Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment


Each is known that not only the repair, but also properly placed furniture is responsible for comfort and comfort. It often happens that a person is so passionate about the purchase of new furniture, which forgets about the dimensions of his housing. To avoid such errors, it will be necessary to get acquainted with the information that will be shown below.

Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

Rules that will help arrange furniture

If a person really wants to make the space functional and cozy, the furniture alignment is to start planning in advance. It is necessary to arm a tape measure and measure all the walls, windows and doors.

Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

On the Internet you can find a lot of computer programs that will help to design the room and put all the furniture . Such a program will facilitate the task, it will help to accommodate all the furniture and should not be worn throughout the room. Also, this program will help to look at the side, how the placement of furniture will look like.

Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

For the rational placement of furniture, it is necessary to determine with the central element. So, for example, in the living room it can be a sofa, and in the kitchen table.

Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

The room should not be cluttered with furniture, that is, it is necessary to remove all items that do not use the owners, for example, extra chairs. Furniture should not partially close the entrance, otherwise it is completely ruined the interior. If there are several doors in the room, then the passages need to be taken into account, thanks to this you can make a division into functional areas. Competently use and angular space. It is recommended to place vases, shelves, that is, this zone should not be excessive.

Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

If it is assumed that in the room it is necessary to place a sofa and a table, then the table should be at a distance of an elongated hand, for comfortable tea party. If the table is not convenient to sit, it is better not to use it at all in the interior. And to put a cup or put a book better use special armrests for the sofa.

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Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

To visually expand the space of the room to the furniture account, it is worth using compact furniture made in bright shades. It is not necessary to use furniture that is too overall.

Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

An excellent solution for a small space is the use of multifunctional furniture. Such furniture will allow you to place all the necessary things and at the same time save free space and comfort.

Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

Some more specific recommendations regarding the arrangement

The correctness of the placement of furniture depends on many factors that must be followed:

  • Alignment in one-room apartment. Designers recommend to develop a layout, and try everything. It is worth highlighting areas for recreation and entertainment. The furniture is chosen compact, leave a place for free movement.
    Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment
  • Package in Khrushchev. The layout of this apartment is incredibly complex, uncomfortable, so creating a comfort in such an apartment is a hard task. It is better to give preference to minimalistic style, then the apartment will retain a little space.
    Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment
  • Arrangement in the studio. One of the most accessible types of housing today. Create beauty and comfort in such an apartment is quite real. It should be done correct zoning, acquire compact and functional furniture and everything is ready.
    Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment
  • two-roomed flat. The option is already more spacious, but it is simple enough to soak this space. Preferences give furniture to the right shapes. And the bedroom is located in the smallest and long-distance room.
  • Alignment in a three-bedroom apartment. There is already a place here in order to experiment a little. However, it is not necessary to get involved, it is important to remember the uniform style of the apartment, about the competent selection of the furniture set.
    Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

So, competently dispose of furniture is not all. It is important to remember first of all about comfort and comfort, only in this case it will be possible to find the right path.

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Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

Location of furniture: the main rules for saving space in the apartment

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