How to glue wallpapers in the corners of the kitchen: properly glue corners with wallpaper, design an outer angle, flieslinic choplaresters, instructions, video


How to glue wallpapers in the corners of the kitchen: properly glue corners with wallpaper, design an outer angle, flieslinic choplaresters, instructions, video

The technologies of pasting corners with wallpaper is difficult only at first glance view of the walls wallpaper will help create a cozy home atmosphere in the kitchen. Thanks to modern developments, this finishing material, and in particular - fliesline wallpaper, for strength and durability can compete with plastic. At the same time, they are more environmentally friendly, allow air to circulate and easier to work with them. The only thing you have to tinker are to deal with how to glue the wallpaper in the corners.

Choice suitable for wallpaper kitchen

Properly selected wallpaper - half of success. Saving on quality, you can lose a lot in durability, and you will have to repair again in a year or two.

How to glue wallpapers in the corners of the kitchen: properly glue corners with wallpaper, design an outer angle, flieslinic choplaresters, instructions, video

Flizelin wallpaper - one of the best options for the kitchen

Fliseline bases are more convenient when the need to change the wallpaper will appear. To do this, you just need to remove the vinyl layer, and the new canvas is allowed to glue on the old finish.

Consider what types of wallpaper are, and you can punish the kitchen:

  • Paper wallpaper - Inappropable option for the kitchen. In conditions of temperature drops, high humidity or dryness, the paper is spoiled, and the drawing flashes. After placing the kitchen with paper wallpaper, in such a microclimate you do not have to count on their long service life.
  • Vinyl on paper-based - more durable material. They can be washed and punished under painting. Such wallpapers do not fade under the rays of the Sun and resistant to moisture. Punching technology is the same as paper. But since the vinyl weights the canvas, the glue is chosen for heavy wallpaper. It should also be borne in mind that not all vinyl coating is breathable.
  • Vinyl on flizelin-based - Different with high strength due to phlizelin as lining. No need to be afraid that they will break or give a shrinkage. Such wallpapers glue online. Due to the fact that the glue is applied only on the wall, in the process of repairing the strength will be kept and the time saves.
  • Fliselinova wallpaper - Due to its dense structure, irregularities and cracks are perfectly masked. Well passes air, without turning the kitchen in the "Greenhouse". Perfectly suitable as the basis for painting. In the process of sticking, do not stretch and do not break. Easy to care, they can be washed and vacuuming.

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How to choose a wallpaper (video advice)

Necessary materials and tools

To correctly bleach the wallpaper and not to be in the process causing the absence of the necessary tools, check the presence of everything necessary before repair.

You will need:

  • wallpaper,
  • glue,
  • mounted knife
  • scissors,
  • putty knife,
  • plaster,
  • building level,
  • recess
  • sponge,
  • Rubber roller,
  • line
  • pencil,
  • brush.

How to glue wallpapers in the corners of the kitchen: properly glue corners with wallpaper, design an outer angle, flieslinic choplaresters, instructions, video

Pencil - necessary auxiliary tool for sticking wallpaper in the corners

Cable subtlety wallpaper corners

Wallpaper sticking is an infertility business, but it has its subtleties. As a rule, difficulties arise if you do not know how to glue the wallpaper in the corners. When at least one angle turns out to be a curve, as it sticks along the wall, there will be an increasing breakdown of the canvas relative to the floor and windows of the kitchen or the ceiling.

Do not focus on the doorway as on the starting point of the walls of the walls by wallpaper. Check with a plumb, whether it is perpendicular to the floor. The likelihood is great because the frames are also installed with the error, which will lead to the distortion, and the angle will be swollen.

The tradition of starting the design of walls by wallpaper from door and window openings takes its beginning from the need to glue the brass paper wallpaper so that the latter is less noticeable. With the advent of vinyl and fliesline materials, such a need disappeared, as it is glued to glue.

How to glue wallpapers in the corners of the kitchen: properly glue corners with wallpaper, design an outer angle, flieslinic choplaresters, instructions, video

Smooth angles are so much easier than corners with curvature

How to glue wallpapers in the corners of the kitchen: properly glue corners with wallpaper, design an outer angle, flieslinic choplaresters, instructions, video

Some tricks will help with big irregularities

Before proceeding with wallpaper, it would be correct to align every corner with plaster. With minor irregularities, you can cope with a small overlay or cutting off an extra piece of the canvas.

Trimming Wallpaper in Corners (Video)

Casting with internal corners

Correctly covered with walls, the angle will not frown, the edges of the canvas do not diverge, forming a lumen. To achieve such a neat repair of repair, resort to some tricks.

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For this:

  1. A layer of glue is applied to the wall. If the phlizelin wallpaper, the glue is not required on their back side.
  2. The edge of the canvas is set on an adjacent 2-2 cm wall.
  3. Wallpapers are tightly pressed against the wall with a sponge. If the canice is wrinkled, the scissors are made towards the fuses and lay material.
  4. After that, we begin to cut the web, which will fall into an angle from above. With the help of a ruler and pencil on the back side, they are postponed in the mirror reflection that the backstage that came to the adjacent wall, and cut off this surplus.
  5. The coated canvas glue so that the cutting edge can be accurately in the corner.

How to glue wallpapers in the corners of the kitchen: properly glue corners with wallpaper, design an outer angle, flieslinic choplaresters, instructions, video

Detailed instruction of pasting wallpaper of internal angles

Pasting with walls of external corners

Often the design of the kitchen is designed so that in the doorways it is necessary to bold and protruding an outer angle.

How to glue wallpapers in the corners of the kitchen: properly glue corners with wallpaper, design an outer angle, flieslinic choplaresters, instructions, video

Corner pasting with wallpaper - a difficult task with a large curvature of walls

For this:

  1. Perform measurements from the upper and lower starting points for wallpaper to the angle plus 3 cm to wrap it.
  2. Dispress the wallpaper canvas on the necessary dimensions.
  3. Brush applies glue on the walls.
  4. The edges are tightly pressed against the wall, performing cuts where wrinkles are formed.
  5. If the pasting is performed by a flizelin-based material, the upper layer is cut along the angle, and the narrow strip is neatly removed.
  6. The new sheet on the adjacent wall on the other side of the angle is glued on top of the phlizelin edge.
  7. In place of the joints passed by a rubber roller.

That's all tricks, how to glue the wallpaper in the corners. Knowing these subtleties, difficulties with the design of the kitchen should not arise. Such simple solutions will help create a cozy kitchen interior.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners (video)

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