Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video


Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video

Fashion Now how ever welcomes the championship of the style and its rules in building the perfect interviewe the frequent interrection of domestic kitchens, which first of all seek to hide the owners, this is a small area. In a small kitchen, you do not really get together, and everyone wants to extend this kitchen at the expense of some external techniques. And wallpaper, like nothing more, perfectly coped with this task.

Wallpaper for small cuisine 2019

To visually expand the space, you need to find the most ideal combination of texture, colors and location of items. Sometimes at this stage of repairing the hosts think about the fact that it is not so terrible an adventure with joining the kitchen of the balcony. We advise you to think about it.

So, to start better with what is better not to do in a small space. As it were, elegant wallpaper with large patterns, large print and bright accents, it is not your case from promotional pages. Yes, they are modern, yes, they look great in the interior. But your kitchenette is narrowed to unimaginability.

Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video

Modern floral prints are fundamentally different from those that were offered earlier.

And then coordinate your choice according to the following design principles:

  • If you are planning that the drawing should be on the ceiling , He must be combined with wallpaper on the walls, but not repeating them. The same drawing and there, and there will create an environment of "hearty" and room caricature. Do not need contrasts, but just a soft combination.
  • Horizontal strips will help expand the kitchen. Yes, in the photo they almost always look elegant, and the design of their year is only improving. But! If the kitchen has a low ceiling with such stripes do not need to be joking, your efforts will raise the opposite effect. If you want to visually lift the ceiling, choose wallpapers with vertical stripes. In 2019, those returned to fashion.
  • Color, unambiguous, light . For small kitchers is the only acceptable option. And gaining good lighting.

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Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video

Light wallpapers with unobtrusive print are relevant for small cuisine.

Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video

Vertical wallpaper combination, or vertical print, will help visually make the above room with low ceilings

The functional side of the finishing has no less important. In the room there is always an increased level of humidity, which ordinary paper wallpaper will not stand. The perfect option is washable wallpaper, as fat drops in the kitchen - the case is ordinary.

Wallpaper in the kitchen in the interior of 2019

Note, first of all, on the practicality of wallpaper, their functional qualities. The design is important, but if the proper technological requirements are not met, consider that you have not acquired fashionable wallpaper.

Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video

The choice of wallpaper should be based on their design, but on the characteristics of the material

Wallpaper Requirements 2019:

  • Moisture resistance. Moisture-resistant wallpapers are those that withstand intensive wet cleaning. If every day is being wiped with a damp cloth using detergents, and their appearance does not change from this - you made a good choice. It is practical, and with such wallpapers you can not think long.
  • Parry permeability - E. Easy is an extremely important characteristic. The walls should quickly dry and after cleaning, and after vapors that accompany almost every cooking. The microclimate of the kitchen depends on it. If there is a real chad all the time, is it convenient to work on it?
  • Density. Choose the most dense models if you really want a "long-playing" repair. On dense samples, by the way, and the dirt is less accumulated, because on their surface is significantly less than the pores than, for example, on the surface of paper wallpaper.
  • Light resistance . Your task is to acquire wallpaper with the highest light resistance. This option is especially important for a kitchen with large windows that provide a large number of sunlight into the room. If the material of the wallpaper does not oppose burnout, negative consequences you will see enough quickly - fading drawings look, how to say, depressingly.
  • Repainting. Behind a long word is such a useful option of wallpaper, as an opportunity to be repainted. It is very convenient - one color is replaced by another, and the kitchen is refreshing. Even the most space wallpapers sooner or later will begin to burn out and wear out, so the repainting in this case will be quite by the way.

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Given the five basic requirements, you will choose the wallpaper that correspond to the trends of the year. But where without external appeal? Wallpaper design is not less important.

Floral print - here is the part of the interior fashion that will subjugate a lot in the design of the upcoming year.

The floral print in the photo looks impressive, but also the amount of its options is not less impressive. These are not the "Babushkina" flowers, which even be created in the kitchen interior, the same comfort, but were the same type and far from stylistic splendor.

Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video

For a small space more acceptable light tones of walls

Modern flower print can be bright or calm, graphic, monotonous, monochrome. If he echoes the same topic in the decoration of furniture - great! Use them in large quantities in 2019 - it means that it is true to follow the fashion. Review all sorts of gallery photos, find the option that fit into the design concept of your kitchen.

What fashionable colors for wallpapers in the kitchen will appear in 2019

And this season, and the next one of the color leaders is considered to be the color of Marsala. This wine color, deep enough, it seems, even externally transmitting the aroma of good wines. Choose a combinatorics, as the dominance of this color in the interior is for the kitchen "kill" space and light. And the inclusion of Marsala in the wallpaper drawing will be a good solution.

Wall mural for the kitchen of 2019

Not the most common option - wallpapers in the kitchen space. And in vain! Modern photographic photographs have so many advantages, they look sometimes in the interior as an object of art. Yes, and ideas for photos of designers are so carefully selected that they cannot be compared with the familiar landscapes and still lifes.

Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video

Wall mural in the kitchen space can become a central element of the interior

Photo options can be entrusted with the role of the main semantic accent of the kitchen - they will greatly cope with this task. And the space will expand this type of wallpaper also "knows how" - and the various visual effects will only help.

Remembers: if you have made a choice in favor of bright, motley photographs, the main tone of the kitchen must be the most calm.

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Wallpaper Design: Trends 2019

If the last decade, wallpaper stopped driving a little, preferring another, more complex wall decoration, then the Wallpaper again returns again. That's just the requirements for their design changed a little.

How to be fashionable wallpaper 2019:

  • For next year, attention is important to retro style. Retro strips and subtle oriental motifs, as well as gentle and exquisite floral print.
  • This season, minimalism is not in such an honor, however, it remains a favorite of those who love simplicity and restraint.

Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video

Primitiveness with thoughtful every detail and abundance of decor are in fashion

But if you really want to make the kitchen design perfect and fashionable, pay attention to the photo of the kitchens with a clearly tracked vintage theme.

Vintage for kitchen is:

  • Reproduction of the style of the era of 50s to the 80s of the last century;
  • Deliberate primitiveness for which the strict thinking of each element is hidden;
  • The abundance of decor is an important sign of the time that again in the trend (this is confirmed by photo examples);
  • A huge selection of polka dot wallpapers, a cage, striped, flower or such wallpapers, the design of which wears a gastronomic subject;
  • Gentle shades - mint, pistachio, milky lemon, peach;
  • Naive print wallpaper, which, between theme, the most laconic, recognizable and stylish.

Such a design of the kitchen will be the best compliment to your sense of style and readiness to follow not behind fashionable writing, and behind fashionable accents.

Actual wallpapers for the kitchen (video)

Review not one dozen photos, try to combine your impressions, and go around not one store with wallpaper. And then you will have to create a kitchen space, filled with artisticity, attention to detail, and creating a cozy atmosphere.

Good choice!

Wallpaper for the kitchen: Fashion - 2019 (Photo Gallery)

Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video

Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video

Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video

Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video

Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video

Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video

Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video

Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video

Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video

Wallpaper photo 2019 Modern: wallpaper design, photo wallpaper in the interior of a small kitchen, photo gallery, video

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