Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video


Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Practical recommendations in choosing the texture of wallpaper and their possible combinations will help make the kitchen to unique in the kitchen interior so that she looks beautiful, stylish and modern - the natural desire of everyone who starts repairing the apartment. As a rule, wallpaper is chosen for the design of walls in the kitchen. How to combine wallpaper in the kitchen correctly and what textures are best to choose - several practical recommendations.

Types of wallpaper

There are many types of wallpaper, differing from each other in appearance, material and quality characteristics. These include:
  • paper;
  • fliseline;
  • vinyl;
  • washable vinyl;
  • Glassworks;
  • fabric.

Each type of wallpaper has its pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses. Before starting repairs in the kitchen and decide on the combination of wallpaper, you need to properly choose wallpaper for the kitchen.

Wallpapers (video)

What wallpapers fit


Paper wallpaper is good because they are absolutely safe for health and are not separated into the air of harmful substances. However, they can not be washed and if contamination is contaminated, the wallpaper can be considered hopelessly spoiled. Wallpaper in the kitchen, where there are constant risk of drops of water drops or products and where the drops of humidity and temperature are frequent, it is not possible. Approximately the same can be said about fabric wallpaper.

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Applying paper wallpaper for kitchen interior design - optional option


Vinyl wallpaper is beautiful and practical. They can be safely wiped with a damp cloth, and washable - even washing. The cons of vinyl wallpaper belongs that they are "not breathing" and can distinguish polyvinyl chloride into the air, which is considered potentially harmful. It is better to avoid such a wallpaper in the bedroom and in the nursery, but in the kitchen they are more than appropriate. It is easy to remove pollution from them.


Wallpaper on a fliesline basis breathe, resistant to high temperatures and fire, easily tolerate wet cleaning, do not fade into the sun, are hygienic and dust absorbed. In addition, they are convenient because they can be repainted in another color, changing the interior as soon as he is getting tired. They can also be successfully used in the kitchen.

Artificial article with their own hands

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Wallpaper on a flieslinic basis - a practical option for the kitchen room

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Competently selected combination of flieslinic wallpaper will make the kitchen stylish and practical

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Wallpaper on a vinyl basis is not afraid of wet cleaning and do not absorb dust, which is important for the kitchen room

Glass equipment

Gymelomes are resistant to any pollution, water, temperature. They can be boldly washing with washing means. They are racks for damage, breathe and do not attract dust. Their most important plus for the kitchen is fireproof. They are also quite appropriate here, especially with properly chosen combinations of materials.

All about glass windows (video)

What to combine wallpaper

Wallpapers choose different textures, drawings and species in order to solve practical and aesthetic tasks.

With the help of a combination of materials, you can:

  • Make a functional zoning of the room, highlighting a visual recreation area, a dining area, a working area;
  • visually combine or, on the contrary, divide the premises of the kitchen and living room when they are united into the studio;
  • hide wall defects;
  • beat the layout and disguise its disadvantages - for example, make a kitchen in the form of a foam not so narrow and dark;
  • Visually make the ceilings above or lower;
  • give the interior to the dynamics;
  • Place accents and attract attention to certain walls, niches.

Important: To ensure that the room does not look "wilderness", do not apply expensive and cheap wallpaper species in the same room.

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Wallpaper combination allows you to carry out the zoning of the kitchen and visually change the shape or size of the room

How to combine wallpaper

The combination of wallpaper in the kitchen must obey the general rules that apply in design.

The most organically looks the interior when it is based on the use of materials of the same quality and approximately the same thickness. If the selected wallpapers will be significantly different from each other in thickness, then a ugly scar will arise between them. We will have to use additional devices and materials in order to hide it from the eye.

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

To combine it is better to choose the same quality wallpaper

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Wallpaper with different patterns can make the kitchen unique

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

In terms of color solutions, wallpaper can complement each other, or contrast

It is important to determine the color correctly. Wallpapers can complement each other in color, being in one color scheme or contrasted with each other. It looks very interesting to the combination of monophonic and color wallpaper, while the color of monotonous wallpaper can be repeated in the motifs of the drawings on the wallpaper.

Important: The combination of wallpaper with different patterns can be used if there is a good taste. This is a very complex combination and here it is easy to ride to Kitch. The kitchen will look screaming and tasteless. Single drawings that are easy to combine with each other with other pictures - strip, cell. Also well combined geometric and abstract drawings.

