How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?


Even the most inconspicuous and monotonous interior can be revived by adding only one item. The main thing is that she is unusual and immediately attracted attention. It is not easy to choose only one focus in the interior who is able to completely transform it. However, if you still have a sense of style, the following tips can alleviate this task.

Dilute the interior of flowers

The most effective way to mix accents to the interiors is paints and colors to it. But you need to approach the dilution of colors in the overall palette of design colors, otherwise you can overdo it and make it tasteless and cheap.

The color emphasis of the interior can be any item: furniture, decorative items, textiles, paintings and even color walls. It is enough to put a light blue or pink bedside table in the faddle poor monophonic room, and it is immediately transformed and comes to life. Such a trick can be checked if one-vector blue curtains hang in the same room. The entire appearance of the interior of the room as a whole is changing.

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

A good solution for changing the accent of the room can serve in the pots in pots or a picture on the wall. All these items are able to dilute the total color palette in which the interior of the room is set.

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

It is worth remembering that the color that is added as an accent, should not be the same shade that the color of the surrounding interior.


To decorate inconspicuous and monochrome walls in a house or apartment, you can add special panels to them. They can be bought, but better to do themselves, based on their desires and fantasies. They can be made of wood or polyurethane moldings.

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How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

You can paint one wall entirely in another color or make painting on it, changing it every season of the year.

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

Mirrors and their capabilities

Large mirrors are an excellent opportunity to expand the space, especially in close and small rooms. In addition, the mirrors are able to let in a dwelling much more light, making it more cozy.

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

To expand the space with the mirrors, you need skills and certain skills. It is better to consult with a specialist, or take advantage of its services.

Open cabinets and shelves

Open shelves help get rid of the uncomfortable effect of "emptiness". Even the most ordinary books and the old color globe from childhood are able to change the accents of the room. Folded on the lower open shelves of the cabinet and blankets will make the room more alive.

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

To further focus on the shelves and cabinets, you can paint their back wall into pastel light shades.

Add pictures or panels

Pictures You can choose any sizes. It can be a big picture on the wall or standing on the floor, and may be a kind of collage from small paintings. Another option: to decorate the whole wall with a big panel.

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?


The carpet will first return the feeling of comfort and heat into the design of the room. With them, you can experiment well, combining with the interior. They are different colors, materials and forms. The carpet should not only add an accent to the interior, but also to harmonize with the surrounding.

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

Curtains are able to completely change the appearance of the room

The mood of the interior depends on the color of the curtain. Bright blonde colors are able to remind of bright spring and summer days. The curtains of gentle pastel colors will make the design cozy and intimate. Dark curtains will make the interior more expressive.

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

It is worth noting that the color of the curtains is selected different from the general color in which the interior is set. For example, it should not be brown if the room is light beige shades.

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Even a small spraction of color to the interior is able to completely change its accent. And it is not as simple as it seems. Therefore, you need to approach him with the mind. The main thing is not to overdo it, and then in the award you can get a stylish and beautiful interior.

6 release. Detail about design. Accents in the interior (1 video)

Accents in the interior (14 photos)

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

How with the help of one element to completely change the accompaniment of the room?

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