Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently


Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

If the area of ​​the bathroom does not exceed 4 square meters. m., I can with confidence can be called a little. Moreover, often the cherished meters is even less - 3, or even 2. And most residents of urban high-rise buildings are forced to be content with such tiny plumbing "happiness." Repair of such a small room causes a lot of difficulties. In fact, the design in a small bathroom is an easily solved task. The main thing is to approach this question competently.

About the design of a bathroom with an area of ​​3 square meters. m. Read another article.

Bathroom planning

Want to make a good design in the bathroom of modest sizes - start with the layout. Carefully consider the location of the plumbing, the details of the interior and the color gamut. Do not be afraid to take a roulette and pencil, in order to make several calculations and drawings. The reward for this work will be the most comfortable and functional bathroom, albeit a small size.

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently


We advise you to read our article about the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev.

Redevelopment allows you to increase the efficiency of the room. A number of techniques will help to increase the useful area of ​​a small bathroom.

The door should open out. With the standard installation of the door with opening inside a small room, a third of the free space can lose and significantly lose in functionality. You can also install the door-compartment.

Stop the bath. If the room has a rectangular shape, then you can rearrange the bath to a short wall. Perhaps you will have to buy a new, shortened option. Costs will be insignificant, but pluses from such rotation are tangible. You can also buy a bath, not greater in length. Then the place for the sink or washing machine will appear.

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

Refuse the bath in favor of the soul. Replacing the cumbersome plumbing on a compact shower cabin, it is not bad to unload space. With the current diversity of the market, it is possible to choose a model for every taste, color and budget.

Put the sink into the angle. Corner sinks allow you to save space well. There are models with bedside table and attached. The bedside table will hide communication, and the mounted sink will add to the interior of weightlessness.

Get rid of the washing machine. Not in the literal sense, of course. The household appliance can be transferred to the kitchen or in the corridor. And you can hide under the sink.

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

Read our article on the design of the combined bathroom. You will find a lot of interesting ideas!

In some cases, global changes are possible, and the total area of ​​a small bathroom increases. Someone is solved to cut the storage room, sacrifice part of the corridor and even the kitchen. Someone crashes the wall between the bathroom and the toilet, combining the bathroom and making it combined. Anyway, redevelopment is a serious step that requires indity and coordination with all family members.

In this case, it is necessary to obtain permission to fulfill the apartment from the state. organs. Unauthorized reference regarding the demolition of the wall is not allowed.


If the desire to have a spacious bathroom you have more than love for many hours of resting in the bath, then boldly refuse her. In very small rooms it can be replaced by shower with drain in the floor and shirma. The main nuance is thorough waterproofing to avoid trouble with neighbors. We have already talked about this in the article about bathroom waterproofing.

Article on the topic: How to install vertical blinds in the room. Installation tips.

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

Instead of the faded bath, you can install a shower cabin. Minimum dimensions - 90 per 90 cm. The shower cabin can be equipped with a deep pallet (25-35 cm), flat (10-18 cm) and superplane (6-10 cm). To save space, the cabins with a sliding door are best suitable.

An interesting alternative to the abandon from the bath can be fromoury. This is a Japanese bath in the form of a barrel of hardwood or ceramics. One offroo allows you to solve two tasks at once: saving places in a small room and the ability to soak in warm water. True, just sitting. For this, Ohuro is equipped with a bench. Significantly save space and vertical bath.

Hiding washing machine

To liberate free space in the bathroom, you can hide the washing machine under the sink. There are tandem sink-washing machine for this purpose. In some cases, the machine is carried to the kitchen. At the same time, the transfer of the necessary communications is not a lot of work, because there is a water supply in the kitchen, and sewage.

Particularly inventive owners manage to install a washing machine between the bathroom and the toilet. For this, a part of the partition is hollowed, and the washing machine is firmly fixed in the opening.

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

We use a place above the doorway

A place above the doorway is a trump ace in a skillful designer sleeve. There you can organize additional storage location. If you are planning to place a small locker here, then the competent backlight will turn it into the author's highlight of the interior.

The shelf will look simple and easy, bright accessories will add stylish notes to the interior.

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

Selection of color gamma

In the creation of a small bathroom design, you should not use dark tones. They will visually reduce the already small room.

It is better to abandon complex combinations of paints, accent strips or tiles with ornament.

