall, first should be carefully cleansed surface

Council for fastening the hook on the suction cup:

  1. Degrease the surface. This method is suitable for retention on hooking items with a slight weight and size. It is important that the surface is completely delivered from dust, dirt, plaque, rust, fat, soap, etc. After all manipulations, the suction cup can be firmly pressing to the tile - this is enough so that it firmly attached in the surface.
  2. Use vaseline. It improves the quality of the combination of silicone and tile. This method is completely safe, as it involves the use of environmentally friendly materials.
  3. Fastening with PVC film. If heavier items will be placed on the hook, it will be useful to know about this fastening method. For this, the circle of suitable diameter is cut out of the film. Self-keeper is fixed on a liter, and the sucker is fixed on it - it should coincide with the contours of the film.
  4. For significant loads use silicone sealant. With its help, two surfaces are firmly connected to each other. The sealant is easily cleaned, without damaging the surface of the tile.

The last way is the most reliable if the hook is not going to move frequently. For this, the suction cup on the reverse side is usually lubricated with a sealant, then the stencil is pressed against the wall. Do not immediately hang the hook. So that he is securely attached, it must be left to dry for a day.

Methods for fastening silicone lipukes

Many are thinking about what will happen if we stick the silicone velcro to the tile, and how long it will last. You can do this in different ways - it will be from this that the velcro will be held for a long time. Silicone is perfectly connected with the surface of the tile, but there are nuances in which the velcro can disappear.

Not attached to the chewing, can disappear when changing the temperature or humidity in the room.

It is especially important that the velcro is tightly kept in the bathroom, where there is always increased humidity. You can make a more reliable fastening with silicone sealant. It is important to decide in advance what will hang on the hook. For example, for towels use one type of lipuchk, ​​for the hair dryer - the other.

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Silicone wall holders: how to join the suction cup to the cafely, how to fix velcro and hooks for tiles

Attach the silicone holder with ease with the sealant

Molding method for sealant:

  • Take a transparent sealant.
  • The surface of the suction cup and the place where it will be attached, should be deguted with alcohol.
  • Thin layer lubricate the inner surface of the suction cup.
  • Firmly press the suction cup to the cafél.
  • If necessary, the sealant, which came out of the edges of the suction cup, can be removed by a spatula.

The disadvantage is the method that the suction cup becomes one-time. It can not be attached to a new place. But it will last long enough, although the reliability of the attachment and the timing depend on the quality of the tile and the level of humidity in the room. You should not use the sealant for glass, as it will look ugly.

What is silicone wall holders (video)

Silicone velcro is modern holders that ensure reliability and safety of fastening. If it was performed correctly, the sucker can serve for many years. It is important that the material from which they are made is high quality. It should be checked that there are no roughness and tubercles on the surface of the lipuchk. You should also pay attention to the surface of the tile - it should be smooth. Any defects will lead to the fact that the suction cup will not hold on and will often disappear. The suction cups are well held if they are fixed on sealant.

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