Bathroom TV: How to choose and install


Recently, the demand for televisions has increased markedly. Perhaps they had no such popularity from the moment of their first appearance on sale. Many today are decided to replace their TV, since they are not enough of the screen with a large diagonal size and high quality images. They want their television receptionist to combine attractive design and maximum technical filling. After all, thanks to today's television technology, you can not only see your favorite TV shows, but take a walk through the spaces of the Internet.

That is why today it is installed in the apartment in any room and even in the bathroom, although quite recently, we wouldn't have come to mind. In this article we will try to help you choose a TV for a bathroom, so that you know about the advantages and, of course, the minuses of such devices and could choose the right solution for this special place if necessary. Especially since this question today is very relevant.

TV in the bathroom

It is necessary to immediately say that there are such baths that are not suitable for installing the TV. For example, in a small room, even interesting TV shows are simply uncomfortable, and batheing the shower, for this there will be no time. But in this article we will talk about bathrooms in which the TV is the necessary attribute and people who do not want to interrupt the view of an interesting transfer or another series of favorite series even during water treatment.

Bathroom TV: How to choose and install

TV in the bathroom

Pros and cons Installation of the TV in the bathroom

To make clarity immediately let's say that manufacturers produced a special type of television equipment designed to install in rooms with high humidity. Such moisture-proof televisions can withstand high humidity, they are not afraid of water with the direct hug. Let's figure out what are the advantages of installing in the bathroom such equipment. The following points can be attributed to the positive:

  1. As already mentioned, these television systems are made specifically for work in wet rooms, in which a short-term direct contact with water is not excluded. Therefore, there is no reason to worry about the serviceability of the expensive device. It, of course, may suffer if it is a lacaround to drop into a bathing container. But as a rule, the owners prefer to hang him on the wall far from plumbing devices.
  2. Finding a television system in such a room allows you to make it most comfortable and cozy. What is the comfort of comfort? In the fact that to achieve the effect of relaxation at the end of a long, busy day, you can take water procedures and at the same time enjoy watching your favorite TV programs and evening TV shows. Especially since the possibilities of modern devices allow you to watch exactly what you would like to see and what interests you.
  3. It is believed that the TV on the wall of the bathroom perfectly complements its design. This can explain the recommendation of the designers to consider the television system as the necessary element of the interior when the fitness of the bathroom is thought out.

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These are the advantages that are created by manufacturers. A counterweight can serve only one drawback is the high price of such a telephoneial. Their high cost is due to the use of unique production technologies, allowing to provide cooling parts in a hermetically closed case, as well as using special materials and other innovative solutions that producers cost quite expensive.

Bathroom TV: How to choose and install

TV in the bathroom

Criteria for the choice of waterproof television systems

In terms of its capabilities and the presence of functions, the moisture-resistant TV is similar to other analogues.

Speaking about the existing varieties, it is worth noting, their diversity is due to the size of the signal to supply the signal and the installation method: hanging on the wall or embedding in it. In general, choosing a moisture-resistant TV in the bathroom, you should pay attention to the characteristics having differences:

  1. Dimensions of the product In this case, they are called the size of the diagonal screen. When it is elected, it is necessary to take into account the size of the room. In a close bathroom, a large screen is simply not needed, however, in the spacious room, a small screen will be lost in the interior, and it will be uncomfortable to watch it.
  2. Acoustic model . The choice of the built-in acoustic system is preferable, since then you will not need to look for a place where to put separate columns. In addition, not all acoustic speakers can be installed in wet rooms. Very often, the dynamics membrane are made of paper, so the impact of wet air for it is destructive.
  3. Possible installation method . It is better to choose a mounted model that is installed on the bracket than the built-in. The latter should be purchased at the beginning of the repair to know its dimensions in advance.
  4. Corner view . What is happening on the screen the action should be equally clear anywhere in any place.
  5. Protection class. Its indicator must be at least IP65.
  6. No less protected should be . Such a remote does not wet, and when accidental getting into the water remains on the surface.

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Taking into account the large selection of such equipment offered by stores selling electronics, you have to think well. And do not seduce at the cheap model, it is quite appropriate to remind you of a miser, which is always paying twice.

In the video proposed below, the types of television systems for the bathroom and their parameters are described about the visa.

Bathroom TV: How to choose and install

TV in the bathroom

Options for placing TV devices in the bathroom

Before making a selection of a television device for the bathroom should be declaring where it is supposed to be located. It is not necessary to buy expensive electronics, and then seek her combinations with the available interior. To date, there are four options for choice:
  1. Hinged electronic models . Their installation is made with the help of brackets that are hidden behind the design and when looking at it seems to be whaling in the air. The dimensions of the design are clearly visible. Attachments can be put on the stand and place on the shelf.
  2. Embedded electronic devices - This is one of the innovations of the wound. They are installed, as a rule, behind any glass surface or in a wall niche. If you wish, they can even be built into the ceiling. They combine well with any interior and make it possible to implement new design solutions. Built-in structures of the walls of the wall eliminates the possibility of moisture penetration inside the art.
  3. Universal models . By their name, you can guess that they can be mounted on the wall and inside it, that is, as convenient and you need. Similar models can be fixed on the bracket or embed it into the ceiling. The design built into the wall is often used as an additional decor, for which it is framed by a beautiful frame. Of course, the purchase of such a device costs the owner very expensive.
  4. The new product has recently appeared - this is mirror TV. . These devices are designed to perform two functions of the mirror and television device. In non-working design, the design looks like a conventional mirror, which is often framed by a beautiful baguette. When turned on, it turns into a TV with high image quality. High build quality provides long work model, and stylish design will change the interior of the room for the better.

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Selection of installation option

Each type of models has its own installation features. Therefore, before you begin the installation of the design, you should read the manufacturer's instructions, which comes with a TV. In addition to it, the kit includes additional items, with which the device connects to the network and other devices. In addition, complete with an embedded design, the manufacturer offers a mounting box that is installed during the repair of the room, and after its completion, the panel is inserted into the box.

Bathroom TV: How to choose and install

Mirror TV in the bathroom

In the process of mounting a wireless embedded device, you should definitely recharge batteries. After connecting an antenna adapter, it will only be closed the cover of the mounting box. Thanks to the autonomous operation of the wireless model, it can be placed anywhere.

The universal model of TV can be set in three ways:

  • put on the movable console;
  • hang on the wall using a bracket;
  • Built into the wall just like wireless TV.

In each of these installation methods, the fastening elements offered by the manufacturer should be used. The removal console can be chosen in the store when buying TV. During the installation of a universal model, a double outlet should be conducted.

Bathroom TV: How to choose and install

TV integrated in the mirror

Producers of moisture resistant devices

The very first moisture-resistant television receivers were released in England. After some time, they became popular in all European countries. And today there are many English manufacturers in the market of such equipment, among which TechVision, West Vision Aquavision, Videotree, besides them, similar goods produced the German company AD NOTAM, as well as Chinese Marinetv. These companies produce up to 23 moisture-resistant television systems from those presented in today's market.

Bathroom TV: How to choose and install

TV in the bathroom

Bathroom TV: How to choose and install

Moisture-resistant TV in the bathroom

Bathroom TV: How to choose and install

Mirror TV in the bathroom

Bathroom TV: How to choose and install

TV in the bathroom

Bathroom TV: How to choose and install

TV in the bathroom

Bathroom TV: How to choose and install

TV integrated in the mirror

Bathroom TV: How to choose and install

TV in the bathroom

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