Article on the topic: Dimensions of shower cabins - options for selection

The optimal color solution is small in the area of ​​the bathroom - these are light tones. At the same time, the palette is not limited to an exceptionally white, although the white bathroom will be a competent solution. You can use soft olive, beige, bright shades of lilac or pink.

To add emotions to the interior there will be several bright accents.

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

Finishing (walls, floor, ceiling)

The competent decoration of the walls, the ceiling and gender will allow visually expanding the space and make it cozy and interesting. Thoroughly think about the design to the smallest detail and be sure to draw everything on the plan.


From the point of view of the hygienicness and reliability of the bathroom wall, it is best to separate the ceramic tiles. For a bathroom with a small area, you should not use large-sized tiles. She "steals" space.

Tile with a large geometric pattern is also contraindicated.

To visually expand the walls, the glossy glazed ceramics fit well. It is better to abandon the color division of the room with vertical or horizontal strips. Maximum that you can afford - this is zoning due to non-contrast colors.


Gorgeously looks in the floor in a small bathroom made of mosaic. Small elements of the mosaic "dissolve" in space, harmoniously complementing it.

The medium-sized tile is suitable, possibly with a pattern under a mosaic.

But large ceramics is under the ban. It is necessary to refuse and contrasting the stamps for the seams.

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently


In a small bathroom with designer benefit, it is necessary to use even the ceiling. No, you do not have to nail the shelf there. But competently beat with light and the color will not be superfluous. The light suspended ceiling with a gloss is suitable as it is impossible.

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

If the height of the walls is allowed, then a vaulted ceiling can be made. Smoothing angles, you can get rid of the effect of the box.

Lightweight clouds drawn on the ceiling will add air, light euphoria and pacification. But they should be barely noticeable, otherwise the ceiling can "put pressure."

Consider the opportunity to make a mirror ceiling - it visually will increase the space. More details you can learn about it from our article on the mirror ceilings.

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently


The right light in a small room plays a big role. You should not use heavy central lamps and too intense light. To get rid of dark areas and do not irritate the visual nerve, it is best to mount a soft spot backlight on the ceiling and small wall bras.

Article on the topic: What wallpaper Pick to the kitchen of white

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

Mirrors and other small tricks

The embodiment of the design in the bathroom with an area of ​​no more than 4 sq.m., a special place should be given to the mirror. This inalienable attribute of the bathroom allows visually to increase the space. A good option for a close bathroom will be a locker with a mirror facade, placed above the sink. The mirror can be mounted on the door leaf. If there is a window in the bathroom, then, if possible, place a large mirror opposite it. But it is not necessary to exploit mirrors in the interior: repeated reflection will create a labyrinth effect.

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently


Small bathroom square - furniture minimalism! The bedside table under the sink, the locker above it and the pair of shelves above the toilet - that's all. If the place is necessary so that you can sit down, the folding chair is suitable with mounting to the wall. The color of furniture in the bathroom must gently stand out on a common background without sharp contrasts. An original can be the use of glass in solving the furniture issue of a small bathroom. Shelves made of glass will add air and light. The main thing is to choose high-quality material.

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently


It is not worth weighting the design of a small bathroom with an abundance of accessories. Use only the most needed: holders for towels and toilet paper, mirrors. Holders can be placed in advanced niches. By the way, aromatic candles can be hidden in small niches.

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

You can make a special facet of tile and use it as a shelf.

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

How to create comfort

The deposit of comfort in a small bathroom is the competent location of plumbing and furniture, a carefully thought-out color solution. The use of corner plumbing will be able to beat the space in a new way and add comfort.

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

The feeling of comfort depends on the smallest things: holders, rug and even the number of tubes and jars on the shelves. The main rule is not to please the interior with such trifles.

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

Aroma candles, Hidden in small niches, not only add feelings of comfort, but also help create a unique corner of relax on several square meters.

Little bathroom design: solve the problem competently

And, of course, lighting plays an important role.

Do not fear the repair of a small bathroom. Creating a design in it - rather, a challenge of fantasy than an unresolved task. For example, the sink can be hidden into the wall, and toilet the toilet over the floor. Decorate one of the walls landscape, and thereby expand the space. The main rule is to adhere to minimalism in the design of the bathroom of modest sizes.

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