Motives on the wallpaper and their color solution to combine well with the motifs and color of furniture, interior items, textiles.

Bright colors are best combined with muted.

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Very stylish is a combination of monophonic walls with photo wallpapers

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Horizontal wallpaper combination Visually will expand the room

Vertical combination

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen in the form of vertical strips of different textures and color allows you to solve the problem of low ceiling. Also, this combination is ideal in order to visually expand the space - such a solution to apply well in narrow kitchens of Penals, in small kitchens.

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Vertical combination of wallpapers in the spacious kitchen room helps to create a cozy harmonious interface, you can combine wallpaper with patterns with monophonic, contrasting color wallpaper. The combination of contrasting colors helps to balance the lengths of the sides of the room.

You can apply the principle of asymmetry and alternate the strips of different colors and different widths. This technique helps to shorten visually one of the parties and bring the room to square.

With the help of a vertical solution, you can get rid of the monochromicity of the interior.

IMPORTANT: Wireless options for combinations of contrasting colors are considered black and white, blue and yellow, white in combination with any other color and pattern, yellow and blue, green and yellow. More dramatic and binding looks in black and red, gold and red, black and purple.

Horizontal combination

Wallpapers can be saved the kitchen in a different way, having done the top of the room of one color, and the bottom of the other. Very often, the division of the horizontal room is used when it is decided to combine wallpaper with a different material - tiles, cork, wooden and bamboo panels, decorative plaster.

As a rule, the lower part of the room takes 1 part, and on the top there are 2 parts of the wall height. This is considered the most optimal proportion, pleasant eye. It looks quite harmonious when the border between the wallpaper passes through the side of the window sill. If the ceilings in the apartment are high, then the lower part can be made in two thirds of the wall height.

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Horizontal combination implies compatibility of wallpaper with other materials

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Wallpaper combination can also combine its various types

From above, it is better to place one-standard wallpaper, and below the wallpaper with a pattern. If one-photon wallpaper contrasting color is combined, then more appropriately brighter tone. If the wallpaper is combined with a pattern, then a fine drawing looks at the top, and the bottom is large. In principle, if there is a different design, you can come up to the opposite, but it will require greater taste and accurate adherence to all proportions.

Only with horizontal division can safely use materials of different thickness and textures. For example, wallpaper and cork or wallpaper of different textures. The joint place in this case can be masked with molding, border, wooden plank, which will play the role of a separate decorative element.

Vertical division with the use of detergents or decorative plaster is logical when you want to protect the lower part of the walls, most often suffering from scratches, dirt and splashes.

Focus on the wall

In the kitchens, Penalykh looks very interesting to the color focus on one wall, which is covered with wallpaper of contrasting or with a pattern. In general, the separation of one of the walls immediately makes the interior of bold and memorable. But this step and obliges a lot. Selecting one wall without color support in another part of the room will make the interior in a non-harmonic. Therefore, choosing the color of the wallpaper, you need to support it in furniture or textiles.

With the help of an accent on the wall, various parts of the kitchen can also be distinguished - niches, columns. It will be particularly interesting to look like coloring columns, ventilation boxes and other structural protrusions. They are often trying to hide. Meanwhile, when it is impossible to get rid of them, it is better to emphasize attention on them and turn into a decorative element of the room, in its highlight, and not an annoying defects planning.

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

The focus on the wall looks winning in the elongated kitchens

Art in the masses

Wallpaper with a pattern and photo wallpaper can be used to make the kitchen interior with original and piece. With the help of such wallpapers, the kitchen turns into an art object.

In this case, you can make peculiar posters on the wall on the wall, by placing them in the framework.

The combination on the selected wall of several types of wallpapers, folded into a peculiar patchwork, a patchwork ornament looks completely unusually. However, such work is quite laborious and requires great accuracy. In such style you can make a kitchen in ethno style.

Wallpaper combination options in the kitchen (video)


Combine wallpaper in the kitchen is an exciting and grateful occupation. As a result, you can get the interior, which exactly no one else will meet.

Examples of the combination of wallpaper in the kitchen (photo)

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

Combined kitchen wallpapers in the interior photo: how to combine and salary, design, ideas 2019, video

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