How to align the wall under the tile: preparation and alignment, laying and whether to stucked the surface in the kitchen


How to align the wall under the tile: preparation and alignment, laying and whether to stucked the surface in the kitchen

Experts recommend to align the walls before laying the tile quality of repair depends on the set of factors. It is very important to use high-quality materials and tools to know which technology to use, take into account the quality of the surface and the conditions in the room. Very often, users ask how to align the wall under the tile. Tile is one of the most common materials for wall decoration and floor in the bathroom and in the kitchen. In order for the tile to be attached securely, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface before it laying.

Tips for the preparation of the wall under the tile

Those who make repairs are not for the first time know how the surface preparation is important before finishing. To prepare the wall under the laying, you need to remove the old coating layer. The goal is to get to the base, which will be suitable for further processing.

If the previous finish was also performed by a tile, then it must be removed, without forgetting about the adhesive solution.

To facilitate the process of removing the plates, it is necessary to clean the seams well, moisten the whole wall with water and leave it to grind over a couple of hours. With the help of the chisel, you need to make an extreme tile, then fake the chisel with a hammer so that the tile is behind the wall. The tile can also be removed using a bit, but then the safety of the tile is not guaranteed.

How to align the wall under the tile: preparation and alignment, laying and whether to stucked the surface in the kitchen

In mandatory, the walls should be prepared by cleaning them from dust and old coating.

How to remove paint, whitewash and decorative plaster:

  1. Old paint is removed by a grinding disc. The layer needs to be removed completely to get to the base. You need to shoot and plaster. If for some reason it is impossible to remove the surface. It makes deep notches - it improves the adhesion with a new coating.
  2. The whots are not intended to apply a solution on it - he will simply not stick. Therefore, it should be flush thoroughly. To soften the layer, you can use pulverizers and scraper. It is important to remove all divorces. To do this, use a rag or sponge.
  3. On decorative plaster, put the tile will not work. It must be knocked down from the wall. To do this, it is best to apply electrical tools.

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Today, the kitchen and the bathroom are rarely covered with wallpaper. But if in the room this type of finish, it must be completely removed, and wash the wall from the glue. It is important to remember that the slightest remnants of the old material are able to worsen the tensile strength.

How to make alignment of walls under the tile

To equalize the surface, you can use several ways. The first is to put off. For this, the wall is completely purified from dust, degreased and ground. After that, you need to install beacons and calculate the number of materials that will be needed.

Without a putty, or putty in one layer, you can do only if when measuring the drops it turns out that they are less than 1 centimeter.

Stucco walls are best done by cement-sandy solution. If putty is performed in the bathroom, pay attention to increased humidity. That is why we choose a putty with a reduced level of water absorption. You can align the putty with a spatula. It is not at all necessary that the surface is perfectly smooth.

How to align the wall under the tile: preparation and alignment, laying and whether to stucked the surface in the kitchen

There are several ways to align the surface, choosing which can be at its discretion.

How to align the wall with a strong curvature:

  • Purchase sheets of plasterboard resistant to moisture.
  • Attach the plates to the wall with metal profiles.
  • Stuffing or shook the joints with honey hits.

This method of alignment is quite simple, fast and least costly. To put the plates on the prepared surface, it must be processed correctly, you should approach this seriously, since poor-quality surface preparation will necessarily lead to the fact that the tile will sooner or later disappear or swell.

Recommendation: How to prepare walls for tile laying

The surface on which the tile is placed is no matter where: in the kitchen, in the bathroom or toilet, should be durable and durable. It also no matter what tile will be laid: light ceramic or granite. But the preparation of the wall will be different if the laying of the tile will be performed outside, and not indoors.

First of all, attention should be paid to the type of surface - the phasing of works and the amount of time for their implementation depends on it.

If a wooden surface is prepared to lay the tiles, a metal mesh is attached to it, which after plastering. Concrete and brick wall plaster. It is possible to abandon plaster if the base is a plasterboard or ceramic brick.

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How to align the wall under the tile: preparation and alignment, laying and whether to stucked the surface in the kitchen

Additionally, you can align the walls before laying tiles

Tips for surface preparation:

  1. Remove the old tile from the wall needed entirely. Shards only slow down and impede the preparatory process.
  2. If the tile is removed by the perforator, protective glasses should be used to protect the eye. Slices of tiles will fly in different directions, so you need to be extremely careful.
  3. Old paint is removed using a spatula. Adhesive paint is better to pre-wet - it will greatly facilitate the process.
  4. When removing the old finish, it is better to use the respirator, and the floor is protected by perforated cardboard.

If after removing the plaster, cracks remain on the wall and run, they should be seal. After removing old finishing materials, you can do the wall alignment. Many are wondering if it is necessary to show the walls perfectly, or you can slightly stem down the surface. The answer can be found in the next section.

Do you need to plaster the walls before laying tiles

To perform the capital and high-quality surface repair in any room, it is necessary to do plaster walls. This stage of work provides additional material and time spending, but also significantly increases the service life of the tile.

For durable, reliable and high-quality repair, the wall needs to be placed in cement mortar.

The lining of the walls is not recommended to perform with plaster mixtures, since they will quickly crumble from moisture, lose strength and violated. Gypsum plaster is great for shook wallpaper, but is not categorically acceptable to laying a tile. It is necessary to perform a putty thoroughly, calculating the size of the room, given the deviations from the level. It is recommended to use beacons.

How to align the wall under the tile: preparation and alignment, laying and whether to stucked the surface in the kitchen

Cement mortar can be used for wall plaster

Why do you need plaster:

  • For uniform distribution of the layer of tile glue;
  • Proper load distribution, which will lead to high-quality styling plates;
  • Compensate the irregularities of the walls.

The plaster does so that the adhesive mixture can be applied to a uniform layer, avoiding its oversupply. A large layer of glue can significantly slow down the workflow and reduce the quality of the tile laying. Plaster Simplify tile laying, makes it faster and cheap.

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Alignment of walls under the tile (video)

Before performing repair work on laying tiles, you must familiarize yourself with the necessary list of preparatory work. It is important to prepare the surface to lay the tile, it does not matter this kitchen, bathroom or toilet. The tile will hold fasteners and reliably if pre-preparation of the surface will be performed, especially if it comes to the preparation of concrete or brick walls. It is necessary to level the surface - this will improve the quality of the application for laying the tile, will accelerate the performance of repair work. Plaster is an important stage, the avoidance of which can lead to the fact that the tile will soon be just disappear.